
The Witch Hunt

-Volume 1: Deities vs. The King- Born in a chaotic world where Witch Hunt serves as the bread and butter to most mortals living in Gilead- whose sole purpose is to kill every living being known to be born with magic powers, correctly known as 'Deities' but mortals prefer to call them as 'Witches'.... A young deity was pre-destined by the supreme deities to kill the tyrant king of the Gilead Empire and to put an end to this Witch Hunt system set by the government. And her name will be... Charm. === -Volume 2: Deities vs. The Pope- Having experienced a near-death situation from the hands of the government itself, eighteen-year-old deity Lianne came to realize how mortals have been deceived by the Church to believe in their lies for them to raise their weapons against their kind... thus making her want to destroy the customs and beliefs set by the Church to convince mortals that they are not what they thought them to be with the help of her newly-found friends along the way... and to bring down the Pope once and for all! *** Author's Note: This book will consist of three volumes (subject for change) Volume 1- Deities vs. The King Volume 2- Deities vs. The Pope Volume 3- Deities vs. Deities (coming soon) Book cover art by: HARURI Discord accnt: AteJanz#0657 Instagram account: ate_janz

AteJanz · Fantasie
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207 Chs

Out of Misty Forest

Charm's POV

It's almost dawn when I got out of bed to prepare the things that me and Baal will need for our journey. Speaking of him, I saw him out of his den already and saw me packing right now.

"Are you feeling better now?" the talking tiger asked with a hint of concern in his tone.

I suddenly paused for a moment, looked at him, and heaved out a sigh.

"I'm fine Baal. Thanks for asking." I answered before continuing to pack our things again.

Yesterday evening, when I got here from the palace, I was crying heavily all night as I was thinking about all of the events that happened at the ball. I started out to be happy with Lance, why did it turn out that way all of a sudden?

Based on Lance and Johanne's reactions, and of all the people's reactions whose there to witness my true identity in the entire hall, I realized that no one can truly accept for who I really am.

Mortals like them will just judge me and hate me because I'm a witch that they are so scared of.

So therefore, it is best to cut my connection with Lance and with other mortals as well. Baal was right. There's no one whom I could trust now except for myself... and Baal.

After I finished packing and checking to see if we already have all that we need for our long trip, me and the talking tiger then started to walk out of the temple with Trash who's happily resting on my shoulders.

According to him, the very first temple that we will be going to is the temple of Deity Roku, which is located on the northern part of Gilead- on a well-known village of Eskimos named as Ziv Village.

I could pretty well use up my fire powers there since I bet it will be so cold in that area.

We were planning to travel by land so that we could arrive fast to our destination. However, that plan was quickly changed when we went to Misty Forest's entrance and exit point.

Numerous soldiers patrolling the area immediately greeted us as soon as we got here so we quickly hid as soon as we could. I know that they are here to capture me, and I'm fully aware that maybe Lance was the one who reported to his own father where to locate me that's why they are here. in the first place.

I heaved out another sigh. There's really no mortal that I could trust at the moment, huh?

"Baal, what do we do?" I whispered to my companion behind this bush we're currently hiding at.

"Don't worry. I know another route that we can take to reach Ziv Village without them knowing. However, that will take us longer to arrive there than travelling to our original route." My face lightened up with his answer.

We silently tip toed our way out of here and followed Baal to wherever he's taking me. We were just walking endlessly until I noticed that we were inside Misty Cave. Confusion was all over me but I decided to remain silent and followed my companion.

"Baal, what are we doing here--woah!"

I was just about to ask my companion here when I suddenly saw this breath-taking view in front of my eyes right now the moment we reached the other end of the cave. The vast fine white sand and the crystal blue ocean made my hands fly over to my mouth in an instant.

Wow! Just wow! I didn't know that there's a hidden paradise on the other end of the Misty Cave! It feels like I suddenly felt like a kid again as I took off my shoes and ran in the white sand, feeling it's rough texture beneath my feet.

"So how do we travel by sea if we don't have a boat or something?" I curiously asked as I looked at the ocean waters. I suddenly realized that I can't swim.

"I have a friend living here who's the guardian animal assigned to guard this area. He'll be the way for us to cross this ocean." he answered.

Eventually, I saw Baal walk its way towards a large rock that is weirdly placed on top of a fine sand. And I almost laughed the moment I saw him start talking to this large rock.

I didn't know he's friendly to rocks-

My eyes widened when I saw that lifeless large rock suddenly ascended, and eventually turned out to be a large tortoise. I gasped at the sight. I'm so sorry if I immediately concluded Baal went nuts for a second back there.

"He's Chico, the guardian animal that I've told you about earlier." Baal introduced his gigantic friend over here as he turned to face me. I remained silent as I'm still stunned by this thing in front of me.

"So, is she the chosen one?" I heard the tortoise speak for the very first time in his deep, raspy voice.

"Yes." Baal answered.

I then saw the tortoise slowly turn it's head to face me, slightly bowing it in the process.

"It is my pleasure to finally meet you and to serve you." His formal tone as he speaks makes me feel awkward right now so I wasn't able to respond immediately.

"Charm." I finally introduced myself when I was able to find my strength to do so.

So after that awkward introduction, me and Baal both climbed up on it's back. When he made sure that we were already settled, Chico then slowly made its way towards the shore... and the next thing I knew, we are now travelling to the vast waters of the ocean.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe it!" I screamed, feeling nervous and excited at the same time as I looked at my surroundings which are filled with nothing but water.

"I'm finally having the experience to travel by sea. Woohoo!" I added while swinging both of my hands in the air for a split second.

"Oh come on, calm down will you?" Baal then decides to ruin my moment. "This is just only the beginning."

I became silent after what he just said. Yeah sure, I'm completely aware that this is just the beginning, there's no arguing with that. And I suddenly felt a pang of anxiousness...

What if I fail this mission? What if I fail the supreme deities, and all of those people hoping for this Witch Hunt to end?

"You are thinking again of something negative, aren't you?" Baal breaks into my train of thoughts.

"No I'm not!" But then I saw him narrowing his ferocious-looking golden eyes on me and then I sighed. "Yes."

"Just remember what I said. Believe in yourself for all things to work." I heard him say.

I looked into the sky as I processed his words in this negative brain of mine. Maybe he's right. Just as this sun shines brightly in the sky, I gotta keep my hopes up and let it shine my way towards my goal.

And that is to end the Witch Hunt system in the whole land of Gilead.

Hi! It took me a while to update. Reviews are always welcome for me to improve. Happy reading :)

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