
The Werewolf Nextdoor: The 9th Cycle

Highschool can be the places that change you forever, but when Karto moves into a new town that is home to a well-known school, he finds something there that is kept secret from the outside world that will change him for the foreseeable future. Or is his reality fake?....

Karto_Trak · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Chapter 0 - Prologue

When it comes to the supernatural I tend to laugh at the mention of it. Not to mention legends and myths. Pha! That would've been what I had said until I reached my freshmen year of highschool.

My foster parents gave me a choice on the highschool I wanted to go to. I choose the hardest and most prestigious highschool in the Northern Hemisphere, Timber Hills High. On the school website it stated that any student with extraordinary abilities are welcome. The interesting thing was that the school was very similar to a college or university. It mentioned dorms which were not seperated like most which I found odd. It was located farther upstate which was perfect because I didn't care for the city that much.

I got accepted and sent all information they requested and made the five hour drive with my foster family.

"Now are you absolutely sure you have everything kid?" my foster father asked.

I nodded, "Yes, Sir I do."

"Feel free to give me- I mean us updates." my foster mother stammered. She cared about me more than Father. I embraced her and said,

"I will keep in touch. Are u guys sure you don't want to see the house? After all you did pay for it."

"Boy, the house was nothing we don't plan on living in it."

"Ok..." I replied raising an eyebrow.

"It's also a walk from school. We know how much you enjoy walking." Mother spoke cheerfully, "And we had it furnished with a few peices to get you started."

"Thank you!" I was grateful, this was the most they had given me in my life. Living on my own at sixteen was a bit exciting. I knew they wanted to head back for home so I said my farewells, " Well I guess I should let you head home then. Love you guys!"

"Love you too! Bye Karto!!" Mother called out as she left in the car with her husband. I waved goodbye. I was going to miss her. I picked up my backpack and suitcase and walked up the stairs to my new home. And just as I was going to put the key in the lock a quite voice squeaked, "Uhmm... Hello?..