
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 46

In the octagonal pavilion near Xiaoming Lake, Tang Qiang wiped a blood stain from his mouth: "I'm fine. I just tried to feel the ancient war, but I was hit by the Taoist idea on the stele and was injured. I didn't expect that the Taoist idea of the Heavenly Way Stele would last for thousands of years and still be so fierce."

Wei Tianchong looked at him incredulously and said, "What did you say about the Heavenly Way just now? Can't it be that you realized the way at that moment?"

Tang Jae laughed loudly: "Wudao, Wudao, that is to say, you have to understand something before you can understand. Young master, do you think I can understand something?"

Wei Tianchong touched his head and said, "That's right. I don't see any change in you. Besides, the cultivation of the magic arts, the magic powers, and the Tao in the immortal world. Since the Tao is the highest state, it should be gradually promoted. There is no reason why you should enter the Tao first before the cultivation of the immortal law."

He is right in saying this. The Tao is not a matter of understanding. Without the corresponding strength to understand the Tao, it is like a primary school student who can understand every word of international current affairs, but does not understand its meaning.

However, he did not know that Tang Zhai was not a Taoist but a Taoist.

The way of heaven is impermanent, which is invisible to ordinary people. Only by chance can we see how the way of heaven works.

If we say that enlightenment is about reading and literacy, then observing the Tao is the introduction. Only observing the Tao first can we further understand the Tao, and the introduction itself is unconditional.

Tang Zhai inadvertently saw the operation of the Heavenly Way. Although it was just a glimpse, he was deeply impressed by the boundless meaning. At that moment, he at least knew what the Heavenly Way was, and had a most intuitive impression of it. But this impression was not a heavenly way that could be described and imagined at all. It was a feeling that was deep in the body and mind. It could only be understood but not explained!

With this feeling, when he arrives at the state and the opportunity comes, he will realize the Tao.

Although he still doesn't know what the use is for him, he knows that this is probably an adventure, and it is on the edge of Xianjia Avenue.

Unfortunately, when he looked at the Heavenly Way Monument again, he did not have the thrilling feeling he had before. He knew that there was only one chance, and it would be a pity if it passed.

"But how do you know that?" Fortunately, Wei Tianchong took the initiative to change the topic.

Tang Jie waited for him to say this. Hearing Wei Tianchong's question, he smiled and said, "I have read more books, so I will understand."

He shook the book in his hand.

Wei Tianchong could see clearly that Tang Jao was holding a copy of Disciple Rules, and he couldn't help shaking his head: "What's good about this?"

Tang Jie replied, "Young master misunderstood. This book in my hand is not an ordinary disciple rule, but a disciple rule of Xiyue Academy. It's all about the rules to follow after entering the college. I asked my wife to ask the eldest young master to send it to me a few days ago."

"My mother buys books for you?" Hearing this, Wei Tianchong was very curious: "Didn't you know these things when you went to the college? Why did you have to go all the way to buy them? Or did you entrust my brother to buy them for you?"

"It is important to know the rules and not exceed them. Young master, you should not underestimate the rules of the Moon Washing Academy. Although there are not many rules, each one needs to be understood one by one. It seems that there are only a thousand words, but it needs to be read carefully and pondered over. These days, I have read each of these rules hundreds of times, which can be said to be familiar. If I go to the Academy to understand them, I will have no time to study them like this. "

"And why?" This time, Shimeng did not understand some of the rules of the college? Why so much attention.

Tang Jie smiled and sat down on the bench at the corner of the pavilion, Look at Xiaoming Lake: "Young master, you can see that every year after entering the college, the freshmen will get 100 points. These 100 points are the basis for our future life in the college. If we make mistakes in our career, the immortals in the college will deduct points according to their performance. Once the 100 points are deducted, they will be expelled from the college immediately, even if you are an unparalleled genius and have nine turns in the door. Therefore, you can not rest easy after entering the college. If you do If you are not good enough to be expelled, the quota will be wasted. The young master, do you think this rule is important? "

Hearing this, Wei Tianchong was shocked: "Nobody really told me about this. How did you know?"

"I didn't know it until I saw Disciple Gui."

"Then you learned later. Why did you want to see Disciple Gui?" Wei Tianchong doesn't understand the causal relationship.

Tang Jai had already replied, "Because even without the rule of 100 points, I would also pay attention to the rules of the Moon Baptist Academy! It's not good to go to a new place and not understand the rules there. Just like we are servants around you, don't we have to understand the rules to do things?"

Hearing this, Wei Tian burst into a shy smile: "I don't know this, but I just heard that the Xiuxian world is cruel, and the weak eat the strong, and fight with each other. The one who has the biggest fist is the boss, so rules are not important."

Tang Jae laughed and thought that this is certainly a world of the jungle. Do you think that if you tie me to a tree and whip me, it is not a world of the jungle? Shimo's death is not the law of the jungle? Must we shout that those who oppose us will die before we call the law of the jungle?

His mouth can only say: "The Immortal Cultivation World is indeed a place of fierce competition. It's a common thing to fight to the death, but it depends on when and what the situation is. In fact, there are two kinds of cruel competition. One is the struggle in troubled times. At that time, we can say that everything is red/naked fist as the king. Looking back, it is all killing. That means that the real one who has the biggest fist is the king. The other is the struggle for world governance. Cruelty is the essence, but it is not superficial Home is polite. "

Speaking of this, Tang Jiexiao said: "In today's Qixia world, the six major sects rule the world for the Great Rule. In this great rule world, no matter how cruel you are, you must have a warm appearance. Even if you kill people, they will say a word to send you on the road, which is polite. So it is said that the law is that the weak eat the weak, and the big fist is the rule. Although this kind of thing exists, it will only flow in the dark, probably that is, those small sects regard it as Guigao, and hold it to the bright side The moon washing pie is absolutely not allowed. "

"Then why are small sects worshipped as Guigao, and the Moon Washing Sect is absolutely forbidden?"

"Because the Moon Baptists are the ruling party... Well, they are the ones in power. For the general trend party, rules are the basic means for them to govern the world. If there are no rules, they can't govern. Only those in the opposition... those small sects with no power and no power will think about breaking the rules all day long, because for them, only subversion can give them a chance. So it is not for no reason that the big faction is conservative and the small faction is enterprising. Of course, this is enterprising It's another matter what will happen to the original school. The big faction is disciplined, while the small faction naturally wants the law of the jungle, and the winner is king. If the big sects pay attention to the law of the jungle, then most of the small sects should put people first and govern the world economically. If you want to subvert the regime, you must subvert the mind. Only when the mind changes, the direction of the fist will change... No matter what era or world, this will not change. " Tang Qiang said leisurely.

"As for the Moon Baptists, they are at the top of the literary mind. They set their own laws and govern the world remotely, which violates their rules. That is, they touch the interests of the Moon Baptists, offend the authority of the Moon Baptists, and challenge the position of the Moon Baptists. Therefore, the Moon Baptists attach great importance to talents, but pay more attention to rules. If you think that you can ignore the rules of the Academy only by overflowing with talents, you are very wrong. How many talents are because you look too high and ignore the rules Ju was expelled directly by the Xiyue College. "

Speaking of this, Tang Jie smiled: "Well, there is a rule in the Xiyue College that if you fail to arrive at the college on time at the beginning of school, you will be fined ten percent if you are late for one day, and ten days if you are late for ten days... Hey hey, you can go back from where you came from, no matter who intercedes!"

Wei Tian changes his face and finally understands why Tang Jie told him this.

If he is late for many days because of his sightseeing, he will be expelled if he does not enter the college. Let his mother know that his son is the first person to be expelled from the college this year, and he may be killed alive!  

At the thought of this, Wei Tianchong's scalp became numb.

He scratched his head and said, "Well, I know. After today, let's make a good trip. I won't be late."

"The young master is reasonable." Tang Jie answered with a smile.

Wei Tianchong said angrily, "Well, according to your opinion, as long as my points are not deducted completely, I can become a moon washing disciple?"

Tang Jie still shook his head: "The Moon Baptist College enrolls 1500 students every year, but do you know how many can really join the Moon Baptist School?"

"... a thousand?"

Tang Jie shook his head.

"The five hundred?"

The Tang Dynasty still shook its head.

"There won't be only a hundred, will there?" Wei Tianchong's heart is cold.

Of the 1500, only 100 people can join the sect, which is one in 15, which is too small.

Tang Jie chuckled, "Ten."

"Huh?" Wei Tianchong and Shimeng are about to drop their chins.

The Tang Dynasty robber added, "At most ten, we'd rather be short than excessive!"

"Why are there so few?" Wei Tianchong is shocked.

Tang Jie replied, "There are five types of students in Xiyue College. The worst one is those who are expelled from the college because their points are deducted. Because they are expelled from the college, they are not allowed to be called Xiyue students outside, so they can only be called abandoned students, that is, abandoned students. There are about one or two hundred such people every year, so the rules of Xiyue College are not so easy to follow."

"The second type is the students who retain their points but fail to enter the seclusion. They are called donators, because they take some money to visit the college and leave again, so they are jokingly called donators. There are many such people, who cannot enter the seclusion due to their qualifications, and there are hundreds of them every year, that is to say, half of them are donators and abandoned."

"The third type of nature is to retain the points and successfully enter the realm of seclusion. At this time, the Moon Baptists admitted that they were students of the Moon Baptist Academy, but they were just students, just like teachers who opened a wide range of courses. They were simply teaching, and there was no direct relationship between teachers and apprentices. In addition, the students we just entered were also called students. Whether they were going up or down or retained in the future depends on their own development."

"The fourth category is to select excellent people from the third category. They are elites. The Moon Baptist Sect recognizes their status and can enter outside schools, so they are called disciples or eugenics. There are about 100 such people every year. If you count them as disciples of the Moon Baptist, you can count them as barely."

"The fifth kind is to select the best ten people from the sect to enter the Moon Washing Sect and teach the supreme immortal method. That is the real Moon Washing Disciple, who is an inner sect."

"In addition to these five categories, there is actually another one, which is to gather all the inner disciples within a certain number of years and select them once again. The number of such disciples is uncertain, and the time is also uncertain. The one who is selected is the elite who will hopefully become the disciple of Zifu Zhenjun and even the powerful in Sendai. This kind of disciple is called Zhenchuan, but it is not in the five categories."

"Abandonment, donation, student, disciple, these are the five categories of students in Xiyue College. If you meet someone in the future, you will know who the other person is. Of course, you can't expect them to call themselves, and different levels are different treatments. You should not be careless if you come here to achieve something."

Hearing this, Wei Tianchong was stunned: "Why does it sound more difficult than my servant selection?"

So you know it's not easy to choose servants in your family?

Tang Jie was slandered, but he still smiled on his face: "It's natural. The Moon Washing Academy is not a place where you can stay at ease once you enter it. Many people think that entering the Academy is just like entering the Immortal Sect. That's a big mistake. The road behind is still long."

Entering the college is just a qualification for entering Xianmen.

If Zhenchuan is the champion and its disciples are the top ten, then becoming a student is the top 40, becoming a student is the second round, donating students is the first round, and enrollment is just an audition.

As for abandoning life, it is called breaking the rules halfway and depriving the right to compete.

The immortal road is long, and it is difficult to open the immortal gate. Just to enter the immortal gate, you have to pass five passes and kill six generals. Does that mean you can enter?

When Wei Tianchong thought that only ten of the 1500 students had disciples, he shook his head and said, "I don't think I have much hope. I'd better try my best to become a disciple. However, there are only a hundred students. If I were a student, my mother would not scold me, would you? At least the college recognizes the student."

His ambition now is to meet his mother's wishes, at least not to be beaten. As for how his mother can beat him even after he has repaired the empress, that's unthinkable.

Tang Jae laughed and said, "My wife's expectation of the young master is really only for students. You can do your job as a student. But..."

His voice was so long that Wei Tianchong shivered: "But what?"

"But I made an evil wish to the master and his wife at the beginning. The young master is not free from worldly affairs, and the Tang Dynasty robber is not free from servants. The young master is not free from worldly affairs, and the Tang Dynasty robber is not free from citizenship. It's just a student, and it's still too far from the heaven!"

"What?" Wei Tian rushed to his feet and pointed at Tang Robber and shouted, "You... you... you... you want me to become a disciple?"

"Although the possibility of becoming a disciple of the sect is much higher, it is not safe after all... So what I want young master to become is not a disciple of the sect, but a formal disciple of the sect, ranking in the top ten!" Tang Jie said seriously.

Wei Tian's eyes turned pale and he almost fainted.

This guy even made himself the absolute elite of 1/150 of 1500 people. Is he kidding?

Wei Tianchong actually said that he was a little arrogant. However, he was so arrogant that he didn't think he could become the leader of a thousand people. At this moment, Tang Zao said that he was very scared and shouted: "Don't even think about it. I'm not interested in fighting for the top ten disciples."

"That's it!" Shimeng also called out: "What's the truth that I can't do the job of your wife, but I can't do the job of Tang Jie? The young master is the young master, and you are the servant. Why do you want the young master to become one of the top ten disciples?"

Tang Robber Stalker: "Why are you so excited? It seems that I want to kill the young master. Don't I do it for the young master? Ten disciples, how many people want to achieve that."

"You're right. Do you want the young master to become a disciple? You'd better see if you can be a disciple first?" Shimeng has shouted.

This made Wei Tianchong wake up from a dream: "Yes, yes, Tang Jie, you should look at yourself first. When you have the ability to become a disciple, you can think about me. If you can become a true disciple, I can enter the inner door!"

Tang Jae laughed and said, "I'm not sure about the true story, but it's not difficult for me to become a formal inner disciple... If I want to enter the Moon Baptist Sect, I will enter it immediately."

Wei Tianchong and Shimeng look at each other, then laugh together, pointing at Tang Jai.

"Just blow it!" Wei Tian burst into laughter: "If you want to go to the Moon Baptist Sect, why do you come to my house? Just go to the Moon Baptist Academy? Let's go to the Dream Baptist School instead of talking nonsense with him."

He said he had returned to the carriage first. Anyway, it's not fun to deduct points for being late. It's better to get on the road early and arrive early.

"That's right. Why do you say you want to be successful? It's a big nonsense!" Shimeng also left a sentence and rushed away with Wei Tian.

Looking at Xiaoming Lake in front of him, Tang Jie's eyes showed a smile.

He whispered to himself, "Why... just call me Tang Jie!"