
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Eastern
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70 Chs

Chapter 45

Wenxin Country covers an area of about 5 million square kilometers. Its territory is long from north to south and narrow from east to west. It basically covers the eastern part of the whole Qixia continent. From the shape of its territory, it looks like an angry daughter-in-law squeezed in the corner.

Canglong Mansion is located at the foot of the little daughter-in-law, while Wanquan City, the capital of Wenxin Country, is located at the breast of the little daughter-in-law. It takes three months to reach it after climbing north from the foot to the breast, passing through more than 30 cities in seven states and more than 2000 kilometers.

In this long journey, the beautiful scenery of beautiful rivers and mountains has become the only way to relieve loneliness.

Wei Tianchong and Shimeng are both going away for the first time, so they are very excited. They should have a good trip every time they arrive. Finally, his wife knows his temperament and arranges everyone to go out early, giving him enough time to play.

Tang Jieze spent most of his time reading in the car.

He read many books, including "The Way of Human Relations", a book about the road of human relations, essays and essays like "Heart Language Collection", a travel guide like "Zhang Zimo's Journey to Wenxin", and fairy tales like "The Legend of Sword Immortals". In his package, in addition to replacing clothes and the two potted flowers, most of them are these books.

Today, Tang Jie was reading in his car when his car suddenly shook and stopped moving.

Opening the car curtain, Tang Jie saw a middle-aged man in his forties coming towards him.

"Steward Zhang, what's the matter?" Tang Qiang shouted.

Steward Zhang Yuan, named Zhang Yuan, is one of the stewards in the outer room of the Wei House. He is mainly responsible for the caravan of the Wei Family. He has been around for many years and has rich experience. In order to ensure road safety, Zheng Shufeng sent him to take charge of the motorcade for young master's entrance, so he is responsible for most of the affairs of the motorcade.

"What else can I do?" Steward Zhang came over with a sigh: "Tang Jie, you have to help me to persuade the young master. How many roads have you taken? It takes three stops a day. It doesn't mean you have to get off for a walk when you are depressed, or you have to go for a walk when you see a beautiful restaurant, or you have heard that a restaurant is famous and you want to have a meal. This is not the case. When you just arrived at Xiaoming Lake, the young master heard that the scenery of Xiaoming Lake is good. There are often ancient and modern talents left calligraphy treasures here, so he said he would go to look at the predecessors' calligraphy and go boating along the lake. Too I have been given a ten day grace period, but I don't think it's enough to give me another twenty days. I'm afraid we won't get to Wanquan City in autumn! "

Hearing this, Tang Jai also laughed: "You can't help telling him about Xiaoming Lake. You don't know his temperament. Once you hear about eating and playing, how can he not join in the fun?"

Steward Zhang replied with a bitter face, "I can't tell him this, but he has eyes and can hear and see. I can't stop him from asking around. You'd better go and persuade the young master, so he can listen to you!"

After the ink service incident, Wei Tianchong learned that Tang Robber saved himself, so he was polite to him. Later, when he learned that I had given Tang Robber the family law, he was more reluctant to offend Tang Robber. Because of this, he spent most of the time on the road shouting to accompany himself.

Hearing Manager Zhang's complaint, Tang Jie thought for a moment and said, "Where is he now?"

"Isn't it right at the front pavilion to enjoy the Heavenly Way Stele inscribed by Zhang Shuhan? He may not even know who Zhang Shuhan is. What can he appreciate?" Steward Zhang beat his head and sighed.

Tang Jie also smiled: "OK, I'll go to find him... I have to talk to him."

In the octagonal pavilion near Xiaoming Lake, Wei Tianchong is looking at a stone tablet that is more than ten feet tall.

Now Wei Tianchong's body has obviously developed and shaped. He is nearly the average height. He is wearing a brocade scholar's shirt, with the Eight Treasures Ruyi Tapes tied behind his head and a folding fan made by Baoqing Hall in his hand. Although he is a little fat, he is also a handsome man.

In this moment, he saw three characters carved on the stone tablet:

Heavenly Way Rules!

At the bottom of the three characters of Tiandaoku, there are also eight characters: the evil is to ward off changes, and all evils are to bow down.

Wei Tianchong looked at these words carefully and nodded: "Good character, good one for evil spirits to ward off changes, and all evils bow down. Shimeng, you can see that the calligraphy is majestic and awe inspiring. The strokes are moving like dragons and flying like dragons. It's really a good character, a good word!"

Compared with the past, at least now Wei Tianchong has been able to pile up several idioms.

"That's right. Zhang Shuhan's generation of calligraphers. Xiaoming Lake is famous today. Half of them rely on the inscription on the Tiandao Stele. Every year, many scholars and writers come here to pay their respects. It would be a pity if we didn't pay close attention to it if we passed by today." The next door Shimeng said.

Just as Tang Jai came over, he smiled and shook his head when he heard this. As he entered the pavilion, he said, "Although Zhang Shuhan is a calligrapher of a generation, the eight character comment of the young master is used on him in the wrong place."

"Eh? What does that mean?" Wei Tianchong is puzzled.

Tang Jai came over and stood side by side with Wei Tianchong. He looked at the Tiandao Monument in front of him, looked at the evil spirit and said, "Young master, do you know who Zhang Shuhan is?"

Wei Tianchong replied, "Isn't it the former minister of the Right Division who studied in the Imperial Academy?"

"So the young master knows something." Tang Jie laughed.

"Cut, do you really think I'm ignorant?" Wei Tian sticks out his nose.

Compared with the ever young teenagers, with the growth of age, Wei Tianchong, who is already 16 years old, really knows a lot. At least he will not make those mistakes again.

"Does the young master know what Zhang Shuhan did later? Why did he write this Tiandao Stele? And why is it called Tiandao Stele?" Tang Jie asked again.

Wei Tian opened his mouth and squeezed out for a long time: "Nothing in the book."

Hearing this, Tang Jae burst into laughter.

Wei Tian flushed with his smile and said, "You know what you mean."

Tang Jie had already replied, "Zhang Shuhan has gone to cultivate immortals."

"Huh?" As soon as this was said, Wei Tianchong and Shi Meng spoke in surprise.

"Yes, Zhang Shuhan has gone to cultivate immortals!" Tang Zao repeated this sentence again: "In those years, Zhang Shuhan followed the rule of literature because he believed that it was not a civilian official to govern the country and Wu Anbang. He wanted to ensure the well-being of all the people. But after 20 years of ups and downs in the official career, he saw the ups and downs of the world, and finally found that the so-called rule of literature was a bubble. Finally, he resolutely abandoned his official position and joined the immortal family... At that time, he was more than 50 years old."

"The old man still cultivates immortals? Isn't it said that young people have the best muscles and bones, and it's hard to achieve good results in their twilight years?" Shimeng asked in surprise.

"Yes, but that's what he did, and he not only did it, but also made great achievements. Do you know how far he ended up?"

"To what extent?" They asked together.

"God!" Tang Jie said two words.

This surprised Wei Tianchong and Shimeng at the same time: "Zhang Dao Tianzun?"

Heavenly Lord, that is a more terrifying existence than Zifu Zhenjun, between Zifu and Sendai, and to some extent, even less than Sendai.

Because the Heavenly Lord has nothing to do with the realm, you need to enter the Tao to be honored.

As a god, to some extent, it is no longer backward to Sendai.

"It is not to master the Tao, but to enter the Tao! There are different levels of understanding of the Tao for practitioners, including understanding the Tao, entering the Tao, and mastering the Tao. Their meanings are completely different." Tang Jiesolemnly corrected: "The Heavenly Leader is just the name of ignorant mortals. In fact, as long as we can have a certain degree of enlightenment, we can be called Heavenly Leader. We will all be students of Xiyue College in the future, so don't make such professional mistakes again."

"What is the palm path?" Wei Tianchong asks curiously.

"Then I don't know. To be honest, I can't even tell the difference between the three. It's said that there are levels in addition to these three. I don't know what else and how much." Tang Jie answered.

When Xu Muyang told him about the realm of cultivating immortals, he talked about that the aisle was the highest realm that the cultivator pursued in his life, but what the Tao was, let alone Tang Dynasty, is that Xu Muyang may not understand it. He only knew that the highest realm of the Tao was to master the Tao, but how to be a master of the Tao, and whether there was anyone to master the Tao. Anyway, he had never seen or even heard of it.

"Although Zhang Shuhan still can't master the Tao, it is certain that Zhang Shuhan has entered the Tao. He became famous in calligraphy in his early years, and became more famous in the Tao after cultivating immortals. The eight methods of killing evil spirits waved Fang Qiu, so that all evil spirits in the world would give him the lead and retreat. Do you know what the eight methods of killing evil spirits are?"

Wei Tian turned his eyes and pointed to the eight characters on the Tiandao Stele: "Isn't that the eight characters?"

"That's right. It's the eight characters of evil spirits and all evils bow down." Tang Zao affirmed: "When Zhang Shuhan faced the enemy, he only needed to write these eight words of truth. No matter how many evil spirits were killed, he had boundless power. But unfortunately, he fell down before he could enter Sendai. If he had not fallen, you think we could cry one by one now? That would be called the Heavenly Lord to kill evil spirits or the Heavenly Lord Zhang!"

"But who can kill him? Even the power of Sendai may not be able to do that, right?"

Tang Jae smiled. He pointed to the tablet with his chin: "Who else can it be?"

Wei Tianchong and Shimeng looked at each other and cried out together: "The way of heaven?"

"Yes, it's the way of heaven! The way of heaven is merciless, and it's a copper stove in the troubled times. Zhang Shuhan lived in an era when all the immortal sects were in a tumultuous war. At that time, the people were living in poverty. Zhang Shuhan was intent on saving the world, but he was unable to return to heaven. He wrote in a hurry to point to the way of heaven. He tried to kill the way of heaven as the leader of all evils, and he tried to kill the way of heaven and save the relationship between people. The end of his life is self-evident."

It is a challenge to the whole world, not even Qixia, but the whole universe!

Although Wei Tianchong and Shi Meng couldn't imagine how such a battle could exist, they were still stunned by Zhang Shuhan's big hand.

It's like an ant wielding a knife at an elephant!

"Then the Heavenly Way Stele..." Shi Meng asked.

"It is said that the Heavenly Way Monument was written by Zhang Shuhan when he tried to suppress the Heavenly Way with the eight methods of killing evil. As you can see, the Heavenly Way Monument is now at the top and the eight methods are at the bottom... The eight methods of killing evil are actually suppressed by the Heavenly Way. Despite this, Zhang Shuhan's once written meaning of the Heavenly Way Monument remains on it, attracting countless generations to observe it, and even some people understand it. Although you can see that the Heavenly Way Monument is here now, it is actually deeply rooted It can be damaged and nobody can move it. In order to dominate the Tiandao Stele, there have been countless murders here, which created this blessed land. But later, people found that it was too difficult to realize Taoism through the Celestial Way Stele, and it was impossible to dominate alone. Gradually, they stopped thinking about it and left it here for fate. So every year, a large number of immortals come here to pay their respects, and some ignorant mortals also follow their example. Gradually, this once important treasure of the immortal family has become a scenic spot in the eyes of tourists and poets. The world only knows Zhang Shuhan, but does not know how to kill the evil God. "

Speaking of this, Tang Jie chuckled: "Zhang Shuhan's calligraphy has long since stopped pursuing calligraphy itself in the later period. What he pays attention to is that he is upright and awe inspiring. He kills evil and suppresses evil. His strokes are vast and infinite. Even a glance is fascinating. So his words are sonorous and powerful. They are not mellow but full of fighting and fighting. The young master uses his pen to describe the immortal's calligraphy. In fact, he uses the ordinary calligraphy to describe the immortal's calligraphy, which is to belittle Zhang Shuhan. You should know that even the real dragon He should bow before Zhang Shuhan when he is alive. If he were alive, he would not like this evaluation. "

Wei Tianchong blushed and said, "How can I know this? I just want to look at the character..."

Tang Robbery Youyou Road: "Calligraphy, cultural relics and historic sites are all things that need to be understood before you can read them. If you don't understand the history of the Heavenly Way Monument, you can't understand its meaning if you just look at it. If you don't understand its meaning, the Heavenly Way Monument is at best a stone tablet with words written on it, and it's meaningless to look at it again. But when you understand the history behind it, when you see this word, you will think that there was once a hero who wrote with all his might The appearance of. You can imagine how angry he was, how brave he was to challenge the sky, and how tragically he died in the end... You can feel his mood, his helplessness, and his pain. You stand here, in front of a stone tablet, as if standing in the past time and space, watching the history happen in front of your eyes... "

Tang Zao said quietly. Looking at the stone tablet that day, Zhang Shuhan had written a book to kill evil and suppress the law of heaven. He seemed to see the evil people on the stone tablet, and the eight golden characters of "all evils bow down" flashed the most brilliant light in the sky, and rushed to the sky with endless killing and anger.

Then he saw that the clouds in the sky were broken, and a huge image appeared, but in the slow movement, the sky was shining.

The character of evil was so small in front of the divine light of heaven and earth that it was overthrown in a roar and disintegrated into invisibility. At the same time, a figure disintegrated in the sky

"Ah!" Tang Jie cried out and stepped back abruptly. A mouthful of blood almost gushed out, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Tang plunder!" Wei Tianchong is frightened by Tang Qiang and shouts out.

Looking at Tang Jai again, he saw his eyes flash away and just stared at the Heavenly Way Monument.