
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 37

I'm curious about my new home. For her, many things in the human world are so fresh that she needs to touch everything.

An inkstone attracted her attention. She walked over and climbed onto the inkstone to look left and right. She accidentally fell into the ink pool and came out black.

Tang Jie laughed and got angry. He shook his head. The next moment, the whole room was filled with ink.

"Well, you're cruel!" Looking at the room full of black spots, Tang Jie, who was speechless, took the little guy out of the inkstone and was about to fetch water for her to take a bath, only to see that the little guy just waved his hand. All the ink in his body had automatically dissipated, leaving only a white, tender and lovely little face. He looked at Tang Jie with a smile.

"Although the combat effectiveness is poor, there are a lot of tricks." Tang Jie touched her face and said with a smile, "I'll call you Yiyi in the future, OK?"

When the little thing heard that he had a name, he flipped excitedly and nodded repeatedly.

"Well, stay here honestly." Tang Jie said and went out.

"Yee Yee!" Seeing that Tang Jie was going to leave, Yiyi cried out urgently.

Tang Jie said with a smile: "don't worry. I'm not leaving. I'm just going to make a nest for you. I guess you don't like living in a flowerpot honestly."

A moment later, Tang Jia came into the room with a big piece of wood in his arms.

He hollowed out the wood, stuffed it with cotton, sewed a small pillow and quilt with cloth, and hung a curtain at the entrance of the cave, thus forming a small wooden house.

After patting the quilt, Tang Jie said, "well, from now on, this is your nest. You can sleep here if you have nothing to do. When I'm away, you can play in the house, but you can't go out casually. If someone comes, you have to stay in the flowerpot as flowers, and no one can find you, you know?"

The little guy nodded and turned into a small white flower, standing quietly in the basin.

"That's it!" Tang Jia said with a smile.

At the next moment, the little thing had changed back into a human shape, and jumped into Tang Jie's arms and became intimate with him.

After playing for a while, the little guy seemed to be tired and slept in the palm of Tang Jie's hand. Tang Jie carefully put the green calyx into the hut and covered her with a quilt.

Then Tang Jia sat alone beside the bed and began to reflect on what had happened.

When he first met green calyx, Tang Jiaguang thought of coaxing her. When he really got her, Tang Jiaguang realized that with the appearance of this little thing, there might be a lot of trouble behind.

After carefully sorting out the possible problems, Tang Jia began to think about them in his mind and gradually came up with an idea. Seeing that it was getting late, Tang Jia looked at the sleeping boy, said "good night" softly, and then went to sleep.

The next morning, Tang Jie got up early. After finishing his work in the garden, Tang Jie found some old roots and began to cut them with a knife. After removing the redundant branches and leaves, Tang Jie began to carve them one by one.

A waiter was curious and asked Tang Jie what he was doing. Tang Jie replied to the root carving.

The days of relying on gardening to attract attention have been long. Wei Tianchong's interest in gardening is not as high as it used to be. Now the Tang Dynasty plans to use this carving to attract Wei Tianchong's attention again.

But the most important thing is that with this famous root carving, you can move a lot of wood into your own house after the Tang Dynasty robbery, so that you can cover up the nest made for small things and make it less abrupt. Although it is said that few guests come to Tangjie's cabin, we must be careful of accidents, and this will help Tangjie to enter school in the future.

After going to the college, Tang Jie can't be a gardener anymore, which means that he will lose his position where he is good at, so Tang Jie must find a way out for himself again.

Root carving is a good choice. It can be used wherever you go. Digging a few pieces of wood is the material.

If you do it well, you can sell some money to supplement your family. If you do it well, you can also give it as a gift. People with special skills are always more popular.

In addition, root carving is also useful for cultivating immortality. In the cultivation of immortality, there is a miscellaneous art called puppetry. Through the cooperation of puppet making and training array, mechanism people with fighting ability are formed, and carving is used.

In fact, art has always had practical value in the cultivation of immortality. Whether it is calligraphy, painting, sound or carving, it can find a place to give play to its value in the cultivation of immortality.

For example, Xu Muyang painted a horse with a few strokes and then used magic to make it survive, which reflected his exquisite painting skills.

If you can't even paint well, it's just a joke to paint a horse like a donkey, even if it survives.

As for the characters, they are also the basic requirements for drawing characters. If you write a legal character, the characters on it will be distorted and appear out of thin air. A grinning "kill" character, I'm afraid it will laugh off people's big teeth before the effect is played.

Therefore, in the colleges set up by the major immortal sects, in addition to the basic fairy arts, there are also contents about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, which have practical significance -- there are all kinds of goods in the world of cultivating immortals, that is, there are no illiterates.

Tang Jia spent more than a year in the Wei mansion. Except for Chen Dao, he practiced writing and painting when he had nothing to do. He didn't ask for amazing accomplishments, but at least wanted to be neat and decent. It is said that some students of the college could not graduate even after they entered Xianmen because of their poor liberal arts.

Tang Jiake doesn't want to graduate because of the ugly characters.

As for the present root carving, the Tang Dynasty robbery is for the sake of learning puppetry in the future, and also for the purpose of integrating your knowledge of the array into it.

In fact, array Tao is a wide-ranging knowledge. In addition to military array and mountain guarding array, almost all of them need to use arrays for alchemy, weapon making and puppet mechanisms, except for different directional characteristics.

Xu Muyang is mainly good at Tiandi array. He is not very good at other types, but the truth is the same. He can learn and study the Tang Dynasty robbery by himself.

Tang Jia is not interested in puppetry, but the basic carving ability he needs is the only thing that has something to do with gardening at present. Other things, such as practicing calligraphy and painting, have nothing to do with gardening. If he wants to do this at work, the Wei family will never praise him for his ambition.

In addition, puppetry and the science and technology system of later generations are also relatively similar in form. For the Tang Dynasty, this means that there may be more development possibilities in this respect.

Although he can't carve roots now, he still has two years to go before he enters school. Two years is enough for him to master the craft.

The new pattern really attracted Wei Tianchong's attention again. There are stone carvings in Qixia, but root carvings are rare.

Watching Tang Jie twiddle the tree trunks full of roots and make shapes, Wei Tianchong felt fresh and even picked up an old tree root to learn.

Tang Jie taught him how to deal with these roots.

Unlike stone carvings, root carvings have higher requirements on material selection. Carvers need to skillfully use the natural form of the material itself to make them. They pay attention to "three parts of labor, seven parts of heaven". In addition, the real root carving pursues strange shapes. Generally speaking, the roots grown in the plains are rich in nutrients, grow fast, and have loose wood fibers, which makes it difficult to form strange shapes. Only the root materials that grow in harsh environments, such as those that grow in the back of the sun or in the rock crevices of cliffs, and survive tenaciously after being cleaved by thunder, burned by fire, eroded by ants, crushed by stones, trampled by people, and chopped by knives, do not gradually deform due to lack of light, soil, water, and nutrients. In addition, even before engraving, the materials need to be processed.

However, Tang Jia's pursuit is not art but practicality, so he doesn't need to care about all these. In his eyes, the root carving is "seven parts artificial and three parts natural".

Art stresses weird shapes and rich imagination, while puppets stress realistic simulation and reserve space for array carving. The two are similar in shape but different in quality.

But no matter which one, it is not easy to do.

Sculpture itself is a highly comprehensive art, which not only requires artists to have strong carving skills and artistic appreciation, but also requires certain painting details.

Tang Jie's artistic cells are obviously very limited. He can't meet any of the above conditions. He took a piece of wood and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see anything famous. Finally, he cut it for a long time and finally dug out a small wooden man. His head accounted for more than one-third of it. His two thin and short legs composed of roots are ugly. If this thing is activated by the training array so that it can walk freely, it is likely to be a deformed child. It is estimated that it will fall to the ground without two steps.

Tang Jie can only sigh helplessly about this, comforting himself that he still has a preference for Chen Dao. He can't expect all the roads in the world to love him. But this plan seems to be going bankrupt. As expected, no matter how well some plans are formulated, they can't be implemented without effective means.

Looking back at the side, Wei Tianchong, a young master, was flying with his knife. He was cutting with a flying block of tree roots with disc-shaped protrusions. It was not long before a little turtle appeared in the palm of his hand. Although the little turtle had many defects, it was at least complete in structure and did not look too out of shape.

Tang Jie was stunned. "Have you studied before?"

In his surprise, even the young master stopped shouting.

"No, this is the first time. It's very interesting." Wei Tianchong looked at his work and enjoyed it.

"Genius..." Tang Jie groaned feebly.

I never dreamed that Wei Tianchong would have such a talent.


Since that day, Wei Tianchong has been playing root carving with Tang Jia every day.

Different from "being favored by the Taoist priest" in Tang Dynasty, this young master really loves carving, which is completely in line with Xu Muyang's saying that there is love and talent.

At first, Wei Tianchong was worried that his mother would teach him to play with things and lose heart when she knew about it. Later, Tang Jia said that this was also one of the foundations of cultivating immortality, so he indulged in root carving every day without fear.

Sure enough, when my wife heard about this, she went to ask Master Lu Ling for advice. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, she just said "don't miss other classes" and never took care of her son again.

For her, it doesn't matter which way her son Xiuxian takes. What matters is that he finally has his own pursuit and makes efforts for it. Therefore, she also appreciates Tang robbery more and more.

Good people are the ones who can make their children progress!

Tang Jie's mood during this period is getting more and more depressed.

With the increase of carving time together, Wei Tianchong's level of root carving has improved by leaps and bounds. At first, he could only carve some small wooden gadgets, but after only a few months, Wei Tianchong has already started to carve a big guy as tall as a man with the whole section of the tree trunk.

A few months later, Wei Tianchong's first large-scale wood carving was completed. It was a huge tiger with hanging eyes and white forehead. The carving was lifelike.

Tang Jie has no doubt that if it is matched with a suitable refining array, it will become a real tiger that eats people.

Watching Wei Tianchong put his first large-scale work in the flower bed, decorated with petals, and proudly let people watch it, Tang Jia quietly crushed the doll like puppet in his hand.

My heart is broken.