
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Eastern
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70 Chs

Chapter 36

Carrying a small bowl of lotus seed porridge, Tang Jie put it on the grass and then stepped back, "Well, don't annoy me. I can't speak. I forget that you are all psychic. How can you still be the same as those ignorant plants and plants? Since you are a refined creature, it's only right to eat cooked food. I'll give you some raw food. You can ignore it. I stole this lotus seed porridge from the kitchen. We servants are not qualified to eat it. It's my apology."

The green calyx spirit appeared from behind a stone, with a small waist and a fork, snorted and turned away from him.

Tang Jie smiled: "still angry? Don't be so careless. You just said something wrong? OK, OK, if you don't eat this, just say it. If you can't talk, shake your hand. I'll return it to the kitchen as soon as possible. If you want to eat, don't be polite."

The green calyx flew over with a fine brush, plunged into the bowl, and snored at the lotus seed porridge. She actually ate it.

In the blink of an eye, she had drunk up a small bowl of lotus seed porridge. Although the number of lotus seed porridge is not large, she is not very big. She drinks so much at one go, and her belly bulges directly. It looks like a pregnant woman who is pregnant for ten months. She plops into the bowl and can't even sit up.

Tang Jia smiled and reached out to catch her. The little thing was so shocked that he wanted to escape. However, she ate too much and could not move.

Tang Jia put her in his palm, touched her head and said with a smile, "OK, don't be nervous. I won't hurt you."

The little thing shook a few times, but finally accepted Tang Jie's caress, only his big eyes were rolling, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Tang Jia saw that she was cute and held her up to his face. "Are you not angry now?"

The little thing put his hand on his face and stuck out his tongue at him, but he made a face and made a babbling sound, which was very clear and pleasant to the ear.

Tang Jia was shocked, shook his head and smiled: "it seems that you really can't speak. Maybe it's better to have a shorter time to become a master. Now I've apologized and said that. You've accepted the gifts. You'll be all right."

Unexpectedly, the little thing shook his head repeatedly.

Tang Jie was bewildered. "Not satisfied? What else do you want?"

The little thing looked at Tang Jie, suddenly hugged Tang Jie's finger and bit it fiercely.

The bitten Tang Jie "ah" gave a painful exhalation, instinctively shook his hand, and the little thing was thrown away.

Tang Jie looked down and saw that his finger had been bitten, and the wound was not light, and blood was gurgling out.

This made Tang Jie a little angry. He thought that this little thing was really unkind. He teased her with good intentions, but he wanted to teach the green calyx spirit a lesson, but he saw that the round belly of the green calyx had shrunk a lot.

"What's the matter?" Tang Jiada was curious.

The little thing here has got up from the grass. Standing in the grass of the same height, he angrily stares at Tang Jie, stamping his little foot, crossing his waist with his left hand, pointing at Tang Jie's nose with his right hand, and yelping. I don't know what he is talking about. Unfortunately, Tang Jie can't understand a word.

When Tang Jie saw her crying, he didn't forget to lick the blood stains on her lower lip. With that drop of blood entering her stomach, her stomach, which was still slightly raised, was completely flat.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jie was stunned: "blood... So you want to drink blood!"

Tang Jia hurried to the kitchen to find another bowl of chicken blood for the little thing. Unexpectedly, she just took a sip and then put it down. She didn't drink it at all.

Tang Jiayi thought she couldn't drink, but the little guy pointed at Tang Jiayi and said something.

This time Tang Jie saw it clearly and said with surprise: "you don't like human blood, do you?"

Unexpectedly, the little thing really nodded and licked it with his tongue. It looked like he was still trying to finish it. That means your blood is much better than chicken blood.

Tang Jie was completely speechless. He could only extend his finger to me and say, "take it easy, don't drink too much."

The little thing grabbed Tang Jie's finger and bit it. The pain made Tang Jie gasp for air. She only felt that the little guy's bite was extremely painful. In his current physical condition, this small injury was nothing. He could hold on even when he was whipped, but the pain she felt when she bit went straight into her heart.

Fortunately, the little guy knew the right thing to do, and after taking a big drink, he automatically let go of it. Just looking at her aftertaste and enjoyment, it was obvious that she was very reluctant to part with her.

"At last you know how to keep the water flowing." Tang Jie shook his hand and pointed out that it was strange. If she stopped biting, the finger wouldn't hurt. Tang Jie asked curiously, "do you like human blood or my blood?"

The little thing pointed at Tang Jie and gave a yelp.

"Like my blood?" Tang Jie was stunned.

I only asked casually, but I got an unexpected answer.

Tang Jie looked down at the wound again. A drop of blood glistened in the sunlight, as clear as agate, and showed some light.

"Holy blood!" Tang Jie suddenly realized.

Because plants and plants are born by the spirit of heaven and earth, they are not real life, so they usually need the nourishment of flesh and blood essence in the process of growth.

This is just the opposite of human beings, who use their flesh and blood to replenish their spiritual Qi, and those who use their natural spiritual bodies to replenish their blood Qi.

From this point of view, essence and cultivators are actually mutually attractive and nourishing.

It is precisely because of this that although there are many rumors about ghosts and spirits harming people in the countryside, they are not all false. Most of the refined things are bloodthirsty, but most of the time they eat wild animals and livestock. Occasionally, they are fierce, and they hurt people but not kill them. On the contrary, humans prefer to hunt around and make spiritual materials under the slogan of "killing demons and eliminating demons".

For essence, ordinary flesh and blood essence can bring limited help. What is really good is flesh and blood with spirit. However, those who can enter the reified blood are at least in the transcendental realm, and ordinary essence can't be obtained at all. Therefore, under normal circumstances, weak spirits like the green calyx spirit can only eat by hunting some wild mountain beasts, absorbing the very little spiritual blood in their bodies, and sucking hundreds of beasts is not as good as biting Tangjie.

For this reason, the blood in the body of Tang Jiajie is a great tonic for this little thing. It is like the elixir in essence, the breast milk in the eyes of babies, and the natural material and treasure in the eyes of practitioners.

At that moment, the little thing looked at Tang Jie blankly. Tang Jie had guessed her thoughts and smiled: "if you are obedient, I will feed you later."

This little thing doesn't suck much blood. As long as it's not for food, Tang Jie can still afford it. At that moment, he said something. The little thing turned a somersault in the air and crept onto Tang Jie's shoulder. It was actually licking at him.

"Well, well, here you are. Don't bite me any more." Tang Jie handed the blood bead on his finger to the boy, who sucked it off. He felt dizzy as if in the fog. After shaking for a few times, he fell down on his head.

Tang Zhai was so shocked that he grabbed her. He saw her lying in his palm, but she was asleep, and her mouth was still full of fragrant liquid like silver.

"This is... Shit, drunk!" Tang Jia was made to laugh and cry.

I've heard of drunkenness and smoking. It's the first time I've heard of blood drunkenness.


Taking green calyx essence was unexpectedly smooth.

Essence is actually a very cautious life. The fate of being killed by people for thousands of years makes every essence know to avoid human beings.

This little thing is probably the reason why it was just born. Its vigilance has not yet grown up. Coupled with the temptation of soul blood, it was abducted by the Tang robbery three times and two times.

However, although this little thing was collected, how to deal with it was a problem. She is still young after all. She doesn't know the dangers in the world. She continues to be put in this garden for fear of being discovered sooner or later.

The problem is that there are only 20 green calyx trees in total. If one tree is missing for no reason, it will definitely be detected. At that time, it will be the dereliction of duty of Tang Jie.

"It seems that I can only find a way to let the young master trample on one of them. Hey, I said, it's OK for you to let someone trample on it?"

When the little thing woke up, Tang Jia asked her this.

As soon as I heard that I wanted the young master to step on her, the little thing shook his head and refused to do anything.

Tang Jie had no choice but to explain to her the danger of leaving her here.

Hearing that Tang Jie wanted to move himself, the little thing blinked a few times and pointed at a green orchid nearby. The orchid turned into a green calyx automatically. Tang Jie was stunned.

Plants and plants are born to be psychic and often have some natural instincts.

Tang Jiaben thought that this little guy could only use the most basic magic array, but he didn't expect that she could change plants. But if you think about it, she is a psychic green calyx. It's nothing strange to turn a plant into a green calyx.

Tang Jie picked up the green calyx made of orchids and looked at it again and again. He confirmed that it was not a magic trick. He was very pleased. He held the little guy and said, "now that it's developed, a green calyx is worth a silver or two. If you don't change in the future, we won't be short of money."

Unexpectedly, when the little guy heard that he wanted to make money with himself, he shook his head and pointed at his belly, which meant that it would cost him a lot to change the green calyx. If he wanted to change himself, he had to feed her first.

Look at her posture. I can't drink less this time.

Tang Jie sighed: "I've been in love for a long time, but I still sell blood... Forget it."

Anyway, with this green calyx, this little thing can finally be taken away, saving her anything else here.


I always feel that there is something wrong.

Tang Jie thought about it carefully and came to his senses: "Damn, what if there's a blue water orchid missing? It's also very valuable."

The little thing froze for a while, then smiled and turned himself into blue water orchid.

Tang Jiadu was almost crying: "if you become an orchid, you still have to be trampled on?"

The little thing was completely stupid. Look at the blue water orchid that was turned into a green calyx by her, and then look at Tang Jie. His big eyes flickered. Obviously, he didn't know what to do.

Tang Jie pointed to a piece of grass on the ground: "can you turn this weed into a green calyx?"

The little thing spread out with both hands, which means that it can't be done.

After a long time of effort, Tang Jie finally understood that this little guy could turn himself into any flower, and he could turn any flower into a green calyx and back again, but he could not turn other flowers into other flowers, and he could only do it in flowers with similar properties. It was not possible to turn weeds into flowers.

"All right." Tang Jie reluctantly pointed his hand to her and asked her to suck blood: "then you can change this green calyx back, and then change it into a worthless one... Hey, hey, that can't be changed, and it's also very expensive... You're looking for the worthless one, stupid... OK, you don't know which is worthless... Be gentle, it hurts. I know it's wrong. It's me, stupid..."

After some tossing and turning, the matter was finally solved. In the evening, Tang Jia went to buy a flowerpot, filled it with soil, and then put the small thing into the pot and carried it into his house.