
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 35

"What happened?" Seeing Wei die's appearance, Tang Jie hurried to meet her.

Unexpectedly, Wei die retreated after a few steps: "don't come here!"

"What's the matter, fourth miss? It's me, Tang Jie!"

"I know... Don't come here, or I'll be confused." Wei die sobbed and answered.


Tang Jie didn't understand. He didn't dare to come forward. He could only stand in his place and say, "what's the matter? Is it because the old lady scolded me for my poor Florist?"

Wei die shook her head and said, "no, I'm doing well. I just..."

She blushed and told the story.

This time, Wei die arranged the garden, which not only surprised the guests, but also cheered them. Wei die showed her face when she arrived. Even her father Wei Qingsong thought that her daughter had done a good job this time and was really grown up and sensible.

However, when Wei die showed her face, some people couldn't see her. She said something behind her back, which meant nothing more than that the fourth lady and the waiter were having an affair, secretly communicating with each other.

Because of the election of Wei die, Wei die attaches great importance to Tang Dynasty robbery, and completely ignores his current people. Many things are discussed by the two people, and they are also very close, which is what everyone sees.

It's nothing at all. After all, we're working together to hold a birthday banquet for the old lady.

However, once the rumor was spread, the normal cooperation also became greasy and became evidence, which spread all at once.

The rumor started before the birthday, but no one would be foolish enough to say it in front of Wei die, so neither Wei die nor Tang Jie knew it.

However, there were many guests this time, and they didn't have so many taboos. Some people talked and laughed loudly, which was immediately heard by Wei die.

Not only she heard it, but also her father, who immediately reprimanded Wei die.

Wei die feels aggrieved and has nowhere to complain. She can only walk by herself. Unconsciously, she has come to Jingxin garden.

Tang Jie frowned: "who is so bold as to make a rumor about the fourth young lady?"

"Where do I know?" Wei die said wrongfully: "this is a matter of false rumors. The more they spread, the worse they become. If you really want to find the source, you probably can't find it."

"I'm afraid the first rumor mongering is just a few casual remarks. The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart. This romantic affair is the easiest to attract people's interest. Although it is taboo, it is also more exciting. Naturally, it has to be embellished." Tang Jia said with a smile.

"If you still laugh, people will be worried to death." Wei die jumps in a hurry.

"What if you don't laugh? Can you still cry like the fourth lady?" Tang Jie calmly said: "In fact, this kind of thing is not a big deal. If Miss fourth wants to enter the immortal sect in the future, she will have to go through all kinds of sabres, frost and swords. This kind of verbal attack is only one of the least harmful. Miss fourth will go through it first, and she will be more resistant to all kinds of storms alone in the future. It's better to be able to bear the non fatal attack than to accept the fatal attack. At that time, you would rather not bleed No more tears... Remember, never let people think you are a weak person. The weak can be pitied, but never invested. "

Wei die doesn't know everything about Tang Jie, but she always understands the main idea. At that moment, she blushed and said, "yes, I know. It seems to be very kind to me, according to your tone."

"In the long run, it's really good for you." Tang Jie answered.

Seeing Tang Jie's calm appearance, Wei die's originally anxious heart gradually calmed down.

Wei die wiped away her tears and nodded seriously: "I see. What about you? Aren't you afraid that your wife will evict you?"

At this time, her mind was much more calm, and she began to think about everything comprehensively. She took the initiative to care about the Tang robbery.

In other words, this rumor is also unfavorable to the Tang Dynasty robbery.

"I'm not worried about this. After all, driving me out of the government is tantamount to lying down on rumors. My wife wouldn't do such a foolish thing. Besides, rumors are rumors. Things without roots and evidence can be easily broken. Don't worry, miss. This day will not fall."

She nibbled her red lips and said, "that's what I said. What should I do?"

"Now that there is a rumor, let's clarify it. The simplest way is for Miss Si to immediately find a fault, say that I'm not doing well, and find someone to hang me up and give me a beating. All the rumors will naturally disappear." Tang Jie casually said, as if he was not the one who was beaten. In fact, he wanted to take the opportunity to experience the urging effect of the last time. After all, he could not find any fighting opportunities here.

Wei die's face was happy at first, and then she shook her head again: "if it's not possible, it will hurt you. Do you have any other ideas?"

"It's all right, miss." Tang Jia said earnestly: "what's wrong with Tang Jia sacrificing himself for the sake of the fourth miss's reputation? Just hit me!"

"No, you helped me. I would never bite the hand that feeds me!"

"It's really all right. I can't beat you!"

"Absolutely not!"

"It's all right. I'm willing to! Just hit me!"

"No, no, no!" The little girl covered her ears and stamped her feet.

No matter how Tang Jie tried to persuade her, she wouldn't agree.

This made Tang Zhai very sorry. It's not a problem to think that the girl is too kind.

Since you can't get beaten, Tang Jie can only say: "in this case, you can only use another method. Maybe you can turn disaster into blessing."

"What method?"

"I'd like to ask you to join the jueying Pavilion!" Tang Jie replied: "originally, you wanted to go to the Jedi Pavilion, and you had to show a few more times to improve the confidence of the second master. But now this kind of rumor has come out, it is the best result to separate you and me. The Jedi Pavilion leader is also a famous annoying man. You chose to go there, which just shows your intention. If the second master wants to clarify the facts, he is likely to accept it."

Wei die's eyes lit up immediately and clapped her hands and said: "this is a good way! You still have more ideas about Tang robbery."

The incident that originally involved the innocence of the girl's family was resolved by Tang Jie in a few words. On the contrary, Wei die took the opportunity to enter the Jedi Pavilion earlier. Wei die's eyes at Tang Jie became more and more different.

If a man can make a woman feel at ease and feel that there is nothing to be afraid of standing beside him, he has basically captured half of the girl's heart.

Originally, she was devoted to cultivation and only appreciated Tang Jie but had no other feelings. But at this moment, because of the existence of gossip, she felt strange when she looked at Tang Jie again.

She was eager to explain to the world that she had nothing to do with the Tang Dynasty robbery, but now she is inexplicably reluctant to part with it.

She didn't know where this reluctance came from, and thought that she wouldn't really like Tang Jie, would she?

As soon as I thought about this, I was greatly frightened. I quickly said to myself that it was inappropriate. He was just a servant. How can I be with him. Another voice sounded in my mind. My servant is also a human. If he enters the college and becomes a spiritual master, he will naturally be worthy of himself. Then another voice echoed, but wouldn't that be a true rumor? Another voice answered, sit down and be sure what you're afraid of

She was a little girl after all, and she didn't know much about feelings. At that moment, she just felt that her brain was buzzing and chaotic. At that moment, the whole person was blushing with shame, and she bowed her head and dared not speak again.

Tang Jie didn't know that she was in a mess at the moment, but said: "but it's a bit obscure. Smart people can understand it, but idiots can't understand it. Considering that people who like to spread rumors usually have some problems in their minds, I suggest that you might as well smoke me. It's better to do both."

He didn't give up on being beaten.


Wei die didn't hang Tang Jia up and fight him after all. Instead, she went to ask her father for his life as he said.

Hearing that his daughter wanted to go to the jueying academy, Wei Qingsong hesitated at first. Finally, he felt that this was a solution to the problem and could satisfy his daughter's desire to become an immortal. Finally, he agreed. However, this could not be done in a day or two, so it would take a few more days. Rao said that. Wei die was also very grateful for the Tang robbery.

Tang Jia doesn't care about this. He is more concerned about the green calyx spirit in the garden.

Today, Tang Jie got up early and came to the garden with food such as cabbage leaves and carrots in his hands. After putting them in the garden, Tang Jie retreated silently.

Luring with food has always been a good way to cajole, such as hazelnuts for squirrels, bananas for monkeys, lollipops for lollies

Tang Jie didn't know what green calyx Jing liked, so he had to try one by one.

Soon, in the grass behind the flowerbed, a small head came out and looked around. It seemed that it was curious about the food on the ground, but after a few glances, it stopped paying attention to it. Instead, it kept watching the Tang Dynasty robbery.

Tang Zhai was disappointed. Obviously, there was no food she liked. He had to go back to the house and find something else. After repeated several times, nothing she liked.

This made Tang Zhai very depressed.

Although he can forcibly grasp the green calyx essence, it is easy to cause rejection. A newborn essence is a very simple life. If you treat it well, it will treat you well. If you use coercion at the beginning, it will only cast a shadow in its heart. Therefore, Tang Dynasty robbery does not want to use coercion unless it is absolutely necessary.

But what does this little guy like?

Tang Jia couldn't think of anything to break his head, so he had to say, "Hey, tell me what you like to eat, and I'll get it for you."

The little thing blinked and looked at Tang Jie, then climbed onto a flower with his hands and feet, and licked the morning dew on it with his little tongue.

"So you like flower dew." Tang Jia smiled, then thought about it, and his face became bitter again: "this is a trouble. You can pick it yourself. I'm not as efficient as you in picking flower dew. I said, what else do you like?"

But the little guy didn't talk, just sat on the petals and gently shook his body, watching Tang Jie.

"Well, if you don't tell me, I'll guess. Well, you are the essence of flowers and plants. It's not strange that you like water. Maybe I should consider it from the nature of your plants. What do plants like besides water?" Tang Jia touched his chin and muttered to himself. Then his eyes suddenly brightened: "yes, it's fertilizer. But fertilizer... Fertilizer is feces. Don't you like feces?"

The little boy was stunned at first, then became furious, put his hands on his hips, and angrily stared at Tang Jie.

Tang Jie didn't notice it and continued to reason: "yes, flowers are actually plant's *, so flower dew is also plant's secretion... But wouldn't that make you... A meat toilet?"

The last three words were uttered by Tang Jietuo.

"Pa!" A blade of grass hit tangtiao's head, and the little boy bared his teeth to tangtiao and rushed to the grass, disappearing in an instant.

Looking at the direction of the little guy's disappearance, Tang Jie murmured: "well, I guessed wrong. It seems that you don't like those."

This is my first intimate contact, I failed!