
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 27

Ji Ziqian stood at the bottom of the hall and bowed to Wei zhengshufeng: "Zi Qian has met my aunt!"

Wei Zheng Shufeng sat at the top and looked at Ji Ziqian. Seeing that the young man was beautiful, he knew books and etiquette. He was also satisfied. He asked softly, "how old are you?"

"I'm thirteen years old, the same year as Chong'er, and two months older than Chong'er. How can my sister-in-law forget?" Next to Wei Zheng Shufeng is a woman, who is also dressed in elegant and elegant clothes, but she is worse than Wei Zheng Shufeng.

Her name is Wei Lanxin, and she is a sister married by Wei Danbo.

Wei Zheng Shufeng patted her forehead and said, "Alas, I'm old and my memory is poor. Zi Qian hasn't come to our house for a long time, hasn't he?"

"Two years and four months." Ji Ziqian answered.

"Yo, I remember those days very clearly." My wife smiled.

"Being able to enter the Wei family is something Ziqian has always yearned for. It's just that he lives far away and is inconvenient to travel. But if he comes here once in a while, he will naturally remember it."

"What a talkative child." The wife nodded with satisfaction, turned her head to Wei Lanxin and said, "I think this child is good."

"You think it's good. Then there's a door to this?" Wei Lan smiled happily.

Wei Zheng Shufeng was not in a hurry when he arrived, but said leisurely, "but Ziqian is also a child of your Ji's family. Do you think it's too unfair for him to serve as a servant for us?"

"No, no!" Wei Lanxin waved her hand and said, "it's his blessing that Ziqian can enter the Wei's house. We can't ask for anything. We don't ask for anything else, but everything we need is provided by our family, as long as we have a quota."

"How could that be?" Hearing this, the wife was not happy, but frowned and said, "since I am a servant, naturally the expenses should be paid by the Wei family. There is no reason to ask your family to pay any more."

Ji Ziqian hurriedly said: "if I can get the help of my aunt to enter the college, Ziqian will be grateful and will repay me."

"That's a lot more important." The wife smiled and said, "we are all from our own family. Why do we have to pay for this? Sit down and don't be so polite. I'll take you to see the old man in a moment. He has to nod his head for this kind of thing..."


"So your wife has promised?" Standing in the garden, Tang Jiashen asked in a voice.

"I wasn't there at that time. I heard Rouge tell me about it, so I wasn't very clear about the details. I knew that I didn't directly agree to it. I just pushed it to the old man, but it seemed that it was going to be done." Shi Yue whispered.

"That's strange." Tang Jie didn't understand: "isn't this something that the wife can decide directly? Why did she put the blame on the old man?"

"How can I know?"

Tang Jie thought for a long time and couldn't find the reason. He could only say to himself, "I think there's something wrong with this."

"What else are you thinking? I said that the quota was almost taken away. Don't worry?" Shi Yue is curious about his calm appearance.

Tang Jie replied calmly: "if you want to be urgent, it's also the waiter Mo and the waiter Meng. They need to be anxious first. Suddenly there is only one of the two places left. I think it's a big impact on them."

Shi Yue covered her mouth and smiled: "Shi Mo has been very honest these days. Maybe she still thinks she has great hope. Now she'll have to cry if she wants to know the news. But anyway, there's only one place left, and your hopes and Shi Meng's have become smaller. You should be careful!"

"I know. By the way, thank you for telling me this." Tang Jie has taken some money and put it in Shi Yue's palm.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Shi Yue's hand was closed, he gave him a stare: "do you think everyone is like rouge, and only helps you for money? Idiot!"

He turned red and left.

Tang Jia looked at Shi Yue's back, and couldn't help but be stunned. Then he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

But at the next moment, his face was covered with clouds.

He muttered to himself, "Ji Ziqian..."

He heard about Ji's family.

The Ji family is a family in Lingzhou * city. It can be regarded as a deep-rooted old family in the * area. It has a longer history than the Wei family and mainly deals in silk and satin.

But in the past decade or so, the silk and satin business of the Ji family has gone from bad to worse, and has begun to decline gradually.

*In Lingzhou, the status is not obvious, and the Ji family is gradually declining, so it is extremely difficult to get a place in the college.

Under such circumstances, it is understandable that Ji Weilan wanted to seek an opportunity for her son as a servant.

However, his arrival has become the bad news for all servants who hope to become servants!

More importantly, if Ji Ziqian can come today and suddenly steal the quota, will there be another Li Ziqian and Zhang Ziqian tomorrow?

There are only two places in the servant school. As long as there is one more, the Tang robbery will be completely lost!

No one asks if you are poor in the downtown area, but if you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives.

The Wei family has a great career. It's not surprising that one or more places for servant study will appear in the future.

At the thought of this, Tang Jie felt his head was as big as a fight.

In order to enter the Xiyue college, he did not know how much effort and effort he spent. Could it be that in the end, no matter how hard he tried, he could not afford to have a backstage at home?

At the thought of the relationship between the Ji family and the Wei family, Tang Jie felt powerless.


Tang Jie's eyes suddenly brightened.

My wife hasn't agreed at once.

Since she pushed the matter to the old man, it showed that the wife did not welcome it. Although she did not know why, the Ji family's affairs were obviously not as smooth as they seemed.

Then maybe I still have a chance!


After finishing the work in the afternoon, Tang Jie didn't go back to have a rest, but went to see superintendent Qin first.

After talking for a long time, I grabbed the time to go to my wife's Yichang garden.

At this time, it was the time for my wife to take a nap. Rouge had nothing to do. She waited outside the house. She saw Tang Jie coming from afar and gave herself a wink.

Rouge smiled in her heart and went over to her and said, "ouch, why are you free today?"

Tang Jie replied: "the young master of the new flower art is tired and wants me to make some new patterns. But my sister knows how my brother came up with so many patterns. I'm worried that I can't help it. I think my sister is good at embroidery, so I come here with a thick face to ask sister Rouge for an embroidered face as a base."

Rouge hit Tang Jie: "can you also have your daughter's embroidery? It's going to be passed on. How can I be a rouge? Maybe I thought I was having sex with you..."

She blushed, but didn't say anything more. Tang Jie said with a smile: "yes, I was rude. I didn't expect to be here. In that case, forget it."

He said he wanted to go, but Tang Jie didn't move. He just said, "by the way, sister rouge, I heard that there are another distinguished guest in your family?"

Rouge gave Tang Zhai a thoughtful look and hummed: "Yo, the news spreads so fast. The dead bitch Shi Yue told you that again. It seems that it's fake to beg for embroidered face. This news is true."

Tang Jie said with a smile: "there's no need to find out anything else, but just confirm it. The Ji family and the Wei family are somehow related by marriage. It's natural that the matter of servant learning is a foregone conclusion."

"That may not be the case." Rouge snorted: "my wife didn't directly agree, but just pushed it to the old man. But the old man said that we had to ask him again about this. The old man didn't come back outside. He only asked people to reply. It's not urgent to settle the matter of servant learning for the time being. Let the young man live in the Wei mansion for a few days and stay with him first."

"We are trying to evade each other, but why?" Tang Jie asked quickly.

Rouge snorted and ignored him.

Tang Jie had taken out some money and put it into Rouge's hand. Rouge accepted it with a smile and looked around to see if there was anyone, Only then did Tang Jie whisper in his ear: "I don't know why. My aunt came back this time with a lot of gifts. As I said before, as long as the Wei family is willing to give the Ji family a place, all the expenses can be paid by the Ji family. Unexpectedly, the wife didn't appreciate it and took them to meet the old man. After she came back, she lost her temper and said, 'are we short of money? Do we need them to pay? It's really inexplicable!' I don't know what kind of temper she was angry about. "

The college is expensive, and even the Wei family has to provide support to these disciples every year, which is also a huge expense. It's a good thing that the Ji family pays for the tuition by themselves. How can my wife still be dissatisfied? This makes Rouge can't understand.

"So it is..." Tang Jie nodded and laughed aloud, and his doubts were finally solved. "I said this should have been done, but it hasn't been implemented yet. The emotional problem is here."

Rouge didn't understand and stabbed Tang Jie: "Hey, what are you talking about? Do you know why my wife is angry?"

Tang Jie replied: "The reason why the family is willing to choose servants to attend school with the young master is not only because they want to serve the young master, but also because they want to train their own immortal teachers. In order to get a truly trusted immortal teacher, it is worth spending any money. Although the Ji family and the Wei family are related by marriage, Ji Ziqian is not a member of the Wei family after all. He is not originally a member of his own family, but he can also enter his own family. But his aunt said that all the expenses should be borne by Ji It's clear that we want to use this as our capital to reduce our borrowing from the Wei family. In other words, Ji Ziqian will still serve the Ji family in the future! "

Then, Tang Jia sneered: "For the poor, the tuition may be a big barrier to entry, but for the rich, the places are really valuable. You know, the places released every year can't be bought by the rich. Few of them are released. They can easily sell tens of thousands or even more than 100000 liang of silver, which is hundreds of times the tuition itself. The hottest place at the auction is always the places of the moon washing college! And when are the Ji family If you don't give them any newspaper, you will forcibly take a place from the Wei family. How can your wife not be angry? The Wei family said that there was a quota every year, but there were hundreds of people watching this quota every year. The Wei family spends a lot of money every year for this quota. If others want to get extra quota from the Wei family, they also have to spend a lot of money to buy it. The Wei family needs to balance their income and expenditure by entering and leaving the quota, so as to supply their children to go to school continuously. Otherwise, the Wei family can't afford this bottomless hole of millions of silver just by buying and selling. Therefore, the entry and exit of this quota has long become a business, and the Taji family is probably the lowest bidder among all those who want it! "

Speaking of this, Tang Jie snorted: "no wonder the Ji family is going to be left out in the cold. They are so short-sighted and unwilling to give even the minimum. How can they get a long-term return? Of course, they may have to rely on their close relationship to do so. Unfortunately, the aunt obviously overestimated her price. Even the old man would not agree to throw away tens of thousands of yuan for a married daughter."

His words were casual but meaningful, and rouge was stunned.

As a servant girl who serves her wife, she has a very limited vision. Although she knows that spiritual masters are noble, she never has a specific concept. She only thinks that the tuition fee of several hundred liang of silver per year is sky high. How can she know that the places themselves are the most valuable.

As a servant girl, she can be excited for several days if she gets one or two silver coins. Now the hundreds of thousands of silver coins are thrown down, which immediately makes her dizzy.

At this moment, after listening to Tang Jie's last words, I finally understood why Shi Yue was so kind to Tang Jie.

This dead girl knows all this better than she, so she chose one early... She is investing in the future!

Unlike Shi Mo, Shi Mo still hopes on the young master, but rouge and Shi Yue knew that his chances were slim, so Rouge alienated him. They just ignored him directly for money's sake. Unexpectedly, Shi Yue went further and directly began to collude with Tang robbers.

Thinking about this, rouge secretly hates that she is blind and thinks she is smart, but she is confused by some petty profits. On the contrary, she looks at Wenjing on weekdays, but secretly she has already exhausted all means.

When she thought about this, Rouge's expression changed. She smiled at Tang Jia and said, "it's like this. You're smart. You figured out the key. It seems that they can't do this."

She actually flattered Tang Jia in turn.

"That may not be so!" Tang Jie said seriously: "in any case, the two families are in laws. As long as my aunt is willing to let go, the old man and the old man may not be able to win this respect. I see that the Ji family is used to doing business. They are playing the trick of asking exorbitant prices and paying back the money. But sooner or later, my aunt will agree to some conditions. By that time, Ji Ziqian's admission to school will become an unchangeable fact."

Speaking of this, Tang Jie looked at rouge and said with a smile: "sister rouge, although I haven't been in the government for a long time, I have been taken care of by my sister and helped me many times these days. I also feel excited in my heart. I thought that if I had the chance to enter school in the future and soar, I would repay my sister well. But now it seems that my hope is slim."

He shook his head and sighed: "it's a pity that Ji Ziqian is the young master of the Ji family after all. No matter how successful he is in the future, I think he will have nothing to do with his sister."

Rouge was distraught.

Think about it, too. Ji Ziqian is different from Tang Jie. He comes from a noble family and has countless servants. There is no need to please his servants. Even if Rouge wants to hold Ji Ziqian's thighs now, there is probably no chance.

Thinking of this, rouge said anxiously: "isn't there still a place?"

Tang Jiayu's focus is long: "it's still two years before the young master enters school. How can sister Rouge be sure that no one else will come during this period? It's reassuring to say that there are always two places in one place. It's really too late to wait until the second place is gone!"

Rouge has completely changed color.

The hope that had just been aroused in her heart was poured down by the cold water of Tang Dynasty robbery, and her mood can be imagined.

Looking at the rouge, Tang Jie knew that the heat was almost ready. Then he murmured: "but it's not impossible..."