
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Eastern
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70 Chs

Chapter 26

After recuperating for about ten days, Tang Jie finally "recovered" and the bottle of magic medicine was completely exhausted. He was always greedy for ink. Tang Jie was tired of such worthless things as wire racks. He was glad that his level of greediness for ink could be improved.

The wife here gets the news that Tang Jie is recovering, so she asks Shi Yue to bring Tang Jie to see her.

What is different from the past is that this time, not only his wife, but also Wei Danbo, the head of the Wei family, and Lu Chenyang, the spiritual master who rescued Wei Tian from the cliff.

Wei Danbo is the kind of person who looks rigid, serious and difficult to get along with at a glance. He can hardly see a smile on his square and upright face. Some are serious, silent and serious. It is very suitable for making large-scale portraits and hanging them on the gate tower.

"I've met Mr. Tang Jie, madam. This is Master Lu Xian!" At this moment, I entered the room, and Tang Jiaxian saluted the three.

"Sit down." Wei Zheng Shufeng said to Tang Zhai with a smile on her face. She has a good feeling for Tang Zhai, so she speaks the most kindly.

"The master and wife are here, and I dare not sit when I am young."

"You've just recovered from your injury. You're welcome." The wife said that she had asked the servant to move a stool for Tang Jie, and Tang Jie sat down.

When Tang Jia sat down, his wife said, "I wronged you last time. You did a good job, but Chong'er didn't know anything. This time I called you here to reward you for your merits."

As she spoke, rouge had brought out a plate with ten bright silver ingots.

Tang Jia knew that this silver ingot was ten liang of silver, and the reward of one hundred liang of silver was really not light.

Tang Jia wanted to be polite. Wei Danbo said: "don't refuse to reward you. According to the rules of the Wei family, you should reward those who have done meritorious deeds and punish those who have done wrong. You deserve it."

Hey, it's needless to say that such a simple truth seems to be understood only in your family?

Tang Jie sighed while roast in his heart.

He knew that this was because Wei Danbo wanted to make a clear division of the matter. Obviously, he didn't intend to be involved in this matter, much less to owe Tang Jia. If he doesn't accept it, I'm afraid it will make Wei Danbo think he wants more, but it's not good, so he has to accept it.

However, it's better in this way. With this hundred liang of silver, I can buy some high-quality drugs for the second elder to recuperate my body.

At this time, the wife continued: "I've found out the situation. It's the idea of Shi Mo to go out for a drink. It's also the suggestion of Shi Mo to go up the mountain at night. Even whipping you is the instigation of Shi mo. this little bastard doesn't urge the young master to study hard. Instead, he makes waves every day. It's really disgraceful. For the sake of the wet nurse, I won't expel him from the house, but he can't stay around the young master."

Speaking of this, the wife took a sip of tea, cleared her throat, and then continued: "since Shi Mo is not here, I always have to find someone to take his place. I plan to let you take his place."

Tang Jia glanced at Wei Danbo and saw that his brow was slightly wrinkled. It seemed that he didn't like the decision. He knew that it was his wife's decision.

Wei Zheng Shufeng is a very strong and astute woman. She is loved by old men and women in the mansion, and also has great prestige outside the mansion. She was originally born into a noble family. Although the Zheng family is not as prominent as the Wei family, it is also an old family. Wei Zheng Shufeng knew books and etiquette. After she married into the Wei family, she managed her family well, which made the Wei family more prosperous.

This point can be understood by seeing that she can easily direct the spiritual masters in her family. Wei Zheng Shufeng is directly responsible for the living conditions of these spiritual masters. As the leader of the family, she actually holds the most important power of the family invisibly. Those spiritual masters listened to her more than Wei Danbo.

No wonder, when it comes to being a man, Wei Zheng Shufeng is really much better than Wei Danbai.

Tang Jia asked himself if he would rather serve his wife if he had to choose between his master and his wife.

But at that moment, after Zheng Shufeng said this, Tang Jia thought for a moment and replied, "thank you, madam. But I'm afraid I'm not fit to take over the job of waiter Mo for the time being. Please think again."

Wei Zheng Shufeng didn't expect that he would refuse. Even Wei Danbo, LV Ling, and the Qin housekeeper rouge on the other side were surprised and looked at Tang Jie together.

"Don't you want to?" Wei Zheng Shufeng asked.

Tang Jie replied quickly: "it's not that I don't want to, but that I killed the young master's horse. I'm afraid the young master still has some resentment against me, and I'm afraid I can't fulfill my duty of accompanying him. Young master's reading is a big thing. If this kind of thing delays the young master's study, it's hard to shirk my guilt. If you can't do something well, don't do it."

Wei Danbo and his wife were obviously stunned.

"If you can't do something well, don't do it..." Wei Zheng Shufeng chewed the words of Tang Jie carefully: "well said!"

She suddenly chuckled and looked at her husband. "Master, do you still think I'm mistaken?"

Wei Danbo didn't answer. Instead, Lu Shi smiled and said, "my wife's vision has always been very strong. This boy is not deep-minded, but precocious. He knows what to do and what not to do. He knows how to advance and retreat, and knows how to choose. It's very good, very good!"

When Master Lu Ling came to an end, Wei Danbo said, "but he was right. Chong'er is not sensible. I'm afraid he still has some grudges against Tang robbery. It's not suitable for him to accompany him for the time being. Although Shi Mo made mistakes, he served Chong'er wholeheartedly. Let's give him another chance."

"Just your many scruples!" Wei Zheng Shufeng gave her husband a white look: "in that case, I will give Shi Mo another chance. But if he dares to make mistakes again, I will never forgive him."

Then he turned to Tang Jie and said, "your new wound has just healed. Your bones are not strong enough. Go home and rest for a day."

That's how it went.

When Tang was robbed out of the house, manager Qin could not help complaining: "Alas, you child, what can I say about you? Young master's accompanying reader, this is something that many people can't ask for, but you just gave up. It's really..."

Tang Jie smiled: "I'm not afraid of delaying my master's study."

"Give me less of this." Supervisor Qin snorted: "say, do you have any other ideas?"

The Tang Dynasty robber still trusts the Qin administrator.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Jie replied, "there are other reasons why I don't read with you. As you always know, it's always the most difficult and thankless thing to accompany your young master to read. If you urge him, he will annoy you. If you don't guide him, his wife will dislike you."

Supervisor Qin nodded repeatedly. Although everyone was jealous of this position, it was not so easy to do. It would take a lot of effort to satisfy both sides.

Tang Jia asked himself that he could still do it, but it took too much time and energy.

He is now studying array Tao every day and has gained a lot. There is no need to do this thankless accompanying reading.

Tang Jie continued: "in a few days, it's time for the young master to assess. Judging from the current situation of the young master, uncle Qin, do you think he can do it?"

Administrator Qin thought for a moment and sighed: "he, if he can write a complete article, he will have accumulated virtue from his ancestors!"

"So, if I go to do the accompanying reading now, won't I be burdened by serving ink?"

Administrator Qin laughed: "I said you must have a devil's eye! You're right. It's really not a good time to go to accompany you. But if you want to go to Xiyue college, you always have to do it."

"That's not necessarily so." But Tang Jie replied, "it seems that there is no rule in any family that you must be a close servant to become a servant."

Being a personal servant is like being a secretary to a leader.

Being a secretary is easy to get promoted, but who says that only being a secretary can get promoted?

The Tang Dynasty, which has made a great success in horticulture, is like a cadre with real power with political achievements. The road to promotion is already in sight. Why do you have to cling to the position of secretary?

If you really go to that position and do not make any achievements, you will erase your previous contributions.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Tang Jiacai has no interest in accompanying reading.

Manager Qin was stunned: "it's the same here, but the closest servant is always closer to the young master, and what the young master means is directly related to your future. It's always better to be close."

Tang Jie replied meaningfully: "in the matter of servant learning, the intention of the young master is indeed very important, but the real decision-making power is not the young master, but his wife! As long as his wife supports him, even if you are a toilet cleaner, you can become a servant! So I am not worried about the problem of whether you can fight. Sometimes, not fighting is the best fight!"

Manager Qin didn't expect Tang Jia to say this, and he was stunned.

Perhaps because of the relationship between being a young master's servant and learning, for a long time, many people have regarded attracting the young master's attention as a top priority, but have neglected the things behind it.

But Tang Jie won't.

People who have been in the officialdom clearly understand a truth, that is, you must see who is the one who really makes up your mind!

Only with those in power can there be a future in life.

Unfortunately, many people can't understand such a simple thing.

In the matter of the young master's enrollment, the young master's intention is very important, but it is his wife who really keeps his word. Even Wei Danbo has to listen to his wife's opinion!

Without his wife's trust, even if Shi Mo stays in the reading position, it is just a decoration!

Now she can tolerate Shi mo. that's because Wei Tianchong is still in the Wei's house and under her control. Shi Mo can't do anything big, so he will sell the old man in the mansion a face.

In the future, when you go to Beijing, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and you have to face many things alone. In any case, your wife can't give her son to a servant she doesn't trust. In such a big event, no one's face is useless!

Therefore, losing his wife's trust, Shi Mo has basically lost his qualification as a servant.

It's a pity that he still doesn't understand this, and he is still struggling for the position of companion reading. He wants to keep his hope by fawning on the young master, but he doesn't know that it will only make his wife more annoying.

On this issue, not to mention those kids, even manager Qin didn't realize it. He didn't realize it until he was reminded by Tang Jie at this moment. He looked at Tang Jie differently.

Qin yuan shook his head and sighed, "I still underestimate you after all."

Tang Jie already leaned over and answered, "no matter what the future of Tang Jie may be, I will never forget the kindness of the two elders and the administrator Qin!"

Deep thinking does not necessarily mean ruthlessness.

Although Tang Jiajie deceived and used the second elder of the Wu family and the administrator of the Qin family, he was really grateful for the care of the second elder and the administrator of the Qin family. Therefore, his words were sincere and sincere. The administrator of the Qin family was also very happy to hear them.

In the following days, life returned to normal.

Tang Jia still does his own work in the garden every day and cultivates the array road by the way.

After a period of time, his level of array has risen greatly, but it is mainly reflected in the psychedelic array. However, because he did not open his eyes, he did not have enough spirit when arranging the array. Therefore, Tang Jia made great efforts in the connection of array patterns, and gradually developed some unique styles of his own. Only now he can not see the specific direction of the future.

In addition, Tang Jia has another habit, that is, running every morning.

From the Weifu to Yinglong mountain, he went to find a deserted place to do weight lifting, squatting and other training. At the same time, he hid an image in his body to operate the mental method and breathe out spiritual Qi. When the mental method was completed, he returned to the Weifu to start a day's work.

Occasionally, when he saw other servants doing some heavy physical work, he would take the initiative to help others, and continue to practice his Tibetan elephant Sutra by taking the opportunity of helping others. He also won praise from many servants, which made him more and more popular in the Wei mansion.

Day by day, Tang Jie's body grew taller, and he became strong and powerful. He had muscles. These muscles were not as exaggerated as those bodybuilders, but only gave people a sunny and healthy image.

The young master often comes to see his work when he has nothing to do, but usually he just looks at it from afar and leaves without saying anything.

This makes the relationship between the two people in a very delicate state, and no one can tell what the situation is.

As for Shi Mo and Shi Meng, after the stabbing of the horse, he was obviously much more honest and dared not make any more trouble. The Jingxin garden ushered in a rare period of peace.

The only bad thing is probably that after the assassination of the horse, Tang Jie had a nickname, called "Tang Jie of the stabbing horse".

This is the second name after "the Tang robber who took the money for three months" after he first entered the Weifu.

To be honest, Tang Jia doesn't like it very much, because it is tantamount to reminding Wei Tianchong every day that if Tang Jia kills his horse, it will make him uncomfortable.

Tang Jie knew that this was Shi Mo's plan, but he could do nothing about it.

No, it's not impossible.

Since you can't wash away your own problems, expect the other party to be worse.

Wei Tianchong's assessment will soon come.

The result of the examination was that he was unexpectedly criticized by the chair in eight big characters: "ignorant and unskilled, making a fool of himself!"

When the wife looked at this evaluation and Wei Tianchong's nonsense articles, in addition to beating her son, her opinion of Shi Mo was also too low. Poor Shi Mo didn't know it and still tried hard to please the young master every day.

The days went on peacefully, and in a twinkling of an eye, more than a year has passed.

Today, Tang Jie is still waiting for those flowers and plants in his own garden. Now he knows every plant here very well, and he can pick it up at his fingertips, which is witty and self-sustaining.

Just then, Tang Jie saw Shi Yue in the distance.

"Elder sister Shi Yue, why are you free to come to Jingxin garden today?" Tang Jie asked with a smile.

Shi Yue, however, looked grave and came to Tang Jie's side and whispered a few words to him.

"What are you talking about?" Tang Jie's face suddenly changed.