
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 25

"Who did this?"

Looking at Tang Jia tied to a tree, his wife roared.

A group of small people nearby were too scared to talk.

In fact, this is a white question. Besides Wei Tianchong, who else has the courage?

The wife obviously realized this, and shouted: "Wenqing, don't put the man down for me. Go and wake Chong'er up. When are you still sleeping? Shi Mo, say, what's the matter?"

Shi Mo shuddered and said something about what happened last night. Naturally, he would not say anything good about Tang Jie. He only said that Tang Jie obstructed Wei Tianchong's pleasure and killed the young master's horse. The young master was angry and whipped out.

It's just that Wei Zheng Shufeng is such a shrewd person. Once he hears this, he knows it's wrong.

Tang Zhai's time in the mansion is not short. She also knows about Tang Zhai. She knows that Tang Zhai is stable and will never do such things for no reason. At this moment, she heard that Shi Mo's words were untrue and slapped him in the face: "bastard, even I dare to deceive you, Chen Yan and Chen Xin. Separate these boys from me and cross examine them one by one!"

Chen Yan and Chen Xin are the guardians of Jingxin garden. They are brothers.

Although she is not an expert in interrogation, this separate interrogation is quite suitable for interrogation.

A group of half grown-up boys have never seen such a world before. They just asked a few questions and they all confessed.

When Wei Zheng Shufeng heard that her son went out to drink in the name of playing, he even wanted to ride a horse and climb mountains in the evening. He was so angry that he was all over.

Just then, Wei Tian rushed over.

At this time, he woke up from the wine and his anger subsided. Looking at Tang Jie and his mother lying on the ground, he dared not be arrogant any more. He obediently went to his mother and shouted: "mother..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Zheng Shufeng slapped his son in the face.

Wei Tianchong was stunned by this slap. Wei zhengshufeng pointed at his son and scolded: "are you willing to be angry with me? Drinking, riding on horses to mount Longshan, and whipping Tang robbers almost killed people! How could I give birth to such a worthless thing as you!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He whipped Wei Tianchong and beat him without thinking.

Wei Tianchong suffered this kind of pain. He was beaten and cried. While running around, he shouted: "that boy killed my horse, my horse! What happened to me when I hit him? I'm a young master!"

"I'm your mother!" The wife's whip became fiercer and fiercer.

However, it was his son after all. Seeing that he had been beaten several times in a row, Wei Tianchong's face was black and blue. One of them even saw blood, and he was reluctant to part with it. The whip was much lighter.

It's just that I am angry and bitter at the thought that my son is so ignorant, and my whole body trembles.

Seeing that his mother had stopped beating him, the young master became brave again and said stubbornly: "what's wrong with me riding a mountain? I'm already very good at horsemanship, and nothing will happen at all. Besides, even if he wants to stop me, why should he kill my horse? He's my servant, and he dares to kill my horse. Why can't I punish him?"

"Don't you know my fault?" Wei Zheng Shufeng pointed to her son and scolded: "Yinglong mountain is steep and dangerous. With your skills, you still want to ride a horse to climb the mountain. You are looking for death! If you let people stop Tang Jie, he can't beat you. What can he do if he doesn't kill the horse? And you bastards, let's wait on the young master and see what you've done. If you don't stop him when he makes a mistake, he forces Tang Jie to kill the horse. All these bastards, bastards, are driven out of the house!"

Hearing this, Wen Qing, Shi Mo and others turned pale with fear.

A group of boys all knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. Fortunately, Wei Zheng Shufeng's close maid said, "madam, I really want to drive everyone away, and there will be no one to serve the young master. You know, they are servants. What's wrong... It's really not easy to stop them. Tang robbed a brave person, and even dared to kill the young master's horse. No wonder the young master was angry."

"You speak for them, too." The wife glared at the old woman.

The old lady is Wei Tianchong's nurse. She has a high status in the house and is not afraid of her wife. She laughs with her and says, "I just think that even if you drive everyone away and replace another group of people, it will still be the same."

Wei Zheng Shufeng was right when he thought about it, but he was still angry when he thought about it again. He glared at the boys fiercely and hummed: "in that case, I'll keep them first and decide how to treat them when the master comes back!"

On the contrary, it was the young master who cried out: "why! Shi Mo, they are my people. Nobody is allowed to move. I wouldn't have had an accident yesterday without the Tang robbery!"

"Still unconvinced? Well, since you said you wouldn't have an accident, I'll see if you would. Somebody, lead me a horse and let him ride up to Longshan! It's day now. You're sober and can see the road clearly. I wonder if you can ride your horse all the way up the mountain!"

"Good!" Wei Tian agreed with a stiff neck.


There are some things that you don't know how difficult if you haven't done them!

When Wei Tianchong rode his horse to the foot of Yinglong mountain and looked at the steep mountain road and the towering peaks, his heart suddenly trembled.

At night, I can't see clearly. At this moment, I find that the road is really hard to walk. Why didn't I notice it before?

"Why, are you afraid?" Zheng Shufeng, the guard beside him, looked at his son coldly and asked.

Young people can't be stimulated.

Wei Tian raised his neck: "who said that? I just looked at the road first... Look at me!"

He said that he had whipped his horse and rushed to the mountain road.

It's good that I just went up the mountain. The slope is not so steep and is close to the ground.

But the more you go up, the more rugged the mountain road becomes, and the more uneven the road becomes. There are stones everywhere. If you are not careful, the horse's body will tilt.

After walking a third of the mountain road, the mountain wind gradually increased and kept blowing. Seeing that it was still far from the top, Wei Tianchong's heart gradually began to beat drums.

At this time, he didn't dare to rush forward any more. He just pushed the horses forward step by step. Although it was slower, it was better than not being able to reach the peak.

As long as you can climb the mountain, you can prove that you are right. Wei Tianchong cheered himself up in this way.

Unfortunately, the facts are not always as beautiful as they imagined. Yinglong mountain is not a servant of the Wei family, so it is unnecessary to give the young master face.

Seeing that half of the mountain has not arrived, there is a mountain road in front of Wei Tianchong.

This mountain road is not too narrow, at least two feet wide, but it is more frightening than the ring road because it is surrounded by cliffs on both sides.

Wei Tianchong's heart was shocked. He wanted to turn back but was unwilling. He could only push the horse forward.

Walking on the uncovered mountain path, a gust of mountain wind blew through, and people and horses shook together.

Once in a while, he looked down and felt that the bottom was invisible. Wei Tianchong felt dizzy before his eyes.

"Hold on!" Wei Tian shouted at me.

Although he was afraid, he had a stubborn temper. He refused to shrink back anyway. The horse moved forward slowly, walking on the mountain road as if walking on a steel wire.

At this moment, the horse suddenly stepped on a stone, and his body suddenly tilted. Wei Tianchong quickly reined in to stabilize the horse.

But this time, the horse suddenly raised its hooves and stood up. Wei Tian failed to control himself with a rush. Shengsheng fell off the horse and rolled on the ground for several times, but he kept rolling out of the cliff.

He could have stopped himself, but he was terrified and weak all over. He failed to grasp it. Instead, he fell directly off the mountain road and fell straight down to the abyss below.

"No!" Wei Tianchong screamed with horror.

Just when he thought he was dead, a light suddenly appeared, wrapped around Wei Tianchong, and stopped his falling trend.

Wei Tianchong looked up in amazement. He saw an old man with white beard standing in the air. He wrapped himself in a holy thread and pulled him to his side. Then the old man laughed and flew down the mountain with Wei Tian. He looked slow and fast. In a blink of an eye, he fell back from the air to the ground and came to Wei Zheng Shufeng.

The old man arched his hand at Wei Zheng Shufeng and said, "fortunately, I am not disgraced!"

"Mother!" Wei Tianchong looks at his mother. Until now, his legs and stomach are still shaking. Suddenly, he feels wet between his legs. Looking down, he turns out that he was incontinent just now.

There was a low laugh beside him.

Zheng Shufeng, Wei, snorted coldly: "I can't even cross the middle of the mountain when I ride in broad daylight. Do you still think I'm good at horsemanship?"

Wei Tianchong was speechless.

"You worthless thing, don't you thank Master Lu for saving you?"

Wei Tianchong wanted to thank him. The old man with white beard waved his hand and said: "well, I didn't save you, but Tang Jie saved you... Don't do anything again, young master!"


When he woke up, Tang Jia found himself lying on a bed.

The bed is extremely soft, the quilt is also made of satin, and sandalwood is burning in the room. The environment is quite elegant. Obviously, it is not a room for people to live in.

Tang Jie was shocked. He wanted to sit up but found that he could not. Only then did he find that his whole body was wrapped like zongzi.

At that moment, a servant girl came in from the outside with a basin in her hand. When she saw Tang Jia, she smiled and said, "you're awake."

Tang Jie, a servant girl, knew her. Her name was Shi Yue. She was a servant girl beside her wife.

"It's sister Shi Yue. Where is this? Why am I here?" Tang Jie smiled at Shi Yue, but he still pretended to be confused.

Shi Yue came over and moistened the water with a towel and wiped Tang Jie's face. "This is Qixiang residence. It's specially reserved for the reception of distinguished guests. Don't worry. Your wife ordered you to come here. You are blessed!"

As she said, Shi Yue had already told him roughly what happened after he "fell into a coma".

"Your wife said that you did right and well. This time, the young master did not behave well. His wife has severely punished him and forbid him to go out for three months. The waiter Mo and the waiter Meng also said that they would be expelled from the house, but the wet nurse interceded, and then they gave up."

Although Shi Mo and Shi Meng were servants, they were not unknown. Just as he was introduced by the chief administrator, Shi Mo and Shi Meng also made friends with some foreign relatives in charge of the government. Among them, Shi Mo was the child of a relative of the nursing mother. If not for this, the nursing mother could not have spoken for them in this way at the beginning.

Because young men are brought up by suckling mothers, they have the so-called grace of breastfeeding. Therefore, suckling mothers generally have a high status in ancient families. The most famous suckling mother in history is the Hakka, the suckling mother of the apocalyptic Emperor Zhu Youxiao. It can be said that she has been in power for a while.

Having understood all this, Tang Jie didn't care.

Although his wife didn't drive them out of the house because of the nurse's intercession, after this incident, Shi Mo and Shi Meng's image in his wife's mind plummeted, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to bring them back in the future.

Some mistakes can't be made!

Sure enough, Shi Yue already said, "in spite of this, my wife still intends to transfer Shi Mo away from the young master."

"Who will replace Shi Mo?"

"Isn't this still under discussion? The first manager recommended you, saying that you are mature and stable, but the second manager and the third manager all recommended you. They said that your injury will not recover for a while, and it's not suitable to wait. Hum, anyway, you just want to push your own people. The master and wife are also discussing this matter. The wife likes you more now, but the master still has some scruples..."

Shi Yue looked around and confirmed that nobody was there before she came to Tang Jie's ear and said, "Master Lu Xian went to see the horse you killed before. He said that this stab was fierce, decisive and deadly. Such a precise and vicious technique is not like that of ordinary teenagers. In addition, your origin is still unknown, so my Lord has some scruples."

The long-term bribes have finally worked. Both rouge and Shi Yue have a good feeling for Tang Jie. That's why Rouge reports to his wife as soon as she sees Tang Jie, and Shi Yue reminds Tang Jie of his thoughts.

"Thank you, sister Shiyue. I see."

"Are you in no hurry?" Shi Yue was very curious to see Tang Jie's calm face.

Tang Jie smiled: "I've seen people's hearts for a long time. It's useless to be anxious about something."

Shi Yue already said with a smile, "you're here. Here, this is the elixir that my wife specially asked from Master Lu Xian for you. If you take it, your injury will recover faster."

Then he took out a medicine bottle and took a pill from it to Tang Jie.

This pill melts in the mouth. Tang Jie only feels a breath of Reiki enter his body. His whole body is warm and inexpressibly comfortable. He enters his body and travels through the four veins and eight collaterals, but the effect is much higher than that he absorbed with the Zang Xiang Jing.

Tang Jie's eyes lit up: "good medicine!"

"That's right. This is the magic medicine of the immortal family. Master Lu Xian is reluctant to use it. Just now he told me to take back the rest when you're well."

Originally, as long as he was willing, Tang Jie's injury could be healed soon.

Now hearing what Shi Yue said, I suddenly felt that it would be nice to stay in bed for a few more days.