
The Way to Protect You

A Man by the name of Haru was send back to the past which is scientifically impossible. this time he will save himself from the mistakes he had done to himself in order to save his and other's futures

Senpai_Desu · Fantasie
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14 Chs


Waking up haggard it's like I've pulled an all-nighter I guess. it was refreshing since I studied for myself.

"Breakfast! Haru!"

I got up to Snow's call and went down for that juicy meaty breakfast. and as usual the two superhuman that I call family eat with 2-4 plate worth of meat. I just grinned at the two eating

"eating meat makes you grow you know" Mark smirking while looking at me

I raised a fist knowing I'm smaller than Snow, Snow just snickered- I stared daggers.

"haha just eat your fill"

After that scene in the morning it was quite quiet afterwards. Snow learned sign language in 3 weeks, I would absolutely hate if I'm compared to her. But oh well pretty sure that wont happen.

"Haru ya need to learn sign language or else how would we talk~"

"yes yes" I gestured in the most lax manner

"your tutor is being Decided by the way"

I Jolted at that idea. I don't know how to act should I act a bit that I know some subjects? ya know what. I'm using the excuse that I learned shit in the net by using my phone alone. That way I wont be suspicious.


I've been in here for about a year I'm currently Six and a half. I know how to properly make sentences with sign language now. took me a while but next month is where my tutor ends

also I've been trying to get around my new found power. Its similar to the word 'unknown' Its form is mostly a black cloud. I don't know how it works fully but for now I found out that it expands space inside. Testing some things inside it apparently I manage on how much it expands. With a meter ruler I stuck inside its expands about a meter for every five centimeter. I don't know what to do with that.

Also inside it, light doesn't travel. I knew because I was curious how it will look like outside with light in it and threw a flashlight inside the cloud but there isn't even a single trace of glow in there. I managed to get the flashlight out and the second thing I learned from that is that it also absorbs heat on a phenomenal level. sticking a blowtorch there and sticking my hand in front of it doesn't even burn me.

I hope I learn more after I enroll at the academy on my ninth birthday.


"what the hell?"

Mark found out what I'm doing by slamming down the door with little effort. please give me those muscles

"Haru what were you doing? my head is rolling"

Ah I also learned that this cloud have an effect to those who are mentally weak. it makes them a bit...dizzy. I can guess why Mark is mentally weak since he's a vet

"nothing much" I replied with my hands

"alright. alright don't be late for dinner or I'll eat your fill"

I gasped with that audacity, I'm the only member here who has the smallest fill. the Hell you goin eat my fill for.

Anyways, that's not the only problem


I wanted to scream this but staring daggers to him, I managed to give him my message

"why would you do that pa"

Snow just added whilst looking at the destroyed part of the door- the hinge.



Alright , I hope I learned enough from myself. this time I'm prepared. The only problem I currently have is offense magic, My mana composition completely changed. well that's fine I have more options once I enroll to an Academy.

My tutor taught me basic subjects to spark my curiosity. and for that I chose «Magic study». since I will be working with my offense magic and learn more on this mana that I sure not own, but anyways «Magic Study» is a study of Mana and magic. I need to know more.

"Haru! you're about go to study in the same academy as Snow you're probably going to call her senior tho"

'I know you're going to use this opportunity just to have an excuse to drink Pa' while snickering I passively aggressively signed this to him

"you know I can't get drunk"

'Apple juice! or we're going for a meal full of veggies!'

"aww alright alright"

I smiled knowing that he hates vegetables meals only without any meat. well I guess that's where I got my appetite from.

I tapped Mark in the shoulder, looking at me with the look of 'what is it' on his face.

'I can choose what to learn right?'


'why's that?'

"efficiency.. well yes it is because of efficiency since teaching 1-2 subject to a person of interest is faster than teaching all subjects at once. Besides that's only academic and we still have our Outside experience to hone. does that satisfy you?"

I nod at that in agreement, we also separate people who can and cannot fight. since we as a whole Civilization of sentient beings are threatened to extinction by a Hybrid humans created. So with those reasons for those people who fight are always in constant action behind the walls humans created. I can't believe in the 21st Century's whole population is 7 billion, crazy how it went down to seven hundred million in just 3 centuries.