
The Way of the Wolf

It started hundreds of years ago, a war between good and evil that swayed the delicate balance of life on Earth. One side born of a sinister transaction with pure evil, the other a way to eradicate it. Through the generations, the battle continues. *** Wolf. That's what she was. A feral, growling, yet majestic creature with incredible power. They were born for this, created for this very moment. They were the light to banish the darkness and reinstate the stasis of the Earth. With the Guardian Games just around the corner, Lexi Vance only had one thing on her mind... Bringing that Victory back home to Moss Creek! But the Universe had other plans. She never thought that she would find the other half of her soul. The one with whom she was meant to be. She also never considered herself one to take a choice mate. And she certainly never thought he would be an alpha... Would the peace of the werewolf world last? Or would everything come crumbling down to nothing?

Jennifer_6047 · Fantasie
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8 Chs


Lexi sat at the dinning room table in the Alpha's mansion, blankly staring at the natural patterns in the wood. Several omega, lower ranked members of the pack, were scuttling about and putting away the leftovers, clearing the dishes, and every so often giving her a warm smile.

Her mother stood near the window that faced the front yard of the house and periodically peered through the white lace curtains in hopes of seeing her husband return.

The overall feeling of fear had dwindled. It was still present, but not as overwhelming as it had been before. The sadness that flooded the pit of her stomach was now at the forefront of her worries, leaving her to wonder exactly what happened. There had been no word from either Cole or her father and the painful howling had stopped over an hour ago.

She couldn't imagine what that must feel like. A true mate bond was a powerful thing. It was a blessing from the moon goddess, a gift that every wolf hoped to receive. It made you completely and irrevocably in love with your mate, the other half of your soul. A mate could feel more than just the general mood of their significant other. They could sometimes get glimpses of their memories or see pieces of what they were seeing depending upon how strong the couple was. They could feel each other's happiness and their pain.

And when a mate died, it was as if part of your soul had been ripped apart, taking with it every bit of happiness. Unexplainable pain, sadness, and a sense of emptiness was all that was left. A black hole where their other half had been.

Someone was in unimaginable pain.

Melanie fidgeted nervously with the curtain, checking once again for any sign of the others to return. Her golden curls were straighter than before because of her constant fretting and a concerned scowl had creased her graceful features, but her beauty was still ever much present.

"Come sit Mama. I'm sure they're fine." She said patting the wooden chair next to her.

Her mother turned a worried glance to her but stayed at the window. "I can't help but worry." She said pressing her lips into a thin line.

Lexi nodded. She was worried as well, but she knew that her father and Cole were both very much capable of handling whatever it was.

It was just the 'whatever it was' that was bothering her.

If a member of the pack had been killed as she was fairly certain had happened, then that meant there was much bigger issue. It would have had to have been some kind of attack. Werewolves were far too strong and their accelerated healing capabilities wouldn't allow just a random accident to cause death. It would have to be a major catastrophe.

Would another pack attack them? They were in a time of peace. Packs didn't fight for territory anymore. They hadn't for decades.

It didn't feel right, and she didn't like it.

Lexi stood and crossed the room to join her mother, her hand coming up to rub small circles in the center of her back. She turned and gave her daughter a small smile.

"You're going to make an amazing Luna, Lexi."

A sense of pride swelled in her belly. She knew that she had made the right choice.

The two were pulled from their private moment when the sound of the door opening startled them. Both quickly made their way to the foyer to see the males removing their shoes and shirts, big patches of red staining them both.

The smell of blood was like a slap in the face that made Lexi's stomach churn and she knew her fears had been realized. Someone had died tonight.

Her hand came up to cover her mouth.

"Are you hurt?" Melanie asked rushing to her husband and checking his body for any wounds. "Whose blood is this?"

Rex placed his hands on his mate's shoulders in an attempt to calm her. "I'm fine Melanie. We're fine." He looked exhausted.

She breathed a sigh of relief and wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him tightly.

Lexi stood away from Cole, watching as he removed his blood-stained shirt and used it to wipe his hands. She felt awkward standing there in silence, taking in his masculine form and the way his muscles rippled beneath the skin as he moved. She knew that she was going to be mated to this alpha, but it was a brand-new occurrence, and she wasn't sure what the appropriate action would be. Should she hug him? Feign over him the way her mother did her father? Should she not do anything?

She opted for the safe choice and slowly approached him.

"Are you alright?" She asked hesitantly.

Her hands moved of their own accord, wringing together nervously. "Are you hurt?"

Cole tossed his soiled shirt to the side and gave her small smile. "I'm fine Lexi." He said reassuringly.

The last hour had been quite the emotional drain on him and he wanted, no he needed to feel some type of comfort.

But he didn't want to rush into things.

Lexi could see it in his eyes and without a second thought, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his middle, her cheek resting against the hard planes of his bare chest.

Cole was slightly taken aback and took a moment before he reacted, his arms circling around her lean frame. He was careful not to let his dirtied hands ruin her clothes or touch her flawless skin. He rested his chin atop her head a sense of relief flooded his body at her embrace.

Lexi pulled back and looked up into his rich brown eyes. "What happened?"

Rex released her mother and turned his attention to his daughter. "A member of the pack was killed." He said solemnly.

Lexi gave Cole a worried and confused look.

"We were attacked." He paused and glanced at the Beta's mate before turning back to his future Luna. "By an Immortal."

Lexi's heart felt as though it had dropped straight through the pit of her stomach as she stared in shock.