
The Way of the Wolf

It started hundreds of years ago, a war between good and evil that swayed the delicate balance of life on Earth. One side born of a sinister transaction with pure evil, the other a way to eradicate it. Through the generations, the battle continues. *** Wolf. That's what she was. A feral, growling, yet majestic creature with incredible power. They were born for this, created for this very moment. They were the light to banish the darkness and reinstate the stasis of the Earth. With the Guardian Games just around the corner, Lexi Vance only had one thing on her mind... Bringing that Victory back home to Moss Creek! But the Universe had other plans. She never thought that she would find the other half of her soul. The one with whom she was meant to be. She also never considered herself one to take a choice mate. And she certainly never thought he would be an alpha... Would the peace of the werewolf world last? Or would everything come crumbling down to nothing?

Jennifer_6047 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

This is it

Lexi stared at her reflection wondering what the evening ahead held for her, bright green eyes almost indifferent. Her long black hair was gently curled and the teal sheath dress accentuated her muscular frame. It was a simple, yet down to earth look that had her feminine form radiating with a natural beauty.

The next in line for Beta had a hunch what tonight was about, but the thought left an awkward taste in her mouth. If Cole asked her to be his choice mate and the Luna of their pack, she wasn't sure what her answer would be. It was obvious what everyone else thought she should say, but she wasn't sure if it was something she wanted for herself.

It was an argument that she'd had many times before. Part of her, particularly her wolf half, wanted to be strong and independent, stepping into her rightful role as beta with a sense of pride and self accomplishment, to be the second-in -charge that her father had groomed her to be since the day she was born.

But the other part of her, the logical side, told her that this would be an amazing step up, to be not just a high ranking member of the pack, but to be the HIGHEST ranking female of the pack... second only to the alpha himself.

It was a battle she would both win and lose, regardless of what she chose.

A knock on the heavy wood of the bedroom door snapped her from her own thoughts.

"Come on in." Lexi said with a smile as the door opened just the tiniest bit to reveal her petite mother's smiling face.

Her mother's golden locks were a stark contrast to her own, but they both shared the same elegant facial features of high cheekbones and full lips. Matching emerald eyes crinkled at the corners with a smile as her mother surveyed her.

"Alexis Vance, you have got to be the most beautiful girl this world has ever seen." Melanie Vance said as she entered.

Lexi scoffed. "You have to say that. You're my mother." She said slipping on a pair of nude colored heels.

Melanie laughed. "No I don't. I just have to say that I love you. The beauty is optional." She said with a wink.

The younger wolf laughed and stood to face her mother, the mirth in her eyes fading slightly.

"Are you nervous?" She asked placing her hands on her daughters shoulders. "I think we all kind of expect what tonight is about."

Lexi raised a brow. "You're thinking the same thing too?"

Her mother let her arms drop from her shoulders and turned to pace a few steps before sitting on the edge of the bed, careful not to wrinkle her knee length floral dress. She patted the spot next to her and gave a reassuring smile.

Lexi sighed and plopped down next to her in a little less graceful manner, leaning her head on her mother's shoulder. Dainty fingers came up to gently slide through the curls hanging down her back as they sat together.

"I think the alpha is well aware of the amazing young woman you have turned out to be, both strong and beautiful." There was a moment of silence as she chose her next words carefully. "I also think he would be crazy not to want someone like you to lead our pack with."

Lexi lifted her head enough to give her mother a warm smile. "Thanks Mama."

Melanie took a deep breath and placed a hand on each of her daughter's cheeks, guiding her face to look directly at her.

"But regardless of what he does or does not ask you, you follow what your heart and your wolf tell you is best for you and our pack."

Lexi gave her an almost confused look. "So you wouldn't be upset if he asked and I said no?"

Her mother smiled. "I think you have a bright future ahead of you whether you're a beta or a Luna."

Lexi's smile widened and a sense of relief washed over her as she wrapped her arms around her mother's delicate frame.

"Thank you." She said inhaling her rosemary and jasmine scent.

"Now your father on the other hand..." She started with an apologetic look as they pulled away and stood. "He may be a little disappointed. But in time, he'll understand that whatever you choose, is what's best for you."

The black haired wolf grimaced slightly. "I hope you're right." She shrugged. "But that all depends on if he actually asks."

"And if you say no." Melanie chimed in.

The two smiled at each other and straightened their dresses, Lexi taking one last look in the mirror. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?"


"Mrs. Vance, Lexi, you two look absolutely stunning." Cole said kissing Melanie on the cheek and giving Lexi a playful wink.

"They certainly do." Rex said accepting a firm handshake from his alpha. "I count myself as one lucky wolf."

"Indeed you are." He said smiling and stepping away from the front door of the small mansion that traditionally housed the pack alpha. "Please come in."

The three of them entered into the foyer and were greeted with the heavenly smell of steak, potatoes, and a variety of vegetables that were skillfully prepared and served on the somewhat austentatious dinning room table.

The beta and his wife made their way to the feast and Cole hung back to give Lexi a warm smile. "You really do look amazing."

Lexi smiled. "Thank you Alpha."

Cole rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Cole?" He asked with a chuckle.

She laughed. "It's a hard habit to break."

The alpha placed his hand at the small of her back and guided her toward the table and her parents who stood behind their usual chairs directly to the right of the head of the table.

"This food looks and smells wonderful, alpha." Melanie said inhaling deeply.

He laughed and pulled out the chair to his left, looking at Lexi expectantly.

Lexi gave him a confused look. The beta and his family were the right hands of the leader of the pack. It was always the beta, their spouse, then any other members of the family. The left was generally reserved for the Luna.

Lexi's stomach did flips at her realization. She and her parents, were right. He was going to ask her to be his choice mate.

Her heart rate sped up and she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, giving him a small smile as she obliged his offer.

Her parents looked at each other with knowing grins and the black haired she-wolf wanted nothing more than to wipe the looks from their faces. Her nerves were already on end as it was. Their side glances were not helping.

Cole slid the chair closer to the table as she sat, before taking his own place at the head of the table and gave her his signature smile.

Her mind was going a thousand miles an hour, the familiar argument waging war in her head. What would she do? Should she accept? Would she be happy being a Luna? Is this what she really wanted?

But on the other hand, what did she really have to lose? She could still be independent, and her opinions and accomplishments would hold so much more weight as the alphas mate. He was a very handsome wolf and they'd known each other their entire lives. It wasn't as if she would be marrying a complete stranger.

Could she really look at Cole as anything other than a brother and a friend?

"I'm really glad you all were able to make it to dinner tonight." He started. "It seems like it's been ages since we've done this!"

Rex nodded. It had been quite a while since they'd sat down to a meal together. Ever since he'd taken on the role of alpha, Cole's schedule had been filled with diplomatic meetings, pack traditions, and just daily duties in general.

Lexi had to admit there was a certain feeling of nostalgia to it. She remembered sitting across from a much younger and playful Cole many years before, the two flinging peas at each other and getting reprimanded by their parents.

But so much had changed since then. Her childhood friend had certainly grown and developed into a leader. He wasn't as much of the playful friend she grew up with, but she could see glimpses of him every now and then.

"Well don't let me stop you. Please, dig in!" The alpha said and motioned to the plethora of food before them.

The group filled their plates and most of the meal was spent in silence as they ate, a few bits and peices of chatter about upcoming pack events sprinkled in here and there. It was quite the enjoyable experience.

As they finished up, Cole wiped his mouth with his napkin and stared down at his plate as if he were contemplating something. He could feel Lexi's eyes on him, and he cast her a side glance and a smile before he lifted his gaze to the Beta and his wife.

"Mr. and Mrs. Vance," He began somewhat shakily. "I'm sure both of you, all of you, have heard the rumors floating around the pack about me looking for a choice mate."

'And he's jumping right in...' Lexi thought to herself.

Both Rex and Melanie straightened in their chairs, listening intently, while Lexi felt her heart jump up into her throat. Her pulse became erratic, and she nervously fidgeted with the hem of her dress under the table.

Cole turned his gaze to the black-haired she-wolf and his expression seemed to soften a bit as he took in her features.

"Well, those rumors are true. My wolf has run with pack on the full moons, and I know my true mate isn't out there. So, I will be taking a choice mate."

He glanced back to her parents before returning his attention to her, his hand reaching under the table to find hers in her lap.

"Lexi Vance, you are one incredible wolf. Strong, smart, determined, beautiful. We've known each other practically our whole lives and I am so proud of the woman you have become. You are going to make a great leader."

Lexi could feel her cheeks flush a shade of pink and she was immediately hyper-aware of the fact her palms were sweating.

"You forgot stubborn." She added with a laugh.

His smile widened and he nodded. "Yes. You are absolutely stubborn."

This was it. He was going to ask.

He paused for a moment before continuing.

"Absolutely nothing would make me happier than if you would do me the honor of becoming my mate and the Luna of the Moss Creek pack."

Melanie's delicate fingers went to her lips as she watched the scene before her unfold. She grabbed her mate's hand and squeezed his fingers in anticipation.

Lexi's eyes widened. She knew it was coming, but it still hadn't prepared her for actually hearing the words. Her stomach flip flopped as she searched his face, her mind racing.

Cole Connors, Alpha of Moss Creek. Could she see herself mated to him for life?

A few seconds seemed to stretch on forever before she finally gave him a smile and nodded.

"Yes Cole. I'll be your Luna."

Melanie gasped and clapped, quickly wiping a single tear from her cheek.

The alphas smile spread across his face, and he pushed his chair back to stand, pulling her up with him for a warm embrace.

She wrapped her arms around his torso and was confident in her decision when he placed a kiss against her temple. She pulled back to look up into his rich brown eyes and realized that she was making the right choice. He was a good man and a strong wolf. This was a good thing.

Suddenly, a feeling of dread seemed to spread throughout the room. The happy faces seemed to melt away as they all traded looks. The hair on Lexi's arms stood on end and fear began to prickle her skin.

"Do you feel that?" She asked.

Rex leapt up from his chair and the two males turned for the door.

"Somethings not right." Cole said looking back to her. "Something has happened."

They started for the door but were stopped in their tracks when an ear shattering howl pierced the evening silence outside. It was a howl of grief. Pain and sadness radiated through the vibrations. Someone's mate had died.

"You two stay here." Rex said grabbing his coat and quickly kissing his wife.

Cole trotted the distance between himself and Lexi and placed a hand on her cheek. "We'll let you know as soon as we find out happened."

His eyes lingered on her full lips for more than a second before he smiled and headed back to the door.

Lexi could feel the pack vibrating with fear and sadness and she didn't like it. This was her home, her family, and something terrible had happened. She just didn't know what.

Melanie came to stand beside her daughter, wrapping an arm around her as they watched the men run from the house.

"Don't worry. They'll get everything taken of." She said quietly. She turned a knowing look to her daughter. "They'll be fine Luna."

Lexi couldn't help but smile even through her anxiousness. It was awkward hearing it, especially from her own mother, but she supposed it was something she would have to get used to.

But right now, all she wanted was to know that her pack was safe.