
The Way Of The Villainess

The villainess is the main antagonist of the story. She must be brutal, aggressive, and not give in to good. The villainess must be a woman that others admire but also despite. As for the House of Belladonna. To act evil is an act of kindness. Adriana Belladonna is the daughter who belonged to a powerful family that ruled the lands of Arabella. Also known for their studies of the dark arts. In short black magic. Given the title as ‘poison beauty’. Adriana was accused of many things such as the kidnapping of Astell Skydane, the heir of the Skydane House. In the year 4002 of Arabella, Adriana Belladonna, was executed when she had not committed any crimes. But when she woke up once more she was back to her eighteen years old self. Five years after her execution. "Open the curtains, and what year is it?" ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== Illustrated by: laylee_hiu Editor: @nyctophile1970 (X) Instagram: author_ann0

anlaS0 · Fantasie
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59 Chs

A Dream About The Past

"Raven! No, you can't die like this," pleaded Adriana as she slowly reached out her trembling hand. The blood continued to flow out of his abdomen, making her panic.

"S-sister, run away," Raven forced his voice out while reaching his hand out, trying to wipe the tears that flowed out of her eyes. But he couldn't see anything as but black.

"You can't leave me just like this," begged Adriana as she held onto his hand. "You can't."

Seeing the unbreakable Adriana made Raven laugh. It assured him that at least there was someone who would cry when he died.

"Why are you laughing? You're not supposed to laugh when you're dying."

"I'm glad. You're here by my side," answered Raven.

"If you leave me. I'm really going to be alone. I don't want that."

"Sister, you seem so weak right now," chuckled Raven, who wanted to see the expression Adriana was making but couldn't.

His eyesight was nothing but black. But he imagined what Adriana looked like when she was twenty years old.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't find a cure for your eyes," wept Adriana as she lowered her head under his neck.

"May I?" Raven asked, not finishing his sentence.

"Yes, anything," Adriana tightens their grip.

"Can I call your name?"

"Yes, of course," Her voice trembled.

"It was nice meeting you, Adriana," thanked Raven, making Adriana burst out of tears. Not because of his last words. But because he gave her a smile before breathing his last breath.

"It was nice meeting you too."

When Adriana woke up, a tear slipped off her eye. This made her recall the horrible past. And it scared her that it would repeat.

Adriana tried sitting up, but before she could move an inch. Her body twitched in pain. Her abdomen ached the most, which stopped her from moving.

Right she was stabbed by Lucifer's long sword. It must mean she had been asleep for days. As much as she needed water. Adriana couldn't move a single inch. Her whole body felt as if it was being crushed under a boulder.

The door opened and entered Raven, who held a flower vase in his hand. When he saw Adriana wide awake, he placed the vase on the table and rushed to her.

"You're awake," Raven held her hand. "I'll pour you some water. Can you sit up?"

"I think I can. But the wound might open up," answered Adriana waiting for Raven to help her.

"Wait. I'll help you out. Don't push yourself so much," panicked Raven, who was in the middle of pouring water. He placed the glass cup by the side table and helped Adriana up.

"How many days was I sleep?" Adriana winced as she sat up. Sweat broke from her forehead as she struggled to sit up.

"Three days with continuous fever. If you don't mind," excused Raven, who placed a hand on her forehead, checking her temperature.

At this kind of time. Adriana wondered how a sixteen-year-old boy could act so mature. Sometimes she thinks that Raven is older than her.

"Three days is not that bad. But I feel lots of things had changed," mumbled Adriana, who thanked Raven for pouring her a glass of water.

"Well, it's still the same. And father hasn't announced anything. If I were to guess. He's waiting for you to get better," remarked Raven, who removed his hand. "No fever, but you're still required to stay in bed. I'll ask someone to call the doctor."

"Thank you. What about Madam Pamela? How is she?" Inquired Adriana, which was unusual for her to ask about others.

"Locked herself in the room. Ever since she lost favor from father."

The same events happened, and Adriana was not surprised at all. Eventually, Pamela will end up killing herself after two days. If not, Vayne will feed her to the hounds, which no one likes.

"You want to bet?" tempted Adriana.

"On how long Madam Pamela will live?" Raven smirked as his eyes sparkled with excitement. "Hmm, three more days?"

"Then I'll go with two. Though I know, you're going to win."

"Sister, I'll be back. You must be hungry, and the doctor," Raven walked out of her room to call a servant.

Adrian sighed out loud and gently touched her abdomen, where the wound was located. It'll take at least two weeks for the wound to fully heal. In the meantime, she'll need to stay low and act weak.

The only thing she has to worry about is the sudden attack of the poison in her body. As her blood is different, it means more suffering to her body.

At one point, she'll need to find someone who can sustain the poison in her body. If not, she'll end up suffering very much. At worse, she'll grow weaker.

But being asleep for three days is relatively short, unlike the past when she was asleep for a week. It was a good thing she made a contract with Faris before the grand test.

Before being stabbed by the long sword, Adriana secretly summoned Faris, the illusionist. With the power of Faris, she made an illusion of Adriana, who took the fatal blow. And while Adriana had to take damage to fool others.

Adriana was sure no one noticed it and would keep this secret for a while. On the other hand, she had to prepare herself to summon her last companion. The grim reaper.

However, her current body would not be able to handle the heaviness. The stronger their companions are, the more damage their bodies would take.

This is the downfall of using dark magic. The more they use dark magic, the more damage they will take. This is why Adriana needed something or someone to help her sustain herself.

"The only one who can help me is the Skydane family…." Adriana realized, and a sigh followed.

The Skydane family is the opposite of the Belladonna family. If the Belladonna family specializes in dark magic. The Skydane family specializes in light magic or holy magic.

And in the Skydane family, there was one who could help Adriana. Who goes by the name Astell Skydane.

"Though it's impossible for him to help me. Since we're enemies," shuddered Adriana, who slowly lowered her head. Then what other ways can she save herself?

The dream earlier reminded Adriana of the damage it can bring to the body. It was dangerous. And she needed to find a better solution aside from the unicorn's blood.

Everything was driving Adriana crazy. She wanted to take things one at a time, but time was running out. Just in two months, the meeting of the four families will occur in the Skydane Estate.

In the past, Adriana couldn't join because of the injury she had sustained. But this time, she'll be able to go and avoid the kidnapping of the forest clan's daughter, Leena Bryfiel.

If she avoids the kidnapping of Leena Bryfiel. Then it'll prevent her end.

"What else is there to remember?" Adriana pondered. "Right, I'll have to suffer for a while because of the sudden change of treatment. Well… it's alright. It's just going to be a pain dealing with her."

Raven dashed into the room and followed Joana, holding a tray in her hands. While another maid placed a mini table on the bed.

"Eat up. I asked the doctor to come once you're done eating. If that's alright…" hesitated Raven, not wanting to sound annoying.

"Raven, come closer," ordered Adriana and followed Raven. She patted his head which made his ears turn red. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"I-it's nothing," stuttered Raven. "I'm doing what I have to do."

How can Adriana hate him? For as long as she remembered. Raven had been by her side since they were younger. Even if they disagreed on some things. They end up being allies by the end of the day.

Thank you for reading. Also, I won't be able to update next week from Monday to Thursday. I have my final exams and will be studying.

Also please leave reviews. I would appreciate it very much!

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