
The Way Of The Villainess

The villainess is the main antagonist of the story. She must be brutal, aggressive, and not give in to good. The villainess must be a woman that others admire but also despite. As for the House of Belladonna. To act evil is an act of kindness. Adriana Belladonna is the daughter who belonged to a powerful family that ruled the lands of Arabella. Also known for their studies of the dark arts. In short black magic. Given the title as ‘poison beauty’. Adriana was accused of many things such as the kidnapping of Astell Skydane, the heir of the Skydane House. In the year 4002 of Arabella, Adriana Belladonna, was executed when she had not committed any crimes. But when she woke up once more she was back to her eighteen years old self. Five years after her execution. "Open the curtains, and what year is it?" ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== Illustrated by: laylee_hiu Editor: @nyctophile1970 (X) Instagram: author_ann0

anlaS0 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The Possible New Heir

The colosseum is one of the noisiest places where the cheers and roars of the crowd would echo.

But where Adriana stood, not a single person made a sound. None of the crowd was willing to make a sound despite the most anticipated match.

Adriana walked to the middle of the colosseum with shoulders high. With the way she walked, anyone knew she was confident with whatever her plan was.

Another person walked into the arena, and he glanced at Adriana. Neither smiling nor frowning, which made Adriana have no clue what he was thinking about.

"Get to your positions," ordered the family head, Vayne Belladonna, who was sitting in the best venue in the colosseum.

"I hope things won't be bloody," said Jocelyn, who fiddled her fingers in circles and stood up.

"Jocelyn, if you can't stand watching, you can go back to your room," suggested Vayne, who lifted his finger, but Jocelyn stopped him by pulling his hand down.

"No, I'll watch this match. It's important since Adriana is fighting," Jocelyn clenched her fist onto her light blue dress as her brows were slightly furrowed.

"You seem to care so much for her," interrupted Ebony, who pressed her yellow fan to her lips.

"Well, don't you care about your own son?" Jocelyn asked in a confused tone. Then followed a wicked laugh from Ebony.

"My dear Jocelyn, of course, I do," mocked Ebony as a frown formed on her lips. "I'm not like you. And you should stop caring for her. It's not like Adriana treats you like her mother."

Jocelyn was defeated just like that. She was naive and slow-witted. Which makes her an easy target. The only reason Jocelyn is alive is that she is the favored wife of Vayne Belladonna.

"Ebony, do you mind? The fight is about to begin," exhaled Vayne, who leaned closer to have a better look at Adriana and Issac. "Place on your bets, ladies. Whoever wins will possibly be the next heir."

Adriana took a deep breath before summoning Yashiro out. With a snap of a finger, unleashed an oni mask. The crowd muttered at each other, confused to see a mask.

But with another snap of a finger. The mask turned into a human form, but there were horns sticking out on the top of his head.

"An Oni… I never knew Adriana had a contract with him. Just how long did she sustain him?" Pondered Ebony, whose fingers were digging into her skin.

Ebony didn't like the fact Adriana was hiding something dangerously strong. Just when did she obtain something powerful?

"Good. Very good," applauded Vayne, while when Issac summoned a ghoul, he wasn't impressed at all. "The same old tricks."

"You don't seem to be so proud of him?" Interrogated Ebony, who was feeling itchy all over.

"I'm impressed with Adriana. She was at the top because of her intelligence, but who knows, she'll stay there until the end," answered Vayne, who rubbed his chin.

Ebony was starting to feel wary of the comments Vayne made. The fact that Adriana was overpowering her son didn't feel right.

When it came to power. The compliments were usually towards Issac. Which is why it did not feel right.

Ebony calmed herself down and swung open her yellow fan. She fanned herself, panicking but still confident. Ebony hid her smirk behind her fan, knowing that Issac had something under his sleeve.

"It's alright," announced Ebony, which made Vayne look at her.

"What is?" Vayne asked as one of his brows rose.

"Issac will win."

When everyone thought Issac had nothing under his sleeve, they were all wrong. Another creature appeared, and it was the King of Demons, Lucifer.

For a while, Adriana forgot she was on a battlefield. Though she intended to win this match, she changed her mind to plan b.

From the beginning, despite being confident with herself. Adriana knew that she had no chance of defeating Issac. This is why five years from now, Issac became the heir of Belladonna.

Adriana smirked and knew what to be done. The whistle blew and charged in Lucifer, who dashed along with his long sword at Yashiro.

The swords deflected at each other, which left a satisfying sound. However, the katakana of Yashiro couldn't handle the strength, which shattered into pieces.

The long sword struck Yashiro, and instead of red blood, it was black blood that flowed out from his body.

While Adriana stood calm, looking at Lucifer, whose black wings were spread apart in the air. She knew it was coming, just like in the past. But this time, it will be a bit different.

Adriana shut her eyes, waiting for a sword to strike her, but instead, she heard footsteps closing towards her.

"You're going to surrender just like that?" asked Issac, who pulled his sword out from his black scabbard.

"I tried fighting, and it's obvious I would lose," answered Adriana, still keeping her eyes shut.

"You barely fought. You had just shown off your companion."

Issac stared at her long eyelashes, then at her pink lips. For a moment, he wanted to rub his thumb, wanting to know the feeling of her lips.

"It's unfortunate," blurted Issac, who signaled Lucifer to go closer.

"What is?" asked Adriana. "Why is the great Issac feel so uncertain about it?"

"You're weak and that you'll never surpass me," Issac muttered while Adriana opened her eyes about to fume. But she was stabbed by Lucifer's long sword.

Adriana's eyes were wide open with the sudden action. She cursed out loud before the long sword was removed from her body.

If it was a normal long sword, Adriana wouldn't have felt so much pain. But Lucifer's sword was different. It was coated with poison which gave more pain to Adriana.

Her body collapsed onto the ground while her head was slightly raised. Staring down at her was Issac, who neither looked satisfied nor dissatisfied.

The poison started to kick in, which made Adriana groan in pain. Her body flinched, and she hugged herself.

All of a sudden, it started to feel cold. Her throat felt dry, wanting something to thirst her quenched. While her vision and hearing started to turn blurry.

She looked pathetic and weak, lying on the ground in pain. But she did not have a choice. Her body wouldn't listen to her.

Sooner and later, she lost consciousness of everything. And that was the beginning of Adriana's fall from her position.

"Too bad. I thought you could handle the poison. But I guess not," muttered Issac, who summoned back Lucifer and his ghoul. "Now that I'm on the lead. I'm hoping you'll entertain me again. My dear butterfly."

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