
The War of the Kingdoms

A cast of actors, famous for their roles in the hit show "The War of The Kingdoms" are ready to film the last scene of a very long day, when a sorceress thrusts them into that very same world the show portrays. Now in the world of Noth Mildor, a place they once believed as a land of fiction, they soon realize that this world and the war between the world's Kingdoms are anything but fiction. With the help of a few, they learn the magic and sorcery that energizes the world and all around it, hoping to survive and explore this mystical and beautiful place while being on guard not to be devoured by it.

NKino · Fantasie
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31 Chs

The Kingdom of The Valley

Livel stopped her bike as they arrived at the Convallis border, parking her bike behind the biggest tree she could find. Valier and Jasmin exit the side car as Jocko, Frey and Wilt, having to share one bike, angled their tangled legs in order to depart from this nightmare. As they all struggled to get out, cramping in very uncomfortable areas, they immediately stretched and tried to get as far away from the bike.

As they stared upon the Castle, they couldn't help but be in awe as spring time was the most beautiful time for this kingdom. A crescent moon shaped mountain, covered in green from the freshly grown grass, surrounded the castle. The land that led up the castle had a paved road made of brick, with flowers of all types blooming and covering every inch of the valley on each side. Next to the valley was a beautiful lake that extended far beyond the mountains, so big that one might think it was as big as the ocean. The water sparkled in the sunlight, with fish jumping randomly, sending ripples throughout the lake.

On both sides of the path had markets, shops and homes all built with wood, and covered with colors that matched the flowers. Book stores, bread shops, music playing all around. This place was filled with such rich culture you could spend all day listening to the music, while dipping your toes and filling yourself up with bread.

"This place sucks, doesn't it?" Livel said harshly while looking around.

Valier and Jasmin looked at each other in disgust at how someone could say that about such a place.

"We need to be careful. They patrol the border at random times, and because it's a wide open field, it's easy to spot trespassers. We need to hide amongst the people and get the castle as stealthily as possible." Livel said, pointing around the field like a coach calling a play.

"When we get close, I'll need you, Jocko, to create the largest flame you can and while the guards come and try to kill you, that's where you come in, Valier. You are the strongest amongst us, so you need to help Frey and Wilt create a barrier to shield them from the attacks. Jasmin, you'll follow me inside for backup. I'll only need five minutes. After that, the book is yours."

Livel and Jasmin went to the storefront closest to the castle's entrance, waiting for the plan to start.

As they saw a huge flame roar through the valley, Livel could see chaos arise inside the castle.

Guards all in their silver armor sprinted out of the castle with their bows made of light ready.

"You will cease immediately or we will open fire." One guard said.

As the guards waited a second, while their hands itched to let go and shoot the arrow at the perpetrator, the flame grew tenfold with the help of Valier. Causing them to release the arrows aiming to kill. The captain reached for his orb and called for backup while they marched closer to the fire. More and more guards rushed out and joined in the attack as Livel and Jasmin went to the back, ducking while trying to remain unseen. They approached a series of windows, all locked with an enchantment. Livel pulled out her scepter and quickly unlocked it with such precision and skill. With that skill, she probably thought nothing of my enchantments on the scepter and book.

As they quickly entered the room, a guard exited the castle. His armor was covered in medals of honor, wearing them all with pride. Drador, the captain of the guards, infuriated at this display of disobedience.

"Who are these criminals?"

"We don't know sir, we believe they're from a neighboring kingdom."

"Let's hurry this up. We don't want anyone to think that we allow this type of ruckus here."

Livel and Jasmin headed upwards. Livel navigated through the castle similar to how Jasmin did back at the Elk Fenios Castle with such precision and efficiency. She headed toward what looked to be a heavily guarded room with five guards protecting the entrance. As she walked casually up to them, they all took out their weapons and prepared to attack when Livel, with her scepter, swiftly launched them out of the window behind her, causing a loud shattering noise.

They opened the door, which revealed the throne room, filled with priceless jewelry, historic weapons, and piles of gold and silver. Livel, not taking one look at the priceless artifacts and headed straight towards the man sitting on the throne. Guards hearing the noise outside were already ready to attack, but unfortunately for them, that didn't matter. Livel pointed her scepter towards the guards and sent them flying through the double doors they just entered and tumbling down the many steps below.

Livel became enraged as she glowed the same aura that Jasmin saw in the dune. A silver aura that shines brighter than all the jewelry in the room. The king looked at her in terror as he hid behind the massive throne he once sat on, as she unleashed a powerful attack, propelling the throne backwards and smashing the king's body.

Slowly she walked towards the king, reaching into her bag and tossing the book backwards into the hands of Jasmin, signaling their deal was now over. The king struggled to move, trying to escape as he looked on at Livel moving closer. Livel tried to enjoy the moment she waited so long for, her anger growing with every step.

"Did you think this throne was going to protect you? Hiding behind a title you think you deserve. How you cower behind your armored men, fighting your battles for you. While you sit here, getting weaker by the day."

"How could you abandon us? More importantly, my mother, to live the way we did?" Livel yelled as she became impossible to look at. The silver glow lit up the castle, causing every guard to change targets and run back inside. Their footsteps clanked louder as they made it up the stairs.

Livel pushed the throne closer to the wall, breaking any bones that were still intact. "Did you think nothing of us but trash to be thrown away? Here have your throne. We never needed you!"

Livel lifted her scepter once again, ready to kill, when she felt an arm reach out and grab her. Livel glanced backwards, ready to throw another guard out, when she spotted it was Jasmin, shielding her eyes while trying to stop Livel. Livel looked at her and the damage she caused, with eyes filled with rage and sorrow. As the guards entered the room, Livel and Jasmin were already on their back to the others.