
The War of the Kingdoms

A cast of actors, famous for their roles in the hit show "The War of The Kingdoms" are ready to film the last scene of a very long day, when a sorceress thrusts them into that very same world the show portrays. Now in the world of Noth Mildor, a place they once believed as a land of fiction, they soon realize that this world and the war between the world's Kingdoms are anything but fiction. With the help of a few, they learn the magic and sorcery that energizes the world and all around it, hoping to survive and explore this mystical and beautiful place while being on guard not to be devoured by it.

NKino · Fantasy
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31 Chs

The Trial of Rathmal and Draunith

As Draunith and Rathmal walked through the caves of Doromir, Draunith made sure not to take her eyes off him for even a moment.

"I can sense your fear. Fear that I would use this weapon on you."

"I fear you not. I can tell you haven't mastered the netherworld magic that the blade is imbued with. You have only managed to enchant it, and don't think I didn't notice the toll it took on your body after slaying the catrol."

"You are right, I have not mastered this powerful magic, because if I had, you wouldn't be standing here."

"That was what I thought."

Rathmal and Draunith reached the end of a series of caves, as they discovered light for the first time. They approached the entrance with great caution, sliding against the walls, trying to make themselves as small as possible. As they reached the end, they peeked outside, scanning to see if anyone expected them.

As they looked beyond into the opening, their hearts raced with fear, discovering a den of catrols, all waiting there with the King of Doromir in the middle. The Doromir King sat there on a throne made of bones, with what looked to be human skulls at the end of the armrests. A collection that Rathmal rather not know the origins of. The throne was centered in the middle of a glass stage, surrounded by a cliff that had no end in sight. Doromir guards stood side by side with one another on a path that swirled through the room. All watching them through their unsettling masks while lighting the cave with the torches in one hand and rusted blades in the other. Their eyes widened as they saw the frightening sight, turning to run but quickly being snatched by the tails of the monster. The catrols squeezed as tightly as they could without killing them. Rathmal winced as he could hear and feel his ribs smashing, as well as Draunith's metal armor piercing her skin and wrapping around her so tightly as if it was her flesh.

The King of Doromir slammed his staff down, rattling the trinkets and shards that hung from it, signaling the catrols to loosen their grip and place them in front of him. He yelled in a screeching but booming voice, a voice that echoed throughout the cavern. The Doromirian spoke in a tongue that Draunith knew, but Rathmal didn't. Rathmal sat there confused, wondering what he was saying, but knew it wasn't in their favor.

Draunith spoke to the King, urgently telling him something. Rathmal could only look on, hoping that the partnership they formed didn't end here. The Doromir King nodded, and slammed his staff once again, causing the catrols to walk towards one of the entrances to the throne room, exiting the king's sights. Rathmal still felt anxious not knowing where they were taking him, but felt a sense of relief being escorted away from that unsettling environment. They moved through the tunnel as the catrol held Rathmal, so the only thing he could see was the ceiling of the cave. His feet and arms dangled from his side as he gave up trying to use his core through this heinous tour. He tilted his head down to see what was behind him and saw Draunith close behind.

"Where are we going?" Rathmal asked as softly as he could, but loud enough for her to hear him.

"We are leaving this Kingdom."


"Don't say another word." Draunith said so sternly, Rathmal gave up his argument and remained silent. They went through tunnel after tunnel until they saw sunlight for the first time in what seemed like years. Forgetting what the hot sand and sun of the dune felt like.

As they reached the end of the cave, Draunith and Rathmal saw the battle still raging. A fight that the Zabulo, tenedraugs and jellyfish were doing the heavy lifting in. The catrols raised them as high as the mountain itself and held them there.

"Call off your men." Draunith said, Rathmal swinging his head in shock, as to why they would be leaving. But knowing without her help, this battle is all but over. Draunith, like she often did, led by example and signaled for her army to retreat. She waved her wand and created a signal, ordering them to go back to the kingdom, almost like a conductor in front of their orchestra.

Rathmal looked to his men, as they ignored the Athlondrians and continued to fight the Zabul. He hesitantly sent a flash of light into the air. His men saw the flash of light and flew to a safer area, waiting for his instruction.

"Go back to the Kingdom immediately. We are done here." Rathmal said, as he looked down with disappointment

Tazul and the elders stared at Rathmal with such confusion, but followed his orders and headed back to their Kingdom.

As the sea of men and women left the dune and headed back to their respective kingdoms, the catrol loosened their grips and laid them down on the hot sand of the Doromir and went back into their nightmarish homes.

"We are done here. If you wish to continue on to your painful and guaranteed death, go on ahead back inside." Draunith said, waving her arm in the direction of the eerie cave.

"You are right. This battle is over. I'm assuming you convinced him to let us go?"

"Yes, you are lucky I didn't betray you and have him feed you to his men." Draunith said as the image of the cavern filled with his men, all staring down at him still fresh in his mind.

"Thank you, a favor I won't soon forget."

"You would be wise not to." Draunith said, as she headed toward the jellyfish that floated down beside her, walking on one of the tentacles and mounting on top.

Rathmal stood there, defeated. Embracing this feeling of failure while staring at the mountains of Doromir.

You will soon regret not killing me, a fatal mistake that I will not make when it's your turn, Draunith.