
The Walking Dead: Resurrection / TWDR

[Warning: The following events are true. They occur in an alternate world. Any object or place that matches your world is purely coincidental. You're warned] A virus has suddenly emerged transforming people into Zombies. In just 2 months, the Earth's population has decreased by more than 90%, most services such as water, electricity and others stopped working because there were no people working to keep them running. An apocalypse hit the Earth like in a movie, but no one expected that those zombie movies or comics that they watch on television for fun and entertainment, would come true today. What would you do if you woke up in a world dominated by zombies? The Walking Dead fanfic. Since the first season with a new character. Those who did not see the series do not worry, you will understand this fanfic. P.D: I like the Zombie theme.

Dark19 · TV
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23 Chs

The teddy girl

United States, Georgia, King County.

On a highway with many abandoned cars, a police car appears that says SHERIFF on the sides.

Inside the car you can see two men of different ages.

The one who drives is a man with a short but unkempt beard, a little handsome that looks like a typical American face, approximately 35-40 years old, light skin with a slightly thin physique, dark brown hair and light blue eyes.

The other, sitting in the passenger seat, is a typical 17-year-old boy who seems to like playing sports because of the way he skillfully balances a ball of paper between his hands. But his face was downcast as he stared out the window with a bit of hair covering his eyes.

The boy has a well-chiseled and defined face of a Westerner, with defined cheekbones and sculpted jaw as distinctive features, fine, well-defined eyebrows.

High and thin nose, lower lip thicker than the upper one. Ears a bit big. Light brown eyes. Sturdy neck.

Black hair, a bit long to the nape of the head and unkempt.

Muscular young man with light skin, broad shoulders, arms with marked but not large muscles, which cannot be hidden by clothes, he looks like an inverted triangle, although it is not visible under the clothes. 180 cm. Big hands.

His clothing is a long-sleeved red T-shirt with a Quenn jacket with many bobbles, black sweatpants, and a pair of black sneakers. He has, at his waist, a Glock and a combat knife.

The man dressed in a jacket that says Sheriff on the back goes down first.

The young man throws the ball of paper in the back of the car and also gets out.

-Daniel, remember, we are looking for fuel?-

The policeman tells the young man named Daniel.

-If it's okay Rick, let's do it quickly and get out of here-

Responding disinterestedly to the gentleman named Rick, Daniel was disheartened as he stared straight ahead with his eyes half closed and one hand in his pants pocket. Despite that way of speaking it seems that both are friends.

Rick notices his behavior but he can't do anything but wait for time to heal him, but he would have to try to keep an eye on him.

Daniel combs his hair back a little to see better, his eyes bright and clear like honey in the sunlight, they observe the place carefully so as not to be surprised.

They both walked a few meters down the road until they started down a small dirt road, which their car could not pass as it was blocked by abandoned cars.

As they walk, they both observe the surrounding area, rusted cars, with splattered blood, rotten people in the driver's seats, because of the state they are in, they do not seem human. If it were in a normal situation this would all look like a movie, but it is not.

Everything was scattered and abandoned as if they had run without caring for anything else.

"There is no gasoline!"

A sign is posted in front of the fuel station indicating its fuel depletion. It was written hastily and in panicky handwriting, as if the vendor at this station was in a dangerous situation.


Rick clicked his tongue clearly frustrated by that.

-Hey, look at that, I think she's a girl-

Daniel raised his head for a moment and informed Rick as he pointed to a truck, he saw a girl pass by.

-I'll check, cover me-

Rick takes out his Colt Python and Daniel takes out his Glock 23 Gen 4, although he was depressed he had to be vigilant so as not to die in vain and live for those loved ones who could not do it.

Daniel follows behind Rick while he observes the surroundings in search of movement, everything is silent. Rick crouches under the truck and watches the girl grab a teddy bear, he calls her but she keeps walking in slippers, the girl has long brown hair down to her waist.

-Hey stop! -

Rick grabs the girl by the shoulder and stops her. The girl turns around slowly revealing her clothes full of blood, some torn and worst, a pale face, with the tip of the nose missing, no lip but a bloody mouth and with bits of fresh meat, blue eyes devoid of almost everything color staring into nothingness, like he can't see Rick but still feels it.

-Gahgr * -

The 'girl' opens her ghastly bloody mouth and tries to bite Rick, he freaks out and recoils, falling to the ground from tripping.

-Stay low !. Puummm * -

Daniel raises his pistol with both hands, firm and without much hesitation he shoots into the girl's shoulder, knocking her to the ground.

-Come on Rick, get up, we can't stay here because of the noise I made-

Daniel grabs Rick's hand and lifts him off the ground. He doesn't seem to care much about shooting a "girl", what happened here?

-Sorry, I'm supposed to take care of you and now it's you who takes care of me-

Rick gets up and is disappointed in himself for his earlier behavior.

-Don't say that man, it's better to learn from a mistake than to have never learned anything, that's what my grandmother always told me. Now let's go now-

Daniel looked at the 'girl' whose blue eyes were unfocused, blood everywhere, slowly getting up despite being shot, as he remembered how she got here.


-Come on grandma, we already talked about this, you have to take your pills that the doctor prescribed or you could get sick again-

Daniel was talking to an older lady of about 61 years sitting on the single sofa in the living room. She has blonde hair down to her ears, what little she has. Light blue glasses and eyes, drooping cheeks, fair skin, and a large flowery dress that hides the big belly a bit. As decoration she only has a pearl necklace.

-Doctors lie to us, natural remedies cure everything-

Daniel's grandmother didn't seem convinced and she turned her head away from him when Daniel wanted to give her a pill.

-Come on granny, do it for your dear grandson, also, ~ I have prepared your favorite apple jelly ~ -

Daniel said with a smile and soft voice, tempting his grandmother.

- ~ There honey give me that ~. Medicines are prescribed for the care of our health, that is obvious.

The grandmother quickly changed her mind and drank the pill by herself as if she had never said her previous words.

Daniel was behind his granny laughing happily at her granny's antics as he massaged her shoulders to ease her pain.

-Grandma, do you know how much I love you? Thanks for being with me-

Daniel hugs Grandma by her neck from behind her and supports her cheek with hers. Daniel sobs softly.

-Don't thank me dear, you know that I would do anything for you, I am the one who should thank you for the happiness you have brought to my life. I'm sorry about your parents, even I can't believe yet.

Grandma squeezes Daniel's hands and sobs with him too.

Daniel's parents were killed by a car that was escaping from the police. That car was carrying 5 wanted bank robbers, the robbers collided with Daniel's parents and died when they hit a wall. The wanted thieves were arrested, albeit killed, thanks to Daniel's parents, for which they gave Daniel the reward money, but Daniel was left orphaned.

After being orphaned, her grandmother on the side of her mother who lived in the small town of King County, found out what happened and very sad and heartbroken she became ill, but still she took custody of a 16-year-old Daniel who had no family .

Daniel without thinking moved in with his grandmother. From Los Angeles he took a flight to Atlanta and then a bus to King County.

After that Daniel took care of his grandmother while she was ill. His grandmother was a widow because her husband died of a brain tumor 4 years ago. That is why Daniel's parents asked her to move to Los Angeles and live with them to take better care of her among all, but the heartbroken grandmother over the death of her husband refused to leave the house where she lived for almost 40 years.

Daniel's parents couldn't convince her of her, so they hired a caregiver for her and saw her at least once a year for a week, sometimes three times a year.

Since he started living with her, the relationship between Daniel and her grandmother became closer and closer and they got along very well, making jokes of her, Daniel taking her to see landscapes and others.

They became a real family in this last year who always spend it together.

-Jiyu, I'm going to do the shopping, I'll order your grandmother and I've already told you not to clean-

Daniel tells a woman with Korean features in her 40s cleaning family portraits.

-I'm sorry Daniel, but with the salary you pay me I must do something else too, or else I will feel that I take advantage of you, besides that you do not let me do the laundry, do the shopping or almost anything else to help-

Said the lady, with a bit of complaints. That lady was hired by Daniel's parents at the beginning, but now Daniel is the one who hires, he is the boss. She has already cared for Daniel's grandmother for 4 years so they get along very well with each other.

-Don't say that, your job is to take care of the grandmother when I'm not here, like now, other things like washing and other things I want to do, and if that doesn't convince you, remember that your son is about to enter university, you need that money for your expenses-

Daniel used his latest trick to convince this kind and helpful woman to pay you back double if you help her. Daniel already knows his situation, and he even saw Jiyu's son once, he wanted to help them, at least a little because of the care and company that Jiyu gave his grandmother.

-Thank you Daniel, I don't know how to thank you-

Jiyu had tears in her eyes, she was touched by all the help Daniel gave her despite truly knowing each other only 1 year ago when he came to live with her grandmother.

-If you want to thank me, then you can take good care of my grandmother while I go out, see you-

Daniel said goodbye to both of them and went outside in the direction of the supermarket on foot because he was close by.

-Good luck- (Jiyu)

-Come back safe darling- (Grandma)

Daniel walked about 3 blocks and did the shopping for lunch today. He had two bags of groceries with him, be it fruit, vegetables, meat, and some fried foods.

As Daniel was walking down the sidewalk when a car suddenly appeared from the corner with a police car chasing him.

Daniel saw him heading towards him and tried to get away from him but there was a 5 meter wall of a house blocking his escape. He with no choice he tried to run to the other side of the street where there was an open food store.

The driver of the car in pursuit smiled bloody at that and with mocking eyes he turned the wheel a little to the left pointing at Daniel again, he will not let him escape.

The crash occurred and people screamed as the car ran away.

Daniel with a terrible pain in his body was looking up at the sky with vision blurred light red and in other areas dark red.

-You're going to be fine Daniel, you're going to be fine! Quick paramedics, help him!-

Rick was holding Daniel's bloody chest as he yelled at the paramedics in the ambulance.

Daniel closes his eyes, he can't stand sleep anymore ...

My publications are 1 chapter a week, if I do it before it is because I feel like it.

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