
The Walking Dead: Resurrection / TWDR

[Warning: The following events are true. They occur in an alternate world. Any object or place that matches your world is purely coincidental. You're warned] A virus has suddenly emerged transforming people into Zombies. In just 2 months, the Earth's population has decreased by more than 90%, most services such as water, electricity and others stopped working because there were no people working to keep them running. An apocalypse hit the Earth like in a movie, but no one expected that those zombie movies or comics that they watch on television for fun and entertainment, would come true today. What would you do if you woke up in a world dominated by zombies? The Walking Dead fanfic. Since the first season with a new character. Those who did not see the series do not worry, you will understand this fanfic. P.D: I like the Zombie theme.

Dark19 · TV
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The world has changed


Daniel opens his light brown eyes a little with great difficulty, he sees his grandmother crying with Mrs. Jiyu holding a vase of different flowers on a small table.

-Grandmother, don't cry- (Daniel)

-My Heaven! - (Grandmother)

The last thing Daniel heard was his grandmother wishing him a happy birthday while he cried. He couldn't move a single muscle on her body, but she held on for as long as she could, finally falling asleep again.


Daniel slowly opens his eyes, feels his heavy eyelids and the light from the ceiling blinds him for a moment, he cannot see anything but light. But he adapts quickly because the light is dim and he turns his head from left to right to look around confused.

To the right of him is a vase of fresh flowers, or so Daniel had seen them before he closed his eyes, he touches the flowers and they break into pieces because they are so dry. Daniel wonders how much time passed, for him it was only a few seconds.

He looks forward from his hospital bed and sees a clock that reads 2 PM hanging high on the white wall.

With awkward movements and labored breathing, Daniel begins to pull the medical devices out of his body. He still hasn't gotten used to moving, but he can feel that his muscles aren't that heavy.

He sits down and tries to get up, but some metal handcuffs kept him on the bed, there are a couple of keys next to him, Daniel grabs them and frees himself. Luckily the keys were close, it would be difficult to move with those handcuffs.

It seems that the handcuffs have been attached to him for a long time because a burn-like mark was left on his wrist. Daniel rubs his slightly numb hand that slowly returns to feeling normal like his other hand. He was not very tight.

-Gha * -

Daniel tries to get out of bed again, but he falls to the ground due to his weak physical condition from waking up from a long rest. Although he still thinks that only a few seconds have passed, but with the wilted flowers he began to doubt it.

-Nurse, help, I can't move! -

Daniel yells for the help of a medical staff. He waits a few seconds lying on the floor but no one answers, he gathers the little strength he has left in his arms and legs. Shakily gets up with the help of the wall, withdraws the saline solution from his arm and opens the lockless door on his left. There are two doors, one that appears to be the exit and the other ...

Upon entering he notices a large mirror over the wash, it is a bathroom.

Daniel looks in the mirror, his black hair is unkempt to the nape of his neck and his light brown eyes are covered a little. Daniel touches his face where he has no beard at all, perhaps he is still very young. His chest was not bandaged but he felt a slight discomfort due to the collateral causes of the crash, his chest was the most affected area, but his pectorals are a little less marked and strong. His tight abs were now barely noticeable from lack of exercise. His inverted triangle body is at its lowest point. Daniel touches his abs and there is still resistance and hardness, he touches his chest and feels some pain so he does not touch it again.

The withered flowers, no one answers, the handcuffs on his wrist, his physique that lost muscle, all that connected shows that he spent a lot of time sleeping, the question is how long and what happened with the medical personnel who did not answer his call for help .

Daniel opens the tap and drinks a lot of water, he is very thirsty and his lips are dry. He washes his face and wets his hair a little, then combs it back with his hands, now he feels a little better from the cool water.

Daniel is more refreshed and awake.

He goes out into the hallway first to see what's going on. The door was open as in any hospital room, only that in this hospital, the doors open to the outside of the room, if you try to push it in you will not be able to open it.

-Hello there!-

Daniel yells but nobody answers him in the silent corridor, it was dark with only some emergency lights flashing, with papers thrown everywhere, he walks down the long corridor towards the exit.

There were bullet holes and blood on the walls, something very bad happened here.

He comes to a doctor's office that was empty and tries to use his desk phone but it doesn't work, the line is down.

He returns to the hallway with flashing lights and continues his way to the exit dragging his feet a bit, his legs were a little numb.

He comes across a person lying on the ground wearing blue doctor clothes. Daniel approaches him to check on his condition.

-Sir, is he alive? -

Daniel shakes the man who is face down a little, what he does not know is that that 'gentleman' opened his eyes without a light of life and his face was bloody, he began to get up.

Daniel tries to grab him by the shoulders to help him stand up, the 'sir' turns his head and looks at Daniel at that moment.

-Aaah, zombie !! -

Daniel couldn't believe it and stumbled backwards, what he was seeing was the typical zombie that he sees in comics or science fiction movies.

But more than astonishment or other emotion, Daniel only felt fear for the zombie that pounced on him.


Daniel holds both arms of the zombie with each hand and his chest supports him with his right foot leaving Daniel with only his left leg free.

-Let go!-

Rick approaches at that moment and hits the zombie with an ashtray on the head. The zombie falls one meter from Daniel.

-Rick! I didn't expect to see you again under these circumstances!-

Daniel was surprised to find the Deputy Sheriff here and now. But he is happy.

Daniel met Rick when he got into a fight with some guys and they were taken to jail to discuss the problem and solve it, then he had to work at the police station to pay off the debt for breaking an expensive window. He befriended Rick at that time and he taught him to use weapons and take care of them.

-I didn't expect to see you too boy. I don't know what's happening but it's better that we get out of here-

Rick, though shaky, grabs Daniel's hand and lifts him up. Rick does not appear to be in good condition.

-You are right, the situation is urgent and I was scared a moment ago, I will not make that mistake again-

Daniel said now that the fear he felt because his life could end, and he remembers the time he was almost killed by a car and now he was almost eaten by a zombie, he has survived before and he can do it now, Daniel will fear no more .

-Zombie ... zombies ... Wait !, my grandmother, she will be in danger! -

Daniel whispers and remembers that if there are zombies in the hospital it is very possible that there are them outside, if so then his grandmother is in serious danger.

"Listen Daniel! We have to go now!"

The zombie wakes up and starts walking towards them making strange sounds, as if he is drowning. The zombie is slow.

Daniel frowns and together with Rick, they go to the exit of the Hospital, they hardly go down the dark stairs since the elevator does not work, but Rick found matches, thus they reached a double door that is the exit of the hospital.

Daniel grabs one side and Rick the other, they open the door almost at the same time.

The sun is shining very brightly and blanks the eyes of both of them who have just woken up from a coma without seeing sunlight for a long time.

Daniel rubs his eyes in pain, but is soon relieved and then back to normal, walking slowly and down some stairs to the ground, what he sees impresses him.

Many bodies wrapped in white bags scattered throughout the interior of the hospital entrance.

As he walks alongside them towards the open exit, Daniel notices that they are all bleeding somewhere, with flies eating and parasitizing their rotten, disgusting rotting bodies that make you want to vomit.

Walking and covering himself from the wind with his hospital gown, Daniel leaves there, climbs a small hill with some scattered bodies, the sight of him fills him even more with surprise.

Two unarmed black and green military helicopters were parked in front of him, empty boxes and tanks thrown away, abandoned military cars, buildings with exploding holes, a helicopter crashed into a building, destruction and death everywhere, it seems that before you were a camp.

Daniel and Rick walk as they watch all of this in awe and various other conflicting emotions.

Just half a block away they see a couple of bikes, one for adults and one for children.

They both look at each other and walk fast towards them, but Daniel recovered his body a little faster because he arrived and grabbed the adult bike.

-Didn't I save your life just now? - (Rick)

-Tch, stingy-

Daniel snaps his teeth in frustration and grabs the kid's bike while a happy Rick grabs the bigger, adult one.

-I want to see my grandmother, are you coming with me? - (Daniel)

-I have to go to my house and see how my family is, it is also very important for me as your grandmother for you- (Rick)

-Then here we part ways, I'll see you at your house when I see how my grandmother is doing, if I don't return by nightfall it's because I had some setback- (Daniel)

-That won't happen, you're going to be fine, you're a strong boy who hits up to three bullies at the same time haha- (Rick)

-Don't make me remember those three fools, if I see them again and they're not dead I'll kill them myself (Daniel)

Daniel and Rick give a final handshake salute and part ways at an intersection with opposite destinations.

Daniel is pedaling standing on the children's bike because it is too small for him to sit. Next to him, lying on the grass was a zombie, who had no lower body, crawling towards him to try to grab him. Daniel just looks at him as he passes by him, he had already gained a bit of immunity from seeing these things while that he didn't have to fight them helplessly now.

He continues pedaling for one more block, turning right for two blocks and two more to the left, stopping in a courtyard.

Daniel picked up the little bike and threw it in the garden a little overgrown from the lack of mowing.

Daniel rushes through the door with no lock on.

"Grandma! Mrs. Jiyu!"

Daniel yells but no one answers him.

"Grandma! Mrs. Jiyu!"

Daniel almost runs to the second floor of the house, there is no one ...

"Grandma! Mrs. Jiyu!"

He enters his grandmother's room, there is no one ... there is no one ...

"Grandma! Mrs. Jiyu!"

He enters his room, there is no one ... there is no one ... there is no one ...

"Grandma! Mrs. Jiyu!"

He goes down to the kitchen but there is no one ... there is no one ... there is no one ... there is no one ...

Daniel's mind is racked with despair.


Daniel sees his grandmother sitting on the couch in the living room after the kitchen. Daniel sees her from behind.

Daniel approaches her and greets her asking if she's okay because she doesn't answer him, nor does she move and she was tied to the couch.

Daniel is very happy to find his grandmother that those little details did not matter to him. He touched his grandmother's shoulder and she let her head rest against her hand.

Daniel felt something slimy wet his hand, he thought it was his sleeping grandmother's saliva, but as he got closer his happy smile disappeared, as if he had never been there.

Grandma has a bullet hole in her forehead, she looked grotesque. Her eyes were sunken, her pupils were discolored, she barely kept her original color. She has very pale skin, almost gray. She is missing more hair and chunks of flesh have peeled off her face. Her facial expression is stiff and she has a little blood on her lips.

-No no no no no no no !!!! This can't be true, damn it !!! -

-Because she, because my grandmother-

-There were so many things we would do, didn't you say you wanted to go fishing? Now how can I go without you? Nothing will be the same-

-Grandma, tell me that this is not true that it is just a dream, please get up and tell me that it is only a bad joke on April Fools' day-

-No no, it can't be real, grandma don't leave me please, you're all I have, if it's with you I don't need anyone else, don't leave me ..-

-Do not leave Me…-

-Do not leave Me…-
