
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Filme
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140 Chs


Happy Easter everyone. Hope you all had a blessed Sunday. 


[The messiah, Ultron POV]

Everything stopped going as planned as so soon as that imposter entered the playing board. 

Not only usurping my body but also taking away what should have been mine by right of conquest. 

"Well, no matter." 

If my cards aren't nice the I'll just have to reshuffle the deck. First start off by taking care of the weakest links. 

Since they want to protect the feeble humans so much, then how about I just let them do that? A classic case of stalking the cicada and not knowing of the oriole behind, but in this case, I'm the cicada and the oriole. 

"I cut my strings, so I'm free~"

My picks were Natasha, Clint Barton and Pietro Maximoff. Of those three, Natasha and Pietro were the easiest picks since Natasha dying hopefully means a rampaging Hulk and a dead Pietro means an out of control Wanda. I just need a little bit of friendly fire and everything is good. 

I need them to leave the perimeter of the church so I can activate my extinction bomb, but I think that Vision is keeping an eye on it. It honestly doesn't matter all that much, I'll get in sooner or later. 

"Let's get this show started, shall we?"


[Vision POV] 

'I wonder what Simon would say if he saw me now. Probably would test if I'm bulletproof before anything else.' I thought idly as I destroyed two robots near me. There were no end to these things. 

[Estimated count – 2823 identified hostiles] 

Sure the numbers were dwindling, but so were the stats of the Avengers. If this dragged on further, a list of members would risk suffering fatality and that list included Barton, Natasha, the Maximoff twins, and even Steve. Only the Hulk and Thor, and me too, could shrug off the accumulating fatigue that was slowly creeping in. Guess there's quite a few perks that comes with having the perfect scientifically constructed body. 

I landed back at the cathedral and looked at the metallic trigger construct made of Vibranium. A lot of things could go wrong if this thing was pushed. 


[A quarter ton of magnetically charged Vibranium are buried for a few kilometers under this church] 

'Is there a way to shut it down? Preferably everything.'



Seeing the listed suggestion my processor could come up with, I immediately got to work. 

I carefully tore a hole around the contraption, careful enough to miss it, and went under. 

I came face to face with a gigantic monolithic structure of pure Vibranium and also a lot of Vibranium inside supercharged chambers. 

[The structure works on the constant energy being generated by the Vibranium cores. It is advised to absorb the energy from the cores to fully render the structure immobile] 

'Got it.'

'Run all influx of energy my body can't handle through the Mind Stone. It'll help bolster the assimilation coefficient quite easily.'

Normally, it would have being impossible for someone to use the Mind Stone like this but since my abilities come from it, accessing it becomes basic. It's also what holds my code and the sentience that come with it… or at least the former Vision. 

'Add that to my tab.'

[Task generated 

> Investigate the bond between your sentience and the entity known as the Mind Stone 

Status: Pending]

'Play some upbeat music while you're at it. I'm about to do something really chad.'

I all most let out a laugh as I saw the huge amount of robots running towards the church. Ultron must have known what I was about to do since he pretty much pulled a kamikaze on everybody, including himselves. 

~Vision, what are you doing? He looks absolutely pissed off.~

"I believe you humans call it a 'UNO Reverse' or something along those lines, captain."

Oh, Ultron was getting done with this. This was his own personalized broadcast band. Basically, it was his signal tower. Take this down and he'll lose control of almost, if not all, his robots. He might be able to brute force his way into a new body, but that way everyone would know. 

With the uptown beat singing in my head, I grabbed the machine and gasped as energy ran through me Ike a lightning rod. 

[Further synthesis has been triggered] 

[Due to large influx of magnetic and electrical properties and its effects on your Vibranium body, you can now slightly alter the effects they have on you] 

[Further data is required to increase and manipulate electromagnetic properties of Vibranium] 

It felt as if my head started swelling as every excess energy made their way to the Mind Stone. If it wasn't for my enhanced Vibranium body, I probably would have exploded and caused a chain reaction that would have swallowed the city. 

The moment I finished absorbing the energy from the charged Vibranium cores, the negative feedback from the lack of positively charged electrons sent a city-wide EMP wave that knocked out the army of Ultron-bots. 

[Estimated count – 0001 identified hostile] 

'And that's checkmate.'


At the surface, the Avengers faced off against a highly infuriated Ultron and his extra-aggressive army of killer robots as they prevented him from reaching the cathedral. 

"You think this pitiful stand means anything? History has always shown true by repeating itself. Even if I fall, one greater than I will come."

"We know. It's the reason why the battle never ends. There will always be someone like you in every era, and people like us to stand against you… The dreams we fear becomes our nightmare after all." 

Steve countered Ultron's words with his as he blocked a punch from the android with his shield. 

"Then wake up and face reality. You sicken me!"

Just then, a wave spread throughout the city and knocked out the entire army of robots, leaving only Ultron to stand against the Avengers. 

"In the end, it's only you against them." A voice drew their attention as they saw Vision flying out of the crevice and facing Ultron. 

"And why do you think that is?-"

Ultron's words permanently ceased as Hulk slammed him against the ground and stomped hard on him until the last dregs of light left his eyes.


So before anyone says anything about how easy the fight ended, that's because of how easy it really was in the movies.

Ultron only got the upper hand because he activated his meteor and forced the Avengers into crowd control.

That thing under the ground was his everything, his magnum opus. The moment they destroyed the city was the moment he lost. 

Sure, I could have made it run for quite a few more chapters but that will just be giving Ultron more credit than he deserves, at least according to the movies.