
Chapter 1

The sound of rain hitting the pavement wakes me from my sleep. I slowly get up and wipe the tiredness from my eyes. I look up to see the green leaves of the tree I was sleeping under. I was exiled from one of the only safe places in the country of Viaroon. I guess it's my own fault for disobeying orders. You see, I used to be a captain in the Imperial Army, a new branch of the military. This new branch was founded to fight the vampires that created a virus that wiped out ninety percent of the world's population.

The vampires may seem invincible because they can only die by getting their heads cut off by normal weapons. Fortunately, with the virus that took out ninety percent of the population, a new type of weapon was brought up. A cursed weapon.

Cursed weapons are swords, bows, axes and so forth. All of the cursed weapons have a demon trapped in them, using the demon's power, you can kill a vampire without having to cut the head off. There are pros and cons to using a cursed weapon, the only bad thing with the cursed weapon is that the demon will try to possess you. If the demon possesses you, there's no going back, the demon will become even more powerful and is extremely hard to kill.

There was only one time I had to deal with a possession. The kid was in his late teens when it happened, his mind just wasn't strong enough. Demons feed off of your hatred, and if you give in to it, they will take over. I still remember picking my sword, Yamata is its name. The sword was found a month after the incident of the deaths. It was one of the first swords to appear.

Plenty of people tried to form a contract with the demon but failed. They were killed immediately. I was an exception, according to Yamata. He said he found me powerful among the other soldiers that tried to form a contract with him. I guess I'm just mentally stronger than most.

I put my torn jacket on and equip my sword. Leaving the safety of the tree, I decide to go to an abandoned store to scavenge for some food. I would be happy with anything, hell, dog food would be fine. The last actual nutritional meal I had was three weeks ago. That was when I was in my cell, waiting for my sentence.

I continue walking for an hour when I see a store of some sort. I stalk the store for ten minutes just to be sure. The last thing I need is a fight with a vampire on an empty stomach. I enter the store through the side entrance. The first thing I notice is the smell, it's rancid and vile. Although I expected there to be no light, there is the occasional. Was someone already occupying this place? I continue into the store, ignoring the smell.

I notice that there was a vending machine with a couple of bags of chips left. I guess that'll do for now. I take the hilt of my sword and hit the glass keeping me from the chips. The glass shatters into thousands of little pieces and I reach into the machine. "Damnit," I say as I instinctively pull my hand out of the machine. I look at my forearm to see blood. I tear a piece of my shirt and bandage my forearm. carefully I put my hand back in the machine and grab the chips.

Reaching the main aisle, I take my swords out, "Give me light, Yamata," I say. The demon obeys me and the sword starts to glow. Still, I don't dare drop my guard, there could be anyone or anything in here. I continue to search for food, preferably canned goods.


I only found three small canned goods: Beans, Green beans, and Corn. Sighing, I sit down and open the Green Beans and start eating. It wasn't that good uncooked but, I can't afford to be picky. I drop my guard a little bit and lay down, slowly closing my eyes.


My dream consisted of people dying over and over and over and over, all were close friends that I held dear. We were pinned in a bad spot when a vampire broke through our defenses and stabbed my beloved. Of course, I killed the damned thing. Of course, I was going to disobey orders from the Lieutenant Colonel, the creatures killed my beloved.

I killed them all, each and every last one of them. But because I left the formation, I put the team at risk. They exiled me because of that. It seemed a little overboard at first, but I understood. I let my emotions get the better of me at that time, and because of that, they all could've died.

A voice wakes me, I sit up immediately. I slowly get up and follow where the voice came from. "Yeah, there's definitely livestock in here, this blood is fresh," A voice says. Damn vampires, I'm not in the condition to fight. I peek the corner, to see a group of four vampires walking down the aisle. They're in a diamond formation with one in front, two on both sides and one in the back. I stare at the one in front, he looks my way and makes eye contact with me.

Hey guys, Salty Magee here, and this is my first time publishing a Web novel series. I'm currently a sophomore working on my writing skills so give me feedback on what you think

Salty_Mageecreators' thoughts