
The Vengeful Hidden Princess

I looked around, accessing many guests with my eyes. They were too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, scummy, off putting…...a bad mix. "You know, a courtesan should never pick her clients." "L- Lady Andrella!" "I know that look you were giving. On top of being late, you want to pick your clients? What do you think you are?" "I'm sorry mistress" I bowed deeply. "Raise your head child. Don't show such weakness on the day of your debut" she put her fan under my chin. "Yes mistress" "Now, let me introduce you. Unlike you, the rest of the cohort has been properly introduced. Seriously, treating me like your mother ..."

AnInker · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Chapter 2

"Yes, I'll be more careful..." My voice trailed off as I looked up at his face. I thought the prince was the only exceptional man I was going to see that night. Apparently I was wrong.

Short and wavy red hair with bangs that curled around his face, round blue eyes, this stranger was good looking from all angles. Even with the mask, I could see his face had a softer touch as compared to the other men. He looked a little impatient and ready to flee at any moment.

"Did I interrupt something, my lord?"

"Oh, no, I was running from someone..."

"A fiancee perhaps?"

"Something of the sort."

"Would you like me to help you out?"

"Hmm, you will, why?"

"Let's just say I like your eyes. I require nothing but a dance." His eyes trailed down to my bust, snapping back to my face immediately. He looked around once more and nodded.

"I am Lord Erik Dunhall, Duke of the Middleton Estate. Who might you be, young miss?"

A young lord? The lord of the Middleton estate at that. It could only mean, the previous lord and the supporter of the old regime was dead. It was surprising that the title still existed.

"I am simply a wandering maiden looking for whom to charm. The young lord doesn't have to worry about me too much."

He frowned, dipping me. His neck turned red when he had to stare at my bust in such a position. How adorable.

"A maiden should still possess a name."

"For such an important person, this maiden is reluctant to give her name."

"Did you also refuse to give the prince your name?" His round blue eyes suddenly turned stormy. The grip on my hand grew tight. It reminded me that a man, no matter how docile, is still a man. Andrella said if a man is desperate for control, hand it to them.

"If the lord wishes to know so much, then I have no reason to refuse. I am Elayne Greycastle, unworthy of your attention."

"No... It's not like that. I just... wanted to know your name."

"And I have given it to you. I also wish to inquire something."

"Ask away." He sounded guilty.

"If you had seen me with the prince, why did you agree to dance with me?"

"Why would you dance with a man that has a fiancee?"

"I thought you said it was something like that?"

"I am a man with responsibilities, Miss Greycastle, of course I have an arrangement with a noble lady."

"Let me guess. You do not wish for this and wish to run away with someone you're truly in love with, abandoning all your responsibilities."

"Miss Greycastle makes it sound like I'm an immature young man."

"That beautiful lady over there had been glaring at our back for quite a while yet you adamantly refused to look in her direction. I'd say you're being quite petty."

"I don't think petty's quite the word."

"Wait for me to think of a better euphemism then."

Suddenly, he burst into laughter. His eyes twinkled as he laughed, lowering his voice so he wouldn't make a fuss.

"Was it so funny?"

"I don't think I've heard anyone talk to me like that in such a long time. You're like a riveting mystery"

"... I'm sure my lord says that to charm young women often."

"How do you know?" The mischievous twinkle in his eyes only made him more alluring.

"Such a line can only be found in fairytales. For an innocent man such as you who cannot stare at my bust for too long yet can't keep his eyes off it, it seems impossible that you go around charming young ladies."

"I-I'm not innocent."

"Whatever my lord says is right."

"I'm not."

"I already said you were right my lord. If you keep trying to prove your point, I might just think otherwise," I replied and he sort of pouted, a look that I found quite funny and adorable.

Whilst giving such an adorable look, he finished the dance and quickly walked off the moment he got the chance. It gave my heart such a rush that I felt like pulling him for another dance. I restrained myself and relished in the refreshing feeling. It felt like for the first time in months, I was myself.


My shoulders shook and I turned to shield myself from another surprise attack. One minute she was nowhere to be found, the next she's jumping on me.

"Amelia, stop doing that!"

"Oh come on, you're still too sober." She was slurring and her steps were unstable. I held on to her , removing the empty wineglass from her hands. She reached for it but I held her back, guiding her to somewhere she could get fresh air.

"Where's your escort?"

"He had to talk business with some nobles and I got bored so I came here."


"Speaking of which, I saw you... Yes, I saw you..."

"Saw me where?"

"In the gazebo of course... you were loving up with the prince -"

I covered her mouth quickly, cutting her off, and looked around. No one was paying attention to us but that didn't mean I wanted such news to spread. She swatted my hand from her lips and hiccuped.

"I did no such thing."

"Yes you did. Oh, the mistress would have your head for this when we return."

Andrella made it a rule that we were not allowed to associate with the royal family unless requested or summoned. A strange rule considering some of her patrons were royals. I wondered what she was hiding.

"Gods... you had two absolutely delicious men in one day. How do I become like you? It's the day of your debut too!"

Thinking about it, I blushed too. Though different, the two were devastatingly handsome and showed an interest in me. Perhaps Andrella wouldn't scold me too much.

"I'm just too irresisti-"

Like an overflowing tap, the liquor ran down my face, dripping onto my dress. Amelia, even in her drunken stupor, was shocked as I was soaked in alcohol. Beyond my blurred vision, I could make out the outline of a vivid red dress, the same dress worn by Lord Erik's supposed fiancee.

"Stay away from my man, whore!" The venom in her voice made me shrink into a ball at the corner.

"Hey! You can't just do that," Amelia called out to her retreating figure but it wasn't like she would turn back and listen to us. She was right; we were nothing but whores, incomparable to her, a full blooded noble.

"That little... hells! The dress is soaked! Your hair..."

"It's fine. Let's go before the mistress intervenes. It's almost midnight anyways."

"Oh my, I have to return with Lord Francis. Are you sure you'll be alright?"

"I'll be fine. My carriage should still be around."

Amelia tried to hug me before remembering my dress was soaked with alcohol. She gave me an awkward smile and watched me walk away. As if it wasn't already worse, my journey home was accompanied by a roaring applause by the weather. Curling in on myself, even my mother's song wasn't enough to keep me afloat.

And Amelia said I was lucky. Ha! Sure doesn't feel like it. It was around midnight, I was sure, on a rainy day like this, the day I returned to my home, barely keeping the smile off my face happy to see my parents. I should've known the weather was a sign. Blood flowed like a river, mixing down, travelling to gods knew where. The dead servants and soldiers were another sign.

But no, I rushed into the palace with bare feet, screaming the name of my family members. Sure it was foolish and I was giving myself hope. When I walked into the throne room, I saw a man proclaimed to be the savior of the kingdom, boldly holding on to my father's head, seated on his throne.