
The Vengeful Hidden Princess

I looked around, accessing many guests with my eyes. They were too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, scummy, off putting…...a bad mix. "You know, a courtesan should never pick her clients." "L- Lady Andrella!" "I know that look you were giving. On top of being late, you want to pick your clients? What do you think you are?" "I'm sorry mistress" I bowed deeply. "Raise your head child. Don't show such weakness on the day of your debut" she put her fan under my chin. "Yes mistress" "Now, let me introduce you. Unlike you, the rest of the cohort has been properly introduced. Seriously, treating me like your mother ..."

AnInker · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Chapter 14


The Horps duchy was the second largest duchy in Casella. It was ruled by a long line of intelligent men who aided the king. What was most incredible was that none of the dukes ever tried to overthrow the king or showed interest in the throne at all. It was like they had some higher goal so they were hated and loved at the same time.

My father didn't consider them a threat. I don't know if King Mival does. But I visited the Horps duchy many times as a child and I had never once seen a girl named Miriam there before. If the duke married her, he only did so recently. But that was the problem. Her blue eyes, the mole on her face, she closely resembled the duke I knew.

"Lady Miriam cannot speak so pardon her lack of response. She's very kind and peaceful so you don't have to worry about anything."

"No, I am not bothered."

It was only after Lady Geraldine said it that I realized Lady Miriam couldn't speak. I was too ashamed to admit that.

"Come, let's get you cleaned up and ready for tea."

I looked back at the door, hesitating. The prince wasn't breathing. I wasn't so sure he was going to make it.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. Dr. Rivers would never let a child die on her watch" Lady Geraldine smiled. If they were that confident, I could put my mind at rest.

I followed them down the confusing mess of corridors and ended up in a much brighter area. Lady Miriam suddenly started walking much faster, a spring to her step. She turned back to me and smiled brightly.

"Lady Miriam, don't walk like that. You might fall."

Lady Miriam pouted, turning her head back. I never imagined a full grown lady could be adorable. No, I was just assuming her age. We soon stopped in front of a large set of doors, pushed open with little effort by Lady Geraldine. She smiled at me, gesturing inside the room. Lady Miriam was already inside, falling on the bed.

"This is my room here. Lady Miriam would pick out some clothes for you while I get you a bath."

"You really don't have to do that -"

"Nonsense! You're our guest! We don't get guests a lot so please, make yourself comfortable."

That was a very, very hard thing to do. Lady Geraldine disappeared behind another door and when I turned around, Lady Miriam was right over my shoulder.

"Ah! You scared me!"

The curious smile on her face quickly turned into a confused silent struggle with her arms flapping around, trying to look for a suitable reply.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to explain. It's my fault."

Her eyes seemed to say 'Really?' I nodded. She smiled again, bypassing me to look in the dresser. She picked up many clothes, never satisfied with any she got.

"The bath is ready. You can go in now," a brunette whose head peeked from the second door, announced. I nodded and walked to her, darting a glance to Lady Miriam. She looked so seriously occupied, I couldn't help the smile that cracked my lips. The room Lady Geraldine came out from was a bathroom convenient enough for a bath.

"Don't worry, once you're out, a dress would be ready for you."

"Ah, thank you."

A warm bath later, I stepped into the room. It was empty and a blue dress lay on the bed. Taking a few furtive glances around, I took the dress and put it on. I also brushed my hair and let it down instead of my normal ponytail. I was in front of the mirror so I could properly see my reflection.

I looked like Princess Ariana. A cast of the past but nothing close or similar. Princess Ariana was an untainted, pure and innocent child that loved everyone and everything. Elayne Greycastle was the opposite of that.

"Aren't you done?"

The door opened just a crack and Lady Geraldine's voice distracted me from inner depreciation. I nodded, walking towards her.

"My, my, aren't you quite the flower?"

I blushed, lowering my face. Just at the edge of my vision, Lady Miriam waved her fan wildly, gesturing furiously.

"I think she gets it, Lady Miriam. Today's your day off so don't exert yourself, okay?"

Lady Miriam pouted once more but she stopped, walking ahead. Lady Geraldine asked me to follow her and we walked to the garden. We passed by a familiar pillar and my feet stopped, looking at the corridor.

"You are really concerned for this child, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry but I cannot just put my mind at ease knowing his condition might be critical."

"I understand. What I don't understand is why you care for him so much."

"Does one really need a reason to care for a child? For a vulnerable creature scorned so much for something he cannot control, I don't see a reason why I should add to his suffering. If this is his life's cross, then I would help him bear it to the best of my ability."

"... You really are an astonishing woman, Miss Greycastle."

"It's nothing special, my lady. I am not as remarkable as you think. In fact, no good would come from associating from me."

I heard a furious foot stamp and soon after, a fan hit my head. Lady Geraldine chuckled, collecting the fan in the duchess's hand.

"Is it the famous curse of Queen Moriah?"

"You know about that?"

"There is no one in the noble circle that doesn't know that by now. It's frankly distressing that noble women do nothing but carry gossip these days, especially about such a tragic event"

"I didn't even know about that. I don't even know who Queen Moriah is."

"Queen Moriah is -"

Lady Geraldine suddenly stopped talking, a surprised look in her eyes. Her hand that held the fan was clutched tightly in Lady Miriam's hold.

"Pardon me. Let's continue in the garden."


The atmosphere became strangely quiet as we walked towards the garden. When we arrived, more memories rushed into my head. The garden belonging to the Horps duchy was the most elaborate in the whole kingdom. The variety of flowers were endless and one sweet scent pooled around the atmosphere, making it both relaxing and pleasant to be in.

It was the very garden that made me fall in love with gardening at first.

"You seem to like it."

"It's the most beautiful place I've ever been to."

"Really? I'm glad you like it. Lady Miriam spends her free time tending to it."

"It's a fine job you've done, my lady."

She hid her face behind her now regained fan but I assumed she was blushing. We sat in a gazebo and waited for tea to come.