


When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Deacon’s face, and I quickly sat up and checked to see if my clothes were still intact. I exhaled a sigh of relief when I realized that they were still intact and that nothing was missing. I’m not sure what I’m doing here, and I don’t know why or how he got me here.

“Good morning, my lady,” he said, but it makes me uncomfortable.

“If you’re the one I saw when I opened my eyes in the morning, there is nothing pleasant in it,” I told him. “Aren’t you afraid of what you’re saying?” I snarled.

He sighed and gazed out the window, and I was ready to get out of bed when I immediately sat up due to the barrier that surrounded the bed. When I looked at Deacon, he was just smiling at me, as if he were delighted with what had happened. Whatever I do, the barrier will remain.

“That barrier was built specifically for you, Shranaia,” he said, returning his gaze to the outside. “So you can’t get away from me anymore,” he added.

I tightened my fist in response to what he said, and I think he now has an opportunity to catch me. I need to find a way to get away from him and out of this kingdom. It’s simply that I can’t remember what happened last night or how he found me.

I turned around when I saw the door open, and Samantha’s face opened up to me, smiling and seeming glad about what was happening, but her irritation remained since she saw my face, and I think this is not the right time to discuss it with her.

“Looks like you’ve found your match?” she said, and my lips just quirked at what she said.

“You are celebrating the success so early that there is no certainty whether I will stay here or not,” I said, then she became serious. “I haven’t done anything yet; you seem so angry?” I’m still pissed at her cause she gets even more annoyed with me.

She was about to attack me when Deacon suddenly confronted her and then pushed her away from where I was. It was my chance! I just sighed, then I laid down on the bed and laughed at what happened. Deacon pulled Sam out of the room while I was left alone. I just lay on the bed, stared at the ceiling, and thought about what I could do to escape this fcking place.

If given the chance, Sam would enter the room again and annoy her a lot. I should probably be able to escape right away. I don’t know how many minutes I was stunned until I heard a strange voice. I sat down, then looked around and searched for the source of the voice that was calling me.

“Who’s there?” I asked, then looked around. “Show yourself who you are!” I added.

I just held my breath as there was complete silence all around me. I’m probably hallucinating. I just disregarded what I was hearing and tried to sleep despite the fact that I was hungry. Won’t they feed me? I instantly winced at the thought of the question. There’s probably nothing wrong with eating what they feed me as long as there’s no poison or potion in it.

I wasn’t aware of the time, and I didn’t anticipate waking up without the sun shining outside. I stood up and took a glance around. Deacon has yet to return from earlier. I took a look at the barrier that surrounded the bed and then grasped it. I had no idea vampires still knew this. I couldn't even shatter it or get my hand close enough to puncture it.

“It looks like this is going to be my prison for the rest of my life,” I said with a sad voice. “But who will stay in this place if I have something to do?” I asked myself as I held my breath.

In my annoyance, I flung the pillow, and I was shocked when it penetrated the barrier and caused me to stand up. I took another pillow and gradually moved it closer to the barrier, where it pierced. At that time, I got an idea and tried everything I could think of. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it over my body. But first, I brought my covered hand closer in case what I was expecting happened.

“It works!” I said happily.

When I hurriedly covered myself in a blanket and leaped from the bed. When I was sure, I removed the blanket, went to the door, turned the knob, and departed. When I exited, I saw no one in the corridor and didn’t smell any soldiers. I didn’t think twice and dashed out of this kingdom.

I don’t know what the hallways are, but I feel dizzy because of the number of rooms. When I felt someone coming, I immediately turned to a room, then I hid in one of the plants. When I felt that they had passed, I peeked before I ran again.

“What do shadow wolves have to do with this?”

I stopped when I heard someone talking about shadow wolves. I looked for where the voice was coming from and listened to what they were talking about. “Because they’re on the side of the black vampires, Belinda!”

I can feel the annoyance in a man’s voice. “We won’t interfere with them as long as they don’t do anything to us, Berdino!” the woman answered.

“No matter what happens, you know and everyone knows what happened to us when the black vampires attacked us, Belinda. I’m your brother and I’m older than you, so listen to me; why? Is there something you’re not telling me that’s why you’re completely weaning me not to attack them?” he asked the woman doubtfully.

I frowned because I didn’t know that there was still conflict among vampires, and what I knew was that all types of vampires would get along. They are just like us. I was about to leave but I stopped again when that woman spoke

“Nothing... I just want peace like the queen mother wants. You know about that thing, big brother,” she replied to the man.

Peace? When I heard that word, I gasped. I don’t know why someone appears to be whispering to me not to do what I want to do, but I still desire vengeance for what happened to our pack. I don't care how they destroyed it; all I care about is getting my revenge.

“Peace? There will be no peace as long as there are traitors,” the man responded.

“Can’t you imagine what could happen?” she asked.

“Whatever happens, whether it’s good or not, I don’t care.”


“Shut up, Belinda!”

Suddenly, the whole area became silent and I was almost deafened by the silence. I listened for someone to speak, but no one spoke. I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, then I stepped back when I didn’t see anyone. I thought about what happened and thought about how it happened that there was someone arguing inside but no one was there yet. I turned around when I heard Deacon's voice, then I quickly ran and slipped everywhere.

I don’t know what I heard earlier, and I’m not sure how it happened. “Maybe they’re ghosts? Maybe that room was abandoned? Maybe there are lost souls? Fuck it! What sort of castle is this?” I thought to myself as I raced.

I didn’t hesitate to leap out of a window when I saw it. When I saw what was waiting for me below, my eyes widened. I took a deep breath before sinking under the water and rapidly rising to catch my breath. I swam at the beach after that and coughed as a result of what transpired.

I was astounded and couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. The palace from which I came is floating in the air. It has land, but only in the area where it stands, which acts as its collaborator. I straightened up and ran again after regaining my breath. I’m not sure where I'm going or how I’m going to get out, but it’s up to me where I end up.

“Shranaia.” When I heard someone shout my name, I came to a halt.

When I turned to whoever called me, I saw the girl I had seen before. I ran towards her, but suddenly she also ran, so I quickly followed her. No matter where she turned, I still followed her until I reached an unfamiliar place. I looked around, and all I could see were dead trees and leaves.

I just came here and had no intention of going in. Nonetheless, I am aware of what may happen to me, so I must remain vigilant at all times. I walked and halted whenever I heard rustling around me. But I kept walking, even though I heard a rustling sound. I assumed it was just animals chasing each other at night.

When I reached the end of the woodland, I looked around to see if there was an enemy or someone waiting for me. I sighed with relief when I didn’t see anything, and then I scented the entire area to find the Mystic Pack. I must arrive as soon as possible.

“What are you doing here?” I turned around when he suddenly spoke, then my brow furrowed.

“Ah… I just came out of the forest---”

“You are not from here. Who are you?”

“I’m lost---”

“You are different. You shouldn’t be here.”

“Could you make me talk first?”

“Get out of here before they see you!” she suddenly shouted and it confused me.

I looked around, unsure of what to do or where to go for escape. She abruptly grabbed my hand and we both ran. When I look at her face, I know that she is not a bad person. Suddenly, she cast magic that I didn’t understand, and a spherical light appeared, which we both entered, and when we emerged, I was shocked by what I saw.

The entire atmosphere is incredibly tranquil, and despite the silence, there is a sense of being very buoyant. “What are we doing here?” I asked, looking at her.

“What are you doing in our realm? Do you know you’re in danger? By the time they discover there’s an extraterrestrial in our realm, you won’t be able to escape alive,” she stated.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know about that thing. I didn’t even know I went somewhere else,” I said.

“Where do you want to go?” she inquired before approaching me.

“Have you heard of the Mystic Pack?”

As an answer, he nodded to me, then lifted her hand, and a bright light circle emerged in front of the two of us. I stared at her, and she just motioned for me to enter. I’m not sure whether I’ll trust her, but I know she’s not bad, and she even helped me to escape.

“Don’t worry, I'll forget that this happened and that we met,” she remarked as I smiled at her.

“Thank you very much,” I said before entering the portal she created.

When I came out, I was in a different place, and when I glanced around, I saw it was the Mystic pack. There are several wolves in the area, and I think they are not random. Nonetheless, an image from the past returned to me that I will never forget.

“This is the appropriate moment and chance I’ve been waiting for; I will not waste it, and I will not allow myself to be unable to repay it.”

I hid in one of the trees before looking for the other Valley Packers. I looked at one of the soldiers and then at one of their prisoners. I was ready to sprint at him when Fergus appeared out of nowhere.

“What’s the newest?” Faustino inquired of Fergus.

“We can’t just rush in, father,” he said.

“The longer it takes, the more difficult it will be for us. So we need to kill her as soon as possible,” said Faustino.

Fergus said nothing and followed his father into their cabin. I don’t know why they want to kill me and for what reason behind it. But before that happens, I will kill them first.