


I’m at a loss for what to do and how to get out of this situation. I have no idea where the rustling is coming from or how rapidly they move as if they don’t want to be troubled. My breathing is fast, and I can’t help but feel afraid and worried.

“Get out, whoever you are!” I yelled.

“Shranaia.” I turned around again when I heard my name again.

I shouldn’t be terrified of this, and as far as I know, I’m not afraid of death. I took a deep breath, not understanding what rustling I was hearing, and continued walking. I kept going despite the fact that I could still hear the rustle.

“Shranaia!” I turned around as soon as I heard the familiar voice.

“Mommy?” I said it, and then I glanced about for its existence.

My heart leaped with delight, and I assumed Mommy was still alive. But I quickly came to a halt as I realized and remembered something. Mommy and Daddy have always forbidden me from going to the forest. My smile faded, and I continued walking since I knew the voice I was hearing was not real and was most likely misleading me.

“Don’t listen... you’ve got to get out of here, Shranaia,” I told myself.

“Shranaia,” my name was called once more.

From then until today, I had no idea what monster resided in this woodland. Even while Mommy and Daddy were still alive, they never told me what beast was here. I didn’t pause, and I didn’t pay attention to anyone shouting my name. People kept calling, and I didn’t answer a single one of them.


On this occasion, I was halted due to a rude call to my name. I can sense his rage as well as the depth of his voice. Even though I’ve never heard that type of call before, whatever it is, I’m not going to look back.

“Aren’t you going to keep an eye on me?” it asked.

I closed my eyes tightly and then took my left chest. “I know you are a guardian of the forest. But no matter what you do, no matter whose person you are, I will not look back at you,” I answered.

“You won’t know if you didn’t want to see me,” she said, and the nervousness in my heart increased.

I’m not going to attempt what she said, and no matter what happens, I’m not going to glance back at her. When I felt her hand on my shoulder and then breathed in my ear, I gasped. It made me close my eyes, and I’m afraid I won’t like what I see when I open them.

Flash Back

From in front of me, I can see the Mystica de Florensia that Mommy and Daddy forbade me to enter. In truth, this forest is so beautiful that no one has ever entered it. But there are beauties that should not be based only on what your eyes see.

“What is there in the forest?” I wondered to myself.

“What are you doing there, Shranaia?” I turned to the person who called me, then smiled and approached her.

“Mommy!” I called. “I was just looking at that forest. It’s beautiful and there are many flowers. Even the trees and plants are alive. What is there inside that forest?” I ask.

I looked at Mommy, who was also looking at the forest. It seems that she is bringing back some memories. “The beauty of that forest is just a trick for people who have bad intentions and just want to destroy the forest,” she answered, taking a deep breath. “That forest is protected by a fairy who has a peculiar beauty. The beauty that when you see... you’ll become one of the flowers and plants… like what Medusa could do when you see her beauty,” she added.

End Of Flash Back

That thing stuck in my mind even though I was still young. Whatever my mother said then, I never intended to ignore it because what she said is what gives me protection. I kept my eyes closed and did not open my eyes to what she said.

“If you think I’m a bad person, you’re wrong. I don’t even know how I got into this forest. I’m just looking for a way out and whatever wealth you have... whoever the voice you imitate, I don’t care because I don’t want to stay here while my pack is suffering,” I said in a long litany.

I didn’t hear her speak, and I think what I said made her think. “I know you. I know your mother,” she said, and at that point, I felt relieved.

“I know we’ve met before and I know you’re not a bad person. You just want to take care of this forest because it’s your only home. But if I messed you up... I’m sorry. I’m really just looking for a way out,” I explained so she wouldn’t be angry with me anymore.

I heard her sigh, and when I felt safe and there was no longer any danger, I slowly opened my eyes and saw the beauty of the environment. It’s so beautiful that I’ve seen it before, and I’m seeing it again now. I walked again, and while I was walking, I didn’t realize that I was out of the forest, and I could breathe a sigh of relief.

“Thank you,” I said, then I smiled and turned away.

When I got out of there, I went back to the pack. It was getting late, and Vixen was sure to find me. And also, Jenny will be going home, so I need to be there to make sure they get back safely. I was running towards Gena, and luckily I caught them walking.

“Oh, where have you been?” Gena asked me.

“Just taking some fresh air,” I replied, and then I looked at Eliot. “Why are you two together?” I asked, then they looked at each other. “Then what happened to your face? Why you have a wound?”

“Nothing. There was just a misunderstanding,” he replied to me, then I smiled and nodded.

We headed to Jenny’s place together, and I couldn’t get what had happened earlier out of my head. Even so, as I exited the woodland earlier, it seemed to vanish like a bubble. I clenched my head and felt the weight of my feelings. When we brought the siblings, I couldn’t help but miss them, especially Jenny because she was the only friend I had who didn’t judge me for my personality and who and what I am as a wolf.

“I don’t want to miss you; I only want to tell you to be cautious, and after you’ve done what you need to do, return to the world where we first met; I’ll wait for you there,” Jenny said, and I nodded.

“You don’t have any other friends except me, so I know you won’t exchange me for someone else,” I assured her, and then she hugged me, and I hugged her back. “Be careful,” I whispered, and she nodded.

When they departed, I couldn’t help but feel sad since, to be honest, I was feeling quite heavy after what had happened earlier. I began walking and noticed Vixen following me. It’s as if I have a bodyguard for what he’s doing, and even then, he follows me.

“Are you going to do anything?” he questioned, and I continued walking.

“Nothing,” I said, then sighed. “I simply want to rest,” I explained.

I came to a halt as he took my hand in his, and he was like a gentle puppy with something he wanted to say and discuss. I don’t want to fight him right now because of what happened earlier, and I also need to go away because I want to do something I’ve been preparing for a long time. The reason why I returned to this land.

“Tell me if you have something to say if you don’t want me to kick your fcking ass,” I responded ambivalently, and he smiled and approached me.

“I simply want to hear your response to what we talked about last night,” he said calmly.

I winced as I turned away from him. “What answer do you necessitate?” I ask.

“The answer from your heart, and if you simply tell me what you feel, I'll gladly accept it,” he replied.

I retracted my hand from his grasp. “This isn’t the moment for your query, Vixen,” I remarked, and he didn't respond.

We walked silently, and I didn’t even glance at him. When I got outside my cabin, I came to a halt and turned to face him, who also glanced at me.

“Your cabin isn’t here,” I stated casually, and he scratched his head.

“Ah... may I come in?” he inquired.

“Don’t you have anything else to do?”


"We don’t have anything to talk about."

“Yes, there is.”


“Yes, there is.”

“Will you stop or I will hit you?” I threatened him, and he bowed down.

I groaned and was ready to enter the cabin when someone grabbed my hand and grasped my waist. At that time, I felt his lips touching mine, and I couldn’t resist because he pressed a kiss on me. My body suddenly went weak, as if there were a butterfly in my stomach.

Even if I wanted to push him, I couldn’t, and when he did, I backed away. It’s like a powerful force that I can’t stop, and I’m drifting because of him. Even so, I felt like I was drowning, and at this point, I quickly pushed him to make him stop, and he put our foreheads together. We were both holding our breath as a result of what he did, and the weakness in my leg persisted.

“W-what... what are you doing?” I wondered.

“One thing I know that you won’t stop,” he answered.

His hand was on both my cheeks. I still gasped when he suddenly picked me up, then quickly opened the cabin door, and I didn’t realize what he did. He put me on the bed, then he kissed me again, and I will admit that I like what he is doing.

“Vixen,” I called her name.

“You don’t want to talk to me... I can’t pass you by begging you, so I’ll pass you by another way,” he whispered, and I closed my eyes tightly.

I couldn’t understand what he said, and I felt like I was speechless. His hand crawls up one of my legs and goes inside my t-shirt. Even if I try to remove his hand, he is stronger than me. My eyes widened when he touched my boobs, causing me to bite my lip.


“I’m only looking for an answer, Shranaia. There’s only one thing I want you to say to me, and only one thing I want to hear from you.”

Even though he’s talking, he keeps doing what he’s doing, and I close my eyes firmly. One of his hands is holding both of my hands up, and the other continues to squeeze my boobs. I’m at a loss for words, and I feel as if I’m going insane with what he’s doing.

“Please... stop... hmmm.”

“That’s not the answer I’m looking for,” he responded.

His hand crawled once more, this time down to my tummy. I pushed him more, but he merely squeezed harder while holding both of my hands. I closed my eyes firmly as I realized he was going to slip his hand inside my pants.

“Yes!” I said gently. “I admit it, so please stop,” I said.

He came to a complete halt and stared me in the eyes. I was being pursued because I was breathing so quickly. When he stopped me, I held my mouth and breathed a sigh of relief. I’m going insane because of what he did. He didn’t leave on top of me, but instead gazed into my eyes and kissed me on the lips again.

“Why are you driving me insane? Why is it that no matter what you do, no matter if you are angry with me, no matter if you ignore me, no matter if you don’t want to see my face, I can’t be angry with you. I can’t ignore you. I can’t help but pay attention to you. Just one day without being able to talk to you almost makes me crazy. What else are three days or a week?”

I don’t know if I should laugh at what he said or be irritated because that’s his mindset. I let him lay on my top and make my boobs like a pillow for him; I didn’t complain anymore.