


He already knows what I’m going to do even though I haven’t made a move. I’m sick of what we’re doing, and I honestly don’t know how many hours have gone by since we fought. As the time was right, I attacked him from behind, and when he turned to face me, I rapidly reversed direction and kicked him in the face, causing him to jump.

While the two of us were battling, I was able to track the aura to the location of the red sign indicating that I needed to leave this place. I feel him after me again as I run, and even though I haven’t gone far, he is already behind me. I instantly crossed both of my arms and transformed into a wolf. I’m irritated because I’m tired of not only him, but also of the other opponents surrounding me. I was able to defeat them, and I did not allow Deacon to near close to me.

“Can you, Deacon, stop me?” I screamed angrily.

“I told you Shranaia, I’m not leaving, and I’m not going to stop until I have you!” he exclaimed.

“What do you need from me? I won’t go with you because I have something else I want, and that will never change!” I said, then dashed away, grabbing the red flag as soon as I spotted it.

When I finished what I required, I was standing outside when Vixen appeared from behind me and promptly broke the mirror, and I fainted and fell on the floor from exhaustion. My body was weak after what had transpired, and I was exhausted simply rushing away from Deacon. When I couldn't take it any longer, I let go of the red flag I was carrying.

“That’s all for now, you may rest,” the woman said before Vixen lifted me up.

Rara came to me and inquired as to what had happened to me. I couldn’t answer her inquiries anymore since I was very exhausted and fell asleep while Vixen was carrying me. It was night when I awoke, and I heard the door open, and from there I saw Vixen’s cheerful face bearing food. I sat down right away and smiled at him.

“It’s good that you’re awake,” he said, and I nodded.

“I was simply weary earlier, but I feel good now that I’ve rested,” I said, and he smiled.

He came up to me and handed me the food. I felt alive when I smelled it because of the scent and flavor in my nose. I didn’t do anything but eat the meal he brought, which made me happy because he had prepared it just for me. He grabbed my head and caressed it while smiling widely at me. Those smiles tickle my body, and I can’t stop myself from smiling because of what he did. I completed the meal he brought, and as I did, my strength appeared to restore that I had lost earlier due to my battle with Deacon.

“I guess I’m alright now,” I answered, then laughed.

“You love being around with the food. You’ve been always like that,” he said, and I nodded with a smile.

“Yes, what happened earlier? Is my level low? Did I fail? Who came out last? Me? What occurred earlier was bothersome, but I was ok after what happened behind the mirror,” I said one by one.

“Just calm, you have too many questions,” he replied, as I hopped up and down on the bed like a child. “You passed it, you did a great job, and honestly, you are now one of the tops,” he remarked, and I sat down.

“Really? I couldn’t believe it,” I said, and he agreed. “Wow,” I continued.

Vixen laughed at what I said, and I disregarded him because of what he did. We left the dean ecstatic since I received a high level in the first entry. As I was going to the cabin, I was greeted by Rara, who was with Ron and Ran. I cheerfully greeted them. When I got near enough to the three of them, I showed them my level. They couldn’t believe the level I achieved, and to be honest, neither could I.

“Why the hell?” Rara was furious. “No matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t get that level, but you? You only got it once. Do you have a lucky charm?” she snorted.

“Because that’s not for you,” Ron responded, laughing.

“You know you’re the sort I want to throw off a cliff and then stab with a dagger, so your species doesn’t spread anymore,” she remarked, glaring at Ron.

“You have such a horrible attitude that Ran will no longer like you,” Ron teased.

“Eww! You’re truly nasty,” Rara said in response to Ron’s insults.

“What? I am handsome. Don’t you know that if the two of us interbreed, we may have the greatest breed of all the wolves?” Ran said, and I smiled at both of them.

To be honest, I miss both Mommy and Daddy, as well as Jenny. I don’t know when we’ll be able to see them, but because of what has occurred, we won’t be allowed to return to where they are now. The world of wolves is distinct from that of humans. Despite this, it appears as if everyone lives in the same world, despite our disparate origins.

We had a small party, and the next morning I got up early to go to the academy. I saw Rara with her other classmates right away, and she already has a huge circle of friends. But because I’m new and they all know who I am, I know they won’t ignore me because I’m also an Alpa daughter. When I entered the room, I was struck by how few of us there were. I was especially astonished to see Ron and Ran, who I had no idea were also studying.

I sat between them, then turned to our professor, who welcomed me and introduced myself to him. He bowed to me, and I returned the gesture. He began to lecture, explaining the significance of each wolf and how they varied from hybrids and vampires. I had no idea a wolf and a vampire could mate, but they are forbidden from having children or falling in love since it will result in a Hybrid, especially with the power that pours through their bodies.

I raised my hand, and he glanced at me, asking, “What can I do, Miss Shranaia?” I stood up.

“I just don’t get something,” I said, and he scowled. “Why do the rules for love between various types or species of creatures have to be like that? When did that become trendy?” I said as he beckoned for me to take a seat.

“At that time, it was not a private thing, but with the passage of time and the existence of so-called Hybrids, this is where things that they did not expect began to happen. They are strong and more agile, and faster than normal wolves and vampires. Because of their uncontrollable power, they couldn’t stop themselves and even killed their own blood relatives just to quench their thirst for flesh and blood,” he explained to which I nodded. I get what that means.

I didn’t ask anything else, but I don’t know why I seem to want to know more about what the Hybrids are, why they become stronger, and how to remedy the problem. After class, I went to the library to search for a book about stand-on hybrids, and happily, they had one.

When I saw it, I had no idea what was going to happen to me, so I kept my head down. It has an even more repulsive aspect than black wolves. I was reading when I sensed someone standing next to me, and when I looked up, he was smiling at me, putting both elbows on the table, and staring at me.

“You’re beautiful from a distance, but you’re much more stunning up close,” she remarked, and I looked behind me to check whether he was talking about me, then left and right.

“Are you referring to me?” I pondered.

“There are only the two of us here in the library, and people here are uncommon because we are too lazy to read,” she added, the smile on her lips didn’t faded.

“Because I love reading,” I said before closing the book.

“I saw it. We’re classmates. We’re the only two women in the room. I know you’ve been curious about Hybrids. Do you want to hear what occurred before they banned it?” she said, and I appeared to become thrilled.

“Could you?” I replied, and she clutched to me.

“Of course,” she says. “The fact is that what happened that then was a terrible tragedy. Wolves and vampires coexist in the same territory, and to be honest, it was better back then than it is now,” she said, and I scowled.

“How did you say that?” I inquired.

“I’ve read the book you’re reading; if you want to know what’s in it, don’t worry; I'll give you the narrative; there’s nothing too much, just you’re lacking.”

I chuckled at what she said, and she began talking about what happened before and what is different now, and it was at this time that I learnt that Hybrids may have power based on their abilities and what they can do as wolves and vampires.

The eyes of hybrids are crimson. They are quicker than conventional wolves and vampires, and they used to be respected but are now feared. I didn’t realize it was nighttime until she finished telling the story, and we had already decided to leave the library.

“I haven’t asked what your name is,” she added, turning to face me.

“My name is Gena,” she said as she extended her hand.

“My name is Shranaia,” I replied.

“Yes, I know you; I’ve seen you here before, but honestly, I was too afraid to approach you since I don’t come from a family with high-ranking parents,” she added, and I chuckled at her.

“You don’t have to worry; I don’t care if your parents have a rank or not; as long as you’re willing to be my buddy, there’s no problem,” I added, hugging her.

When I went out of college Rara welcomed me, and I introduced her to Gena. It turns out that they both know each other, and she has been seeing Gena for a long time, but since she is shy, she can’t approach her.

“I didn’t know you want Shranaia to be your best friend more than I do,” Rara sneered.

We spotted Ran and Vixen while walking, and I instantly approached Vixen as Rara grabbed Gena’s arm, then said goodbye to leave. I chuckled as I looked at Ran, who was frowning. I glanced at Vixen and told him what had happened before and how I was curious about Hybrids. But Vixen seemed to avoid discussing it, he can’t even talk to me.

“You need to start practicing,” he remarked, walking ahead of me.

I was left with a grimace, and I’m not sure if he was simply upset or if he was trying to avoid talking about something between the two of us. When I returned to the cabin, I noticed the prepared dinner and a message indicating that he had cooked it. I smiled and took a bite of the dish.

It sometimes makes me wonder what I am to Vixen. He has always treated me this way, and I feel really special, and my heart feels different for him at that moment. I ate the meal he brought and then went out on the balcony to think properly.

I examined my hand and then touched my teeth. I remember what happened when I was inside the mirror, and Deacon and I faced each other for a little time. I can’t get that incident out of my head, and I feel like there’s something unique about me that I’m not aware of, and I have to conceal it.

“I don’t understand; what’s happening to me? Or perhaps my parents are keeping something from me that I don’t know about, which is why I’m puzzled now,” I murmured to myself.