
Chapter 52 Continuation.... .

"I can see that you guys are no longer hungry." Jennifer said as she walked in with three bottles of beer.




They ate, drink as theywatch movie. Halfway to the movie, Jennifer slept off on the couch. James couldn't help but stare at Sandra who was watching the movie as if she have all her attention on it.

Moments later, she looked back at James and their eyes met and locked for some moments. James smiled and got up to get a bottle of yogurt from the kitchen.

"Do you want a bottle of soda?" James asked.

"Don't worry. The beer is okay for me." She replied and he went to the kitchen to get one for himself. When he came back with the drink, Sandra was already sitting on his seat.

"That's my seat." James said.

"There's enough room for both of us but if you don't want, I will go back to my seat." Sandra replied while their eyes were locked.