
Chapter 53 Caught but pretending

Since she had her back at them, she could not see what was happening. Turning and looking back will interrupt the romantic session so she pretended as if she was still sleeping.

James began to lick and suck on the nipples. He would made small circles with his tongue around the nipples. Her nipples grew harder as he sucked and her entire body gasped as a wave of ecstasy overpowered her arms and legs. He reached behind and grabbed her ass through the short shirt. She withdrew her hand from his short and Straddled him on his thigh, then began to grind her pelvis on his hardness. James lifted her short skirt up and grabbed her ass with his hands over her pantie. Their body pressed against each other as Sandra watched him sucking on her breast.

"You will make me cum on my short." James whispered to Sandra which Jennifer couldn't hear well.