
Chapter 44 Continuation.... .

"Jennifer, what is the meaning of what happened now? why did you do that?" Sandra asked Jennifer when they have went out of view.

"I don't like him anymore. He should go to hell." Jennifer said out of anger.

"Are you serious with what you are saying?" Ruth curiously asked.

"I'm not."

"Who is confusing who here? You said you don't like him, now you said you're not serious. Which one do we follow?" Sandra asked and Jennifer stopped walking, turn the two friends, sighed and said "None"

"What do you mean?" They were now standing close to Sandra's car.

"I don't like him..... I love him. Just that I'm getting fed up. He kept keeping me away from him. He canceled the private lesson I instigated and with the way he is acting towards me, he doesn't want me around him" Jennifer complained.