
Chapter 43 Unlike other days...

Jennifer's face was saturated with smiles and happiness as she closed the door. Her friends are waiting for her at the school hall way.

Sandra and Ruth knew that the mission went successful as they saw smiles on Jennifer's face as she was walking towards them. Sandra had already explained everything to Ruth who was still angry that she was left behind.

"Why didn't you call me yesterday?" Ruth asked Sandra after she had told her everything.

"I don't want to disturb you. Besides, It's something I can resolve without involving you, so there was no need of calling you."

"Do you know if I would have suggested another better plan than what you guys did. You guys are harboring someone's nude which is bad."

"Ruth can you stop? We will delete the pictures. What will use his picture for. I'm sure It can't even make me cum if I try to masturbate with it." Sandra said and swung her head to Jennifer's direaction with even smiles as Jennifer got closer to them.