
The Universe is Innately Just

Every coin has two faces. Goodness is balanced by evil. Any concept has a counterpart. New Casablanca was the same. A fantastic city full of science and progress, yet such a dark side so dirty no one dares even talking about it. This is the hometown of a young man, Fell Pluck. Unfortunately, it was decided by the gods that he should be born in the slums of the city, the core, where you had to fight every day in the hope of living another one. "Choose your path, change your destiny, show your might. Unleash your will and show them your worth. I revealed to you the way of cultivation; the rest is up to you.." A. In the end, like a butterfly softly landing on a petal, a simple encounter can change the course of events... ################################# As many of you have noticed, UIJ has gone premium! To celebrate this, we're going to have triple daily release! You're in for quite the adventure with this novel, bear with me and I'll be sure to keep on working the quality of my work. "The Universe is Innately Just" is my first work on webnovel.com. Add me to your library if you enjoy the read! Comments and Power Stones help a lot. If you want to support me, do not hesitate to leave some! ############################ Support your author with a warm cup of coffee. :) https://ko-fi.com/lividedge

LividEdge · sci-fi
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331 Chs

Vicious Brawl

Although he was surprised, it didn't mean he forgot his etiquette as a martial artist. His core contracted as he followed his opponent in his style. His knee dropped toward the ground as his arms were raised in front of his torso.

"Oh! Here I come!" Ainqi Baa howled before dashing forward. He swiftly closed the gap between Fell and him in a few movements of his limbs. His leg and arms moved in sync as he rushed with all four limbs on the ground. Fell was surprised again as he had never seen someone run so fast on four limbs. He wasn't just mimicking an animal in the midst of a dash, Ainqi Baa's grounded dash released a strange vibe that made Fell's heart skip a beat.

"He truly isn't going easy… I even feel that he is on a hunt.", He swiftly thought as he clenched his fist. "Holding my ground and defending will only give him all the advantages. I need to get closer to reduce his momentum!" his legs smashed the ground under him, and he sent himself forward with a striking momentum. His body quickly attained top speed as he cut through the viscous air around him.

Under the two opponents' breakneck speed, the distance between them was crossed in the blink of an eye. Not even a second after the fight's start, they entered their respective striking range.

"Just like I thought! We are the same Hahahahaha!" He howled as excitation traversed his body. Now that they were at close range, he could see that the youth in front of him wasn't like the others. He was used to the opponent being defensive in front of his aggressive martial art, some even fled right after seeing him cross the ring in four limbs.

But this was one of the rare cases where his opponent went forward to meet his attack. Not only wasn't the blond youth in front of him afraid of his frontal assault, he was even excited by it and went forward to meet him; This was also shown by the large smile that was plastered over Fell's face.

"Let's enjoy this to the fullest!" He howled in a loud tone. Ainqi Baa formed a claw with his hand and sent it toward Fell's heart, his attacks were as vicious as his barks. His hand traversed the viscous air with no difficulty before appearing a few centimeters in front of Fell's chest.

Fell completely ignored the attack and kept going forward. His hand straightened forming a knife stance, and his shoulder's muscles moved backwards. His muscles acted like strings as power kept being generated during this short period. Then, all of it was released and sent straight toward his opponent's solar plexus. Fell's arm pierced through the water with the might of a spear, his arm wobbled lightly under the extreme speed it had attained giving the impression that it was a flood dragon.

If his opponent wanted to end this in one exchange, Fell would gladly follow his steps. That was why he had ignored his attack, although he would be forced to eat all the damage. His opponent would also be in the same situation.

"Hahahaha! What a crazy lad, My sense of smell has never lied to me! Come, let's enjoy this to the fullest!" Ainqi Baa felt goosebumps as he felt that the time around them slowed down. His clawlike hand was infinitely close to touching Fell's skin, he felt that he only needed to poke a little bit and he would acquire victory. But it was the same for Fell's spear-like arm that was aimed at his diaphragm, the danger he felt from it sent his senses in shambles.

Under the extreme pressure both opponents had put each other under, time came to stop right before the impact while their mind ran at maximum focus. Under this shade of indigo blue water, a large amount of blood splashed everywhere as both opponents collided into each other.

Time seems to take back its property as the amount of blood kept growing. It gathered as it formed a screen that blocked sight around the two fighters. In the middle of the fighting ring, a blood flower grew from the center of their collision. It rose proudly toward the sky while softly floating inside the viscous air.