
Nascent Friendship

When it came to martial arts, there was a simple principle that was shared through all the different art practitioners. Never trade blows with a mad man that only cared about attacking while ignoring defense. It was just common sense. Why would you fight against someone who doesn't hold his own life, dear? Someone who would be more vicious with himself and even more vicious with his enemies. These kinds of people were to be avoided at any cost.

Fell and Ainqi Baa could be considered to be the same kind of character. They would go through any process to defeat their enemies. If they have to lose a limb through the process, then so be it. They would make sure the opponent loses two limbs. This wasn't any complicated battle tactic, but it was shown several times through history that it worked. The only major drawback was that this method could end up killing its own user.

Inside of Battle Contest, the result could be easily seen as the spot where their assault connected was basked in blood. Due to the strangeness of the biome they were fighting in, the blood didn't splash on the ground but instead kept twirling with the windy current.

Gradually, the blood dots flew flashed as the sun's light reflected on them. They slowly rose toward the sky as the view around Fell and Ainqi Baa was cleared. As the two opponent's figures began appearing, a pained cough chased away the silence.

"You really… are quite the bas…", the pained voice coughed a few more times before spotting a blood clot from his throat. "Bastard… You twisted your waist before the impact, right?", as it finished speaking all of the blood around them flew away clearing the view completely. The person who was speaking was Ainqi Baa, his face seemed to be empty from blood as its color was closer to a pale transparent white.

His breathing was shallow and every time he inhaled a painful gasp would flee from his lips. He was trembling like a kite. His knees repeatedly trembled, showing that he was close to falling apart. The source of his injury could be seen in the close to his navel, and a bloodied hand was trembling while pressing on it. Fell's spear-like attack had left massive damage to Ainqi Baa, destroying his diaphragm in one go. If they weren't currently inside Battle Center, Fell was sure that Ainqi Baa would have died a few moments after receiving the blow.

Although they were in a game, they weren't relieved from feeling pain as it was shown from their facial expressions. In front of the pained Ainqi, Fell could be seen sitting on the ground. He breathed quickly while gasping for air, and a deep long gash could be seen traveling from his chest to his ribs. The injury was so severe that the bones could be seen, but except a slight tremble that occurred when he inhaled no other sign of pain was on his face. Even if it was in real life, although it would be painful, Fell's current injury wouldn't be life-threatening.

"Fuck… This game is way too real", He exclaimed while responding to Ainqi Baa. "I guess this is my win!" he tilted his neck to the left and spat a mouthful of blood.

"Win my ass, this is the first time I've lost so fast. I can't accept this, Let's fight again!" Ainqi Baa barked again. A change appeared on the pained expression that was plastered on his face, battle intent was reignited as he tried to get up.

But his trembling legs abandoned him. His body dropped to the ground while his face ate the floor.

"Haha, yeah try to fight me like this. By the way, how do I get my Avatar to a normal condition?" He asked while looking down at the long injury that traveled on his chest.

A muffled response came from Ainqi Baa, but it didn't enter Fell's ear. "What did you say? Stop Faking your death and answer me", Fell's tone was as provocative as it could get. But hidden in it was friendliness, although the fight was short. Ainqi Baa had gained Fell's respect due to his fighting style. His animal form martial art had left a deep impression on his mind.

"Who's dead! Fucking brat…", His eyes reddened from anger as he eyed the blond-haired youth in front of him. If it wasn't for that bastard avoiding the lethal part of his attack, he would have easily won the fight. But reality had shown him the harsh truth.