
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Ultimate Omega 1.0

Gail POV


"Unworthy of love"



These are the words that never go a day without mocking me. I have been running, I have created quite a distance between them and I ,but how can I fully get rid of them when they have been engraved in my soul?. Is it weird that I wish I was a snake? , maybe then I could easily shed the layers of hurtful words that bitterly lay carved within the walls of my heart. I understand that physical abuse can be just as lethal..but when my heart and mind are targeted I don't get used to the beatings, I don't get used to the bruises...I just collapse and every part of me stops working. You forget how to use a spoon, you confuse day and night ,you get lost going to your bathroom, everyday your mind tells you that you are worthless and stupidly the bones and your muscles register the information and eventually you stop and become just that.... Useless. They break you then they call you lazy and unmotivated , that you need to start living and doing something. ..but you can't .

You just fucking can't!.

If I didn't have Terra constantly pulling me out of the abyss , I wouldn't have come this far..if anything I would have been six feet under ...away from all my nightmares. Forever peacefully resting. I have only been physically violated once in my life, the boy left me in a coma for a week...that was the only time Kadija acted like my mother, which is why I don't totally hate her.I will meet that boy again soon, this time he won't ever be able to touch me and *walk* away.. ...I am the new Gail Blanco. A fucking Ultimate Omega.

I let out a shallow breath and slowly wipe the steam on my bathroom mirror using my right hand. A towel lies comfortably wrapping around my torso, revealing my medium build that is now adorned with a few strokes of six around its centre, the hard work really did pay. I no longer have that scrawny body I once owned. I can't say I am any bigger than Arian or Corey, even that stupid pig Ray still has more muscles compared to mine, but I can't be confused for a coyote anymore.

"TIME IS RUNNING GAIL,WE HAVE TO LEAVE SOON." Terra comments in a soft tone reminding me of the sole reason why I had to get up early to shower today. I am joining the warrior pack as a scout. I understand I don't have to shower if I am going to exercise anyway but I am still a bit nervous and only water has thus far managed to be the only thing that can calm me . Except for Arian's touch of cause.


"Terra, I am allowed to appreciate beauty . His hazelnut shoulder length hair and beautifully softly carved jaw is to die for"... I say putting on a dramatic voice, clasping my hands together and resting my chin on them , looking up with puppy eyes almost as if the image of Arian was printed on my ceiling .

"AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF WE DON'T GO TRAIN. DIE! "...Terra says in an annoyed tone, obviously rolling his eyes....that drama queen of a beast.

" I am headed out..see you next weekend Llllloser!".. I hear Ray shout from the hallway, specially stretching out the "L". I don't respond. Instead I quickly hurry and put on my black matching sweat pants and hoodie. I put on my shoes and grab my bag that was already set the night before. I don't waste time on breakfast and instead grab an apple on my way out and start running. I will take the short cut, I decide.


I sprinted as fast as my legs would normally carry me, dodging branches, fallen trees and a few rabbit holes that lay along my path creating a fun little obstacle course for me.... I have to arrive before Ray gets to the training camp...Only a few minutes and..

"LOOK OUT!" ...

Just then I raise my head to find a dark grey wolf ready to tackle me to the ground. I immediately stop on my tracks and let the wolf land on me..rolling us over until it stays hovering over me. The grey wolf looks angry, I don't know why he is mad ,but the position is so uncomfortable so I instinctively kick his stomach using my hind legs, getting up fast to stand on all fours and face him keeping my combat pose. He sends a low warning growl, but he doesn't scare me. In my wolf form I snarl at the other wolf , demanding that it moves out of my way so I could pass, It harshly stomps its front right paw on the ground, he won't let me. The grey wolf shifts back to its human form ..he stands before me with one of his hands rolled into a fist..his anger is not aimed at me..

"Shift !"..He commands.

I don't shift .

" Did he force you?..were you blackmailed?!..Gail...you can't go there today. It is too dangerous. You.."

"Enough Corey!..No, I was not forced or entirely blackmailed..I chose this !." I unintentionally bitterly spit , disturbing Corey's word vomit after properly shifting back to my human form. I should not take it out on him, but he should not think I am incapable before I even try.

"Then why would you choose to do this?, what if you get hurt? ...or worse what if you died?" ..He asks lowering his head to the ground ...softening his voice and leaving all his emotions naked. He is worried about me.I kind of understand where he is coming from. The guy has never seen me do anything except for house chores ...but I can't just reveal everything to him. I have to wait for Arian to train me and then I could tell him half of the truth .

"I know that you are worried about me, but I promise that if things get hard I will forfeit . You and Arian will be there, so I will be fine. You have seen me run , in any worse cases I could always just hand the battle to you and the others.Arian will teach me how to fight...I am sure there is no one better than him in our pack, right?....I will be fine." I answer back to Corey hoping to convince him , the words coming out like a plea instead of assurance.

Corey does not seem like he truly believes me. "Please" I beg using a soft voice before he could open his mouth to retort ...he could argue further, but he doesn't . " I am surprised you showed up actually, I thought you would refuse, but since you have made up your mind , I don't think I can convince you otherwise. If anything , and I mean anything happens at camp or at the training grounds come to me okay?..and I better hope that Arian did not force you to do this, Even he cannot stand against me if I have to protect you." Corey says while his shoulders slump down a little showing that he is not affronted anymore . I don't want to continue this conversation so I slowly nod my head in agreement. He shifts back into his big dark grey wolf and gestures to me with his head to shift and follow him. We don't have time so I immediately shift and we start sprinting through the fiery forest, it looks like Mother Nature is getting ready to soon put on her winter cloak.

"MAYBE HE IS OUR MATE? ..." Terra suddenly comments, almost causing me to stumble on a fallen thick tree bark.

"Terra... don't ever say that again! Corey is our friend!" I scold back at him

"WELL YOU ARE BLIND, HE IS DEFINITELY OUR MR RIGHT..." Terra once again comments cooly.

"Well whatever, don't cry later when he isn't the one you get"...I deadpan.

Terra huffs in annoyance and I feel him leave the conversation.

Corey and I ran only a few more minutes before arriving at the training grounds. Immediately I could spot out Arian leaning against the doors that lead to the big hall where most indoor training equipments are held. Arian stands with both his hands in his grey hoodie...same pose as always.He moves one of his hands to wave at us, putting on that obvious fake smile..although today it appears to be half genuine. As we approach Arian , I can't help but hold a nervous breath, I hope today goes well.

"Finally here Omega, I almost thought you wouldn't show" Arian says while standing up straight against the door, he moves his left hand to push his hair back, creating a picture worthy moment. He puts on a teasing smirk lifting one of his eye brows to perhaps question why I am arriving with Corey..

"You and Martins huh?..." He says

"NO!" Corey and I answer at the same time...I go ahead and wave my hands dramatically left and right in objection ..I look a bit panicked but I don't want for there to ever be such a misunderstanding.

"We just met outside and came in together!"...I quickly add. Corey does not say anything , instead he raises his eyebrows and rolls his eyes up, his head staying completely still, he then heads the other direction which I assume is where we will train today. Leaving Arian and I alone.

"It is okay Blanco, I was just pulling your leg. If it makes you feel any better , he is a good guy " Arian says with a full grin, displaying his onyx white teeth. He definitely enjoys messing with me.

Arian always has a way of making me feel uncomfortable around him, not the bad kind of uncomfortable, just....uncomfortable .It must be the Alpha aura.

Arian starts to move, and as I learnt from before, I follow after him. While walking towards the outdoor training grounds , I start to feel nervous again. What if they hate me, what if they bully me, What if the Alpha changes his mind about me?...wait ...I did not get approval from the Alpha. I have been listening and following Arian this whole time that I forgot to ask what his father thought...unconsciously, I try to pull Arian's sleeve to stop him so that we can clear this before we go any further...this however does not go to plan as Arian moves his hands out of his pockets, causing my finger tips to slightly brush against his hand, erupting a wave of electric shock to surge between us, he quickly stands away from me alarmingly.

" Damn Blanco!, I did not think your no touch policy was that deep...you emitting electricity now? " He says while jiggling his hand midair, flexing and stretching his fingers.

" I am sorry, I was just going to- I didn't know that that could happen....I am so sorry.." I say in a panicked voice quickly apologising so that Arian does not loose his shit on me. That was weird..the shock was painful at first but then instantly became a weirdly comfortable numb feeling. What the hell was that?

"It is okay ,it is not your fault. I will just make sure to remember to keep my distance.Anyway we will talk later, you can't be late on your first day now can you?" Arian says in a calm voice, dismissing my worry, a reassuring gesture to me that he won't try to kill me. He turns to once again continue walking, I follow him. Arian stops at a brown wooden double door, pulling both handles open to reveal a big nicely cut lawn hosting a pack of wolves already doing some stretches ,with some in their human form who instantly stopped to look at us.

Well here goes nothing.