
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasie
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40 Chs



"Back to the forest." 

"What do you mean back to the forest?!.." Gail  asks while he continues to pace behind me.

"You didn't seem comfortable in the shop so maybe you can be more open...in the open...get it?" I answer back while laughing.

Gail does not respond, he doesn't even batter his eye lids. Well, sucks to be him. His mate is definitely going to have a hard time.I am the king of jokes and it seems that my jokes do not either make sense to him or he is just a humourless wolf, but it does not matter , right now I want him as my bait..scout...I am not trying to date him, who cares if he has a stone face?.

"Well..start talking" I say to him monotonously after clearing my throat trying to suppress my embarrassment and once again keeping a straight face.

We have been walking into the woods for about thirty minutes now, and Gail has not said a word since my open joke..I guess I just have to quit the nice guy act and start being myself, yes I need him but he has to know who is Alpha.

" Life used to be rough, my life." He begins. " My brother as you know is an Alpha. He was okay when he was small, but eventually he got bigger and stronger. It wasn't fun playing with him, he would always take advantage of my small size while playing, once while we were playing, he shoved me so hard I fell down the stairs and broke my knee. I was in a cast for a week after that incident. My mother never misses a chance to degrade my worth as a man.My teachers assume I will be a good house husband and I only have Omega friends from school with an exception of Corey. I did not care what anyone thought about me, I am not the first male Omega ....I just, I don't know why...they all think I am incapable of doing anything except for household chores. Everything in my life was on repeat, chores, insults, my brother unnecessarily flaunting his ego...but one day..right before the short school vacation ..I .." Gail says but stops to intensely stare at the ground..He starts fidgeting with his hands and bites his bottom lip soo hard that I can smell a bit of his blood from where I am standing.

"You don't have to tell me if it is that painful for you to remember." I quickly say in a soft voice hoping he calms down.

"It-I-It is okay..I just, I-I don't know..fuck!...I don't know why I feel soo weak right now, I am strong. Normally...I just... please don't , I am just tired. I was tired. I was a child too, I am one of the pack members too, I have feelings..b-but..they just treat me like I am gum under their shoes .I'm s-so-sorry I...I just wanted to be different ..maybe mum would like me, maybe I would have avoided Liam....I- I just wanted to be strong..." Gail says in a quivering voice while a stream of tears flows down his pail cheeks that are now tainted with a reddish pink blush ....He looks very different from the first time I met him to the boy standing before me now. I don't know if he knows. I don't know if his friends have told him...Gail is trying to be strong, He is building himself physically, but I think he is already mentally and emotionally broken. I wonder what forced him to have to take such a drastic measure and exhaust his wolf like this , I hope he tells me one day..today I won't force him. I know when someone is in hell, I am its long time resident.

Without any warning, I unconsciously reach out my hand surprising even myself and thread my fingers through his hair. I ignore the fact that he might punch or kick me and pull him by the back of his neck into my chest, I don't know why I am doing this, but my body feels the need to comfort him. I can feel Gail stiffen in shock, but he doesn't move away from me , instead he grabs my jacket by the sides and continues to cry..this should be a beautiful moment if we were lovers, but this is also a perfect opportunity for me to reach my goal..He will tell me about himself later, but right now , I have him in my hands...literally.

"Do you want to get revenge?"...I say softly whispering in his ear. He lifts his head and looks at me with puffy eyes in confusion ..

"Huh?!" He says.. His eyes now shifting from confusion to what seems like hope ?...Did I mention he has beautiful eyes?. His eyes are like a turquoise blue surrounded by what appears to be an ultramarine blue that seems to darken to an Adriatic one..they also appear to have little gold sparkles every time the sun light grazes them, if you ignore the red rings marking his sadness on his outer eye...he can definitely pass as an angel....again..Is he even a wolf?

"EARTH TO ARIAN!"...my wolf Bumi says waking me up from my stupor.

"What do you mean revenge?" He quickly moves away from me and starts wiping his tears , the collision between his sleeve and cheek causing it to get even more red. Vampire Tomato.

"I want you as part of the warrior pack as a scout. " I tell him. Gail looks at me in shock, but he also looks a little excited .He doesn't respond and just as I open my mouth to try squeeze the answer out of him , he beats me to it.He slightly bows his head and out of his mouth comes the words...


"What?!" I exclaim.
