
Grinding Is Fun When You Have A Reason

Wondering around this little village showed there wasn't much there. So far I found a hut that no one lives in, a ring with a boss, a shop, lots of ocean (no duh), and a couple of locked huts.

Then I came across a tree that looked more like a hazard then a tree (The tree's exterior had spikes all over them with large leafs).

I wanted to see if there was more to my combat then just a single button press and seeing how I couldn't hit Daniel I need to try something else.

I remembered a game where you could combo a dummy so you could see the damage numbers.

I didn't need to see the damage numbers just my full combo if I had one.

Holding my hand out, my sword appeared in a small ray of light... I thought about how cool it would be to have a opener where I start the fight with slamming my hands together and making lightning appear and summoning my sword while I slowly open up my hands. That would be badass. Food for thought...

Anyways! Back on track!

I started my unstoppable attack.

Overhead strike was nice and swift, then my body moved into its next move, I pulled the sword in and thrust it forward, and third I I pivoted my lead foot and spun using the weight of the sword as counter balance so I wouldn't fall then followed through with a nice spin attack.

Hmm it left much to be desired.

One I couldn't angle my attacks so If I missed my first strike then the recovery frames would leave me vulnerable.

Two in group fights I would be vulnerable from behind until my spin attack.

However there was also my air attacks. Faster than my ground attack and slightly different.

First landing a overhead attack gives me a little bounce in the air allowing me to continue chaining my three hit combo without going to ground combo. The benefit of the air combo is if I miss then I don't suffer the penalty as bad, because touching the ground resets me allowing me to follow up with another jump or ground combo if I want.

These moves were overly simple...

I loved it!

Hopefully a level up will change my moveset.

I continued wacking this tree for a while and no level ups occurred. This means either I only level up in a fight that wasn't in the tutorial, or the number I needed to do was so astronomically high it would take months.

Or it was stealth levelups.

It's not like I was against doing the first thing, but with no way to keep track I could be wasting time.

Besides it would be more beneficial to fight Daniel.


First I would be learning his moveset and his tells.

Then lastly when I do defeat him I won't level up. But he might be a part of the condition to level up.

All this goes without saying.

It's time for my dying montage.

a short and sweet chapter before the longest fight ever begins.

Daniel is gonna test Hirro in everything.

I also don't want Hirro to level up in any form of training.

To be honest I really don't like it when characters get stronger through training, because it feels like such a easy way out.

Like I could just train myself and overcome anything.

That's cool if done right, but I wanna hardcap Hirro here, this is all gonna come down to skills, memorization, and survival abilities.

Forgott3n_H3rocreators' thoughts