
4.Oh Hell No....Run

I fall through the vent with the shaking of the building. With the fall I twisted my ankle.

Great, just great.

I look around for a way out. There was a window nearby. I climb out of the window.

Holy shit!

The whole city was burning and some of the dead were burning in the nearby buildings. I cover my nose and mouth with my black mask.

I have to get cover so I can look at my ankle. I'm gonna try my luck and see if my base is still safe to enter.

I limb my way there. There were no zombies on the road to my base. When I arrive at my base it was burning and dead bodies were laying on the floor.

I see my truck still in the same place I park it.

Thank God.

I climb into my truck. Damn my ankle hurts like hell, this is not good.

I start my truck and drive to the highway. On the road were a lot of dead people walking looking for food.

Well, not today you freaks.

I was halfway there when I see just dead people walking on the highway. I hope the civilians are safe and that Max made it out.

I stop my truck between the highway and the city. I need to aid my ankle.

I just twisted it so it's not broken.

I drink painkillers for the pain and reload my gun just in case I need it.

I have to wait for sunrise. I have to go check in the city for survivors and supplies.

I close my eyes and listen to any weird sound.


I move my ankle to feel for any pain. There is a bit of pain still but I can still walk. I take another painkiller and park my truck in the nearby bushes to hide it.

I take my Six throwing knives, Machete, my sniper, and AK-47 and two of my daggers.

I make sure everything is secure and that I have enough ammo.

The way to the city was silent and no zombies. That's strange?

I come near one building when I hear a helicopter. I look around for it when I hear a horse in pain.

I quickly walk to see what's going on. When I come around the corner I see so fucking many zombies eating a horse and a man running to the tank. I hide behind the corner of a building and think of a plan.

I have to help him. I put my walkie-talkie on and try to find the station so I can talk to him.

When I find it, there was someone already talking to him.

I listen to their conversation.

"Hello, can you hear me?"I ask through the walkie.

"Hello, who this"

"My name is Melody and I'm around the corner nearby. There is a lot of dead freaks.I don't know if I can help you out. Maybe I can get their attention and you can make a run for it.Over."

"Hello my name is Rick can you get to the bag that is nearby?.

"Negative sir. I can distract them, make a run for it"

"Okay, That idea of yours is good but also suicide. how fast can you run?"The young guy ask.

"I will make it. Rick just be ready okay,

I will count to 3 then you get out and run."

I take a deep breath.

And shoot 3 dead down to get the other's attention. They look my way and start walking my way. I yell at them, they start chasing me.

I look at the guy that got out.

oh hell no ....Run I say to myself when I see a dozen of the freaks.

I quickly make my way into a big building and shoot some of them down so I can escape.

There are stairs in the building I make a run for it. Damn my ankle is killing me.

I close the door and listen closely. Silence...

"Hello, are you alive"The guy ask?

"Yes.... barley, "I say out of breath.

"Good and damn you are fast, my name is Glenn by the way."

"Hey Glenn nice to meet you. Is Rick fine?"

"Yes, he made it out thanks to you, we have to get you out of there so we can escape out of this city. With the noise of shooting your gun, it kinda rings the dinner bell, so we have to get out of here."

I'm so sorry I was just trying to help. I think to myself rolling my eyes.

"Oh okay," I say think of a way out.

"Glenn I have an idea"


Hey my amazing Weirdo's

I hope you like it.

sorry for the cliffhanger hehehhe I'm evil right but the next chapter will be out soon.

bye bye

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