
3.Oh Bloody Hell...

We start helping the civilians get to a safe place which was the highway for now.

We are Fifty soldiers in my group.

Sergeant McGregor split us up in two.

"Group red will come with me and group blue take the civilians to the highway, do you understand soldiers?"

"Yes sir"

I'm in group red. Fuck my life.

We made our way to the hospital. All you see is blood and people running to get away from the brain eaters or Zombies whatever you want to call them.

"Sargeant McGregor shoot anything that moves you got it? over"

We hear on the walkie talkie,

"Yes, Jake. You hear that soldiers."

We shoot everyone that comes toward us. This is bullshit why can't we help them. I feel hopeless but I got my orders.

I was on my way to check the rooms when I see an officer exit out of one of the rooms. He blocks the doorway. I open the door, there was a man laying on the bed connected to the machine.

"Bloody hell" I breathe out

"Melody is the rooms clear?"

"Yes Sir.Dip shit"

"What was that"

"Yes sir, over"

hahaha dumb ass

"Okay, come back to your post we are outside, over."

I don't know why I didn't kill this man.

I walk out and secure the door better than the other guy did.

I run outside where some of the soldiers put the bodies outside.

"What took you so long Melody?"Max ask one of my friends.

"I secure the one door where all the dead fucks is."

"Okay" He looks at me strangely.

"Common soldiers let's meet up with the Aghhhhhhhhh."

One of the dead sneaks up on Sargeant McGregor from behind and bit him in the neck. So much blood. we start shooting at it.

Many more come out of nowhere.

"Guys we have to go". I yell at my group.

We split up in the street, as we shoot at the dead.

"Melody we have to get out of here, they are going to blow up the city".

"How many minutes do we have left?"

"40 minutes"

I shoot at a big ass Zombie that was in the way.

"Okay, we have to get to the highway."

we run for our lives to the highway but like life like to fuck with me, a lot of dead ass freaks make me split up from my group.

I was busy reloading when I see my group run without looking back.


"Max, just go and save the civilians"

"Noooo not without you"

"Just go"

I shoot at the zombies that follow me into a small building that was open.

I look around to escape from them.

I found a vent on top of a shelf. I kick the zombie in the stomach that got too close for my liking. She falls backward into the other zombies.

I run and make a jump for the shelf, thank God it held my weight.

I climb into the vent. I switch my flashlight on to see better. I follow the vent to get to an exit. I was near the exit when I feel the building shake and a loud sound.....BOOM


My awesome Weirdo's

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bye bye

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