

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 32: Leaving the island

"Do you finally get it?" Daffodil concluded eyeing all of us as we all nodded. She sighed as she shook her head in disappointment and waved her hands in surrender. "You still don't get it to do you?"

Most of us looked hesitant to answer her question as Madison looked worried and Jake snickered at Daffodil's fruitless efforts. I began wondering how they managed to retrieve some of us. They explained to us that we fell into a trance due to the polluted environment nearly everywhere on the island. We weren't many and the place they took us to was not big.

My gaze shifted to Lucian as he looked as callous as ever with a poker expression. He was standing in the corner of the room, it was like his mind was somewhere else. Finally, Jake spoke.

"Jeffrey, Come forward." The second jerk wants me to come forward. I was still a bit mad about what he did to me last time but tried not to show it.

"I'm here now so what..." I got cut off and felt my entire jawline shift from the punch he gave me startling everyone. Soon, everyone became stunned by the sudden act pulled by yours truly, the second jerk. An eerily silence was followed. Even Lucian was glancing this way. My eyes widened in shock before it was taken over by anger.

"What the hell was that for you jerk?! Damn it!" I began seething stalking at him to give him a piece of my mind. What infuriated me more was the amused look on his face! I'll kill this guy.

"Will you stop babbling and take a good look at yourself?" He said pointing at the mirror.

"What are you saying?" I turned to face my reflection to see a green fluid seeping from the wound I had gotten. Blood? No, certainly not.

"What...?" I moved back still shocked.

"That was the same thing he'd coughed out a few days ago." I heard Jin say.

"Could that be blood?" Anastasia asked.

"No, obviously it is not. Blood is red and that is not red." Jake answered." Jeffrey here has been manipulated. Something has been up with him this few days. Earlier after you argued with your friends, Elvis explained to me how off you were behaving. " He continued. I faced Elvis to see him still paying rapt attention to whatever this guy was spouting from his mouth.

"I and Madison compared his recent blood tests as he has been blacking out a lot lately at did some analysis on the blood to find it different. One was normal while the other contained a miniature amount of a strange fluid. Jeffrey, Did anything strange happen to you? "

"I remember that day after I and Jin were scolded for sneaking out. John called me into a place and did something like this mark on me." I rolled my sleeve off my shirt showing the initials on me.

"Anything else?" He pried on not giving a care in the world if it was annoying the way he said it.

"My mind is still fuzzy," I replied scratching my head.

"Okay. You can leave. Presently, we have no leads on what it could be. Madison is still trying to work on it but..." He got cut off.

"We have other plans. The island is not safe anymore. We have to leave." Daffodil interrupted glancing at us.

"So how are we gonna do that?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. Jake has it taken care of. But first, I have some unfinished business left to do. Abscond as soon as possible once it is dark. I will give a signal for you guys to leave."Daffodil explained.

"You are stupid enough to believe that something wrong is going on here." We all turned to the voice of the one who said that. It was a random teen as old as Daffodil.

"Why are we leaving anyway? You can't just tell us to leave without an explanation." Another said

"Who are you guys to tell us what to do? We have no reason to follow your orders. Besides what will father say if we all leave? He will come after everyone here." One stated rather rudely.

There was some uproar about the things that Daffodil said. They were all reluctant and scared. Most of them thought she was absurd for saying such things.

I also had no idea why she wanted us to leave. But either way, I am okay with the following. Something is not right at all.

"If you think that damn geezer is what you think he is then fine. Don't come back crying like I didn't warn you." Daffodil narrowed her eyes at them with a cold expression on her face. I felt my spine coming off me after she spoke.

Soon, they all started leaving while mumbling words that I couldn't decipher. From the expression on the sibling's faces, they couldn't care less. I've made up my mind to follow them and nothing will change that.

"If you want to join us please follow me..." Madison trailed off as I came up. Lucian was behind me not saying anything as I wondered why she stopped.

"Aren't you guys coming?" Madison pointed to my friends. "Elvis?"

Elvis only remained serene. His facial expression held disdain. Jin only shrugged before moving to our sides. Anastasia followed too.

"I'm only coming because something feels off with this place and because someone needs to look after Jeffrey over here." Elvis asserted standing up. "Elvis"

"Besides, I can't stay mad over something so trivial and at my best friend." He locked eyes with me for the first time in a long while.

"Guess that is all of us. I want to introduce you to someone." Madison announced walking towards a door and opening it. The room was colored peach and was decorated neatly. A center table and a few chairs in the middle. Teacups were placed on the table with steam still coming out of them.

"Hello there." We heard a feminine voice coming from the room. As we entered, I got a better view of the person.

"It's...it's you."

I'm doing my best to try to make my story better and please...I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

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