
The Tomboy who captured the CEO’s heart

A romance story between a handsome, cold CEO and a tomboy. Story contains mature content as it progresses. Logan Adams, CEO and heir to the Adams Enterprise falls in love with Mia Montoya, a half Spanish/half American tomboy with a mafia father, who turns his sad life into an interesting one. Logan was heart broken for years and didn't think he will fall in love again after Selena left him at the alter, until Mia came along. He asks Mia to sign a contract to be his girlfriend and get paid just so that he avoids going back to Selena but Mua falls for him in the process. Even when he acknowledges he has feelings for Mia, he decides not to be with her for fear of hurting her because he still had strong feelings for his ex-lover, Selena. There are many obstacles in the way of their love like; Logan's former lover Selena who is hell bent on destroying his life, the mistakes of both his mother and father haunting him, their age difference, Logan is six gears older than Mia as well as their status differences. Things get heated when Logan cheats on Mia with Selena. Mia flees the country from the deep hurt and later on discovers she's pregnant for Logan. She decided to keep the baby away from Lagan and especially Selena but fate has other plans for them. Are they meant to be?…

Thee_Prax · Teenager
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27 Chs

Chapter 24: Hipòcritas


'You've got some enemies' I told Mia at lunch

'For real yeah?' she asked me

'Olivia' I said

'I don't know why she hates me, but it's your fault I don't like her' she said

I wanted to tell him about it that morning at the hotel but we were interrupted by some reporters.

'My God!' I exclaimed with a laugh

'You ganged up with Olivia to humiliate me on my first day at work' she said

'I didn't gang up with anyone, you are just troublesome everywhere you go' I told her

'I'm kidding, She dislikes me from school I guess. She was making fun of Henry and I had to defend him' she explained

'So Olivia became your adversary because of Henry?' I asked with disappointment

'Yes, she's a spoilt brat and no one says anything' she lamented

'She did that to you at the party, we checked out the cctv footage' I told her

'I knew it' she said with gritted teeth and a tight fist. How adorable.

'How?' I asked her

'I remember her trying to ask for forgiveness, I thought she was being honest but I was wrong' dgr said

'What are you going to do about it?' I asked her

'I don't know yet' she said

'I was thinking of terminating her at the company' I told her to see her reaction

'No don't do that please. As much as I find her annoying, this work is very important to every student. Don't do anything to her' she said

Mia surprises me everyday.

'But I will deal with her myself' she said only when I thought she was going to let it go, earning a stare from me

'Why are you looking at me like that?, you thought I was letting her off the hook?' she laughed

'You play too much, I was trying to tell you that this fight wasn't yours' she said

'Be careful, she's wealthy. You said it yourself that she was a spoiled brat' I warned her

'Now guess who just got herself a rich boyfriend?' Mia asked me

'Me' she replied to her question and laughed

'Or aren't you going to back me up?' she asked me

'Of course I will.' I told her. She just needs to ask me and I will do it.

'Good' she retorted

Camera flashes in my eyes.

'Mr. Logan, Mr Logan' a reporter called out

'We already know who you are, you are Mia, a college student, an intern currently at Adams Enterprise' another said to Mia when she tried hiding her face.

'Is she blackmailing you sir?, we heard she drugged and seduced you. Don't be afraid to call for help, what is really going on?' they kept pressing and I was running out of patience.

Just at that moment my phone rang.

'Hope you like my little gift for you and that child girlfriend of yours' I recognised the voice in a heart beat.

'Selena, when are you going to stop?' I asked with fury

'When ever you come back to me Logan, that's when I will stop' she said

'Mia get up, let's go' I held her hands

I tried leaving with Mia but the netizens were everywhere blocking our path.

'You are such a whore, as young as you are, so ambitious' some of them said but Mia just kept hiding.

Some threw eggs at us, some threw papers and many other things.

'I'm sorry, Mia. Kevin is on his way here with some help' I told her but her eyes were saying something different.

'Stop, all of you stop!' Mia yelled

'Everyone take out your phones' she roared

'Mia what are you doing?' I asked her cautiously

'I've got this. These people want a show so I'll give them one' she said and I freaked out wondering what was on her mind

'Take out your damn phones because you don't want to hear this from someone else. We are going live mis admiradores' Mia spoke in Spanish for the second time today.

'You all are hypocrites, yeah you heard me. You all want a piece of Logan Adams. You are all pained that a girl as little as I am gets to be with him' she yelled at the crowd

They kept murmuring among themselves.

'80% percent of this crowd is made up of women, look around you' she kept yelling

'Mia that's enough' I tried stopping her but she was not having it

'No!. I have had enough of them for the past few days.' I said to Logan.

'So what if I seduced him?. The truth is, if any of you were given a chance to seduce Logan Adams, you would take it. Hipócritas!' she said

'You have no idea who you are messing with. Tengo sangre mafiosa en mi and I will hunt you down if you try to hurt me again' she said and the whole scene was quiet like a graveyard.

'Let's just play pretend that this never happened. I will let it pass but just this one time' she smiled at the crowd surrounding her.

I mentally noted to ask her the meaning of what she said

A lady suddenly applauded in the crowd and people started to follow suit.

Mia sighed from the lots of talking she just did.

'You just admitted to everyone now that you and I are really a thing' I told her

'Whatever' she told me

'We are going to leave now and you are going to create a path for us to pass, is that clear?' Mia said to the crowd and they did as she instructed.

Few minutes after leaving the crowd, Kevin arrived.

'Late like the police force in the Nigerian movies' I said

'We were already in the area boss just that the crowd couldn't let us through' Kevin said

'Mia already handled it' I smiled proudly

'We know boss, it was a live stream' Kevin replied

'Check this out' Kevin said before showing me his phone

All bad comments were no where to be found, just positive things about Mia.

'I love a lady who can stand up for herself'

'everything she said is true'

'we love you little girl'

'Did she just speak Spanish?'

'I wouldn't want to mess with a mafia princess'

So many comments but the last one about not messing with a mafia princess caught my attention.

'This is good for business' Hector said

'What are you talking about?' I asked him

'Take a look at your page' he said and I did as he said

My followers had increased by a million.

'These people are crazy' I said

'Yes they are' he affirmed

'Look here' he said again

'God! Logan Adams has it all. He's wealthy, he's handsome, he even got a younger woman who loves him and defends him, I'm jealous' someone commented

'The person in that car has been watching us for a while now' Mia came over to tell me and pointed towards the car

'How do you know that?' I asked her

'I just know it. Send someone to check it out' she orederd me.

I asked Hector to check the car Mia was talking about.

'It's obvious the driver was watching us. He took off immediately he saw us approaching the car' Hector reported.

I suspected only one person who could do this so I called her.

'Can't you be smarter?, I already know you are watching me' I said

'You think you won just because your baby girlfriend gained you a few fans?' she asked me

'I'm glad you called her my girlfriend, now get yourself a boyfriend and leave me the hell alone' I told

'You acting tough because you have her by your side. You and I are very much aware that things will escalate between us if we are locked up in a room' Selena said

'You are talking nonsense Selena' I rebuked her

'I know every each of your skin Logan. Can you remember how it felt?, how we did it?, it was always so good, Logan.' Selena said in a seductive voice over the phone.

I had to drop the call because I was beginning to feel weird things as she spoke.

I told Kevin, Hector and the other guys we were leaving.

'Let's get that lunch for your mum. I don't want to return to the office anymore after all that has happened today' I told Mia

'If you insist, you can go but I'm not leaving with you' Mia said

'But why?' I asked her

'I'm very sure a few people saw us leaving the office togeth. What will they think if we don't return to the office' she elaborated

'You didn't think about that when you bashed into my office and kissed me, you even passed everyone and went to sit in my car' I said with a smile

'I'm still returning to the office' she avoided every other thing I said

'And I'm going to bring your mother some food, I haven't seen her since the surgery' I said

'Say hi to her for me' she said

'I'll try' I said earning a glare from Mia

'Selena sent the reporters today' I told her

'Why am I not surprised?, she's trouble. She wants you that bad' Mia said

'I don't want to have anything to do with her' I said

'I'm scared for you' Mia said

'I can handle her' I told her

'Are you sure though?' she asked me

'Yes' I said

'You talked to her today didn't you?' dye asked me

'Yes' I hesitated

'The last call you made today, that was her. I saw your reactions and all' she said

'Ohhhh' was all I could say

'What was the joke about Nigerian police?' Mia asked me and I laughed

'I had a friend in college from Nigeria, he always made me watch those movies with him. Their police force always comes to the crime scene after they are no longer needed' I told Mia, causing her to crack up too.

I dropped Mia off at some point so she could get a cab to the office.

Bare with me dear readers for my Spanish might not be the best

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