
The Time Travelling Girl and The War God

Thrown by a strange force through a mysterious portal Zhang XiXi and her father are catapulted into another space and time. Cast into a strange fantastical land full of handsome Immortals, Spirit Beasts, Dragons and danger XiXi meets the cold and fierce War God Yun Tai. She discovers she is a descendant of a powerful Sorceress and embarks on a journey to return to her world. During the adventure to save an ancient Dragon that holds the secret of the link between the two worlds she melts the cold and arrogant War God's frozen heart.

Daoist668476 · Fantasie
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49 Chs

Dream Of Two Dragons

Feng Tian arrives on the shore as Siyu lands with XiXi on his back. Feng Tian carefully takes her limp body into his embrace and lays her on the cloth they had used earlier. He feels his heart is going to explode looking at her frail drenched body.

XiXi's breathing is very shallow. Feng Tian carefully opens her mouth and uses his inner force to draw the water from her lungs. He brushes her wet hair back and hugs her head to his chest. She begins to cough slightly and her long black eyelashes flutter.

Feng Tian frantically calls her name, as he touches her pale and cold cheek. "Zhang XiXi...XiXi..."

 Her forehead in contrast to her cheek is warm but not burning hot, that is a good sign. But, there is no response from her, she just lays motionless in his arms. He waves his palm over her using his internal energy to dry her clothes and hair knowing he can't take her back in this condition.

He remembers the incident at the river with the Beast Herd, does this girl draw trouble to her? At the time he didn't want to expose his abilities and just took her to the bamboo house. He didn't use his internal energy to dry her off, afraid if she woke up he might scare XiXi in the process.

Feng Tian is worried she may have internal injuries from being tossed about in the water. He can't risk using his qinggong to carry her the distance back to the bamboo house. He starts to panic, what should I do?

Siyu watches this scene, he hasn't left XiXi's side since he rescued her from the lake. Feng Tian senses the concern coming from the beast. He is Yun Tai's most favored beast because he was a gift from The Old Master. Maybe somehow he could get the beast to take a message to Yun Pei Shan to come and heal her body. XiXi looks in very bad shape right now.

He takes two long strides over to Siyu and tells him to go get Yun Pei Shan. Feng Tian points to the hut in the woods , then points to XiXi, not knowing if Siyu will understand or not.

Within less than a second the beast soars into the sky, in the direction of Cloud Mountain.

He watches Siyu leave and believes the beast understood what he was saying.

Since Feng Tian seldom came to the lake he wasn't aware of the beast's capabilities. But, because Siyu was a gift from The Old Master, Feng Tian thought he must be special. Good...Very good...

With a worried expression, Feng Tian gently holds XiXi and carefully carries her to the hut. It hasn't been used since a boy lived there who was in Yun Tai's army and had no home to go to so many years ago. He trained with Yun Tai, then went off to see the world as Feng Tian recalled.

He is deep in thought wondering what condition the small is in, well it will have to do, I can't leave her to go get anything and I can't take her with me. He kicks the door to open it trying not to disturb XiXi, she looks like a sleeping angel in his arms.

The interior is surprisingly clean and there are a few Night Pearls lighting up the room. It looks as though someone has been living here more recently than that boy. Maybe Yun Tai let other members of his army stay here. No matter, this is much better than I thought it would be.

How long it will take Siyu to fetch the old man. Can they can communicate with each other so he knows someone is hurt.

He gently places XiXi on the bed, and covers her, she hasn't stirred once and that alarms him. Dammit! She was so excited to show me that trick, what the hell happened! His mind is in utter turmoil as he looks at XiXi lying motionlessly on the bed.

He sits on the edge of the bed holding her hand. He whispers, "Zhang XiXi, I hope you don't mind me holding your hand, but I can't let go right now."

Staring at her pale face he wonders if he should try to wake her up or just let her sleep. She is breathing in shallow breaths but doesn't seem as labored as when they were at the lake's edge.

XiXi is in a dream world right now, she is wearing a flowing crimson red dress and has red lotus designs covering her right arm. She is gliding on top of water towards a waterfall, behind the waterfall is a cave in which two dragons are lying together,

A beautiful red dragon with pink eyes and a graceful neck covered with silver scales. Next to her is an old dragon with red eyes and a hexagon between them. There are two large eggs, one bright red and the other one black in a woven nest.

The old dragon welcomes her ,"You have come."

XiXi waves her arms and the red lotuses glow in the dimly lit cave. With a brilliant smile she hugs the old dragon. "Of course I came." She respectfully cups her hands and in the middle a flame of gold and red rises sparkles lighting up the cave in a multitude of colors. "I wouldn't miss this happy occasion!"

The sound of a shell cracking can be heard.

Suddenly a black mist drifts into the cave and the sound of demonic chanting can be heard.

Both dragons rise from their reclining position breathing fire and XiXi feels demonic black chains encircling her body.

At that moment she wakes up screaming and clutching Feng Tian's arm...she sits straight up and stares with wild violet colored eyes at Feng Tian and cries out, " YUN TAI, SAVE THEM!"

She immediately faints backwards, leaving Feng Tian with a stunned and bewildered expression on his handsome face...

 Yun Tai?

XiXi tosses and turns on the bed clutching the cover tightly while muttering. muttering.

Feng Tian is too shocked to listen to her words. Why would she call out for Yun Tai? What was she dreaming? I can't have another man's image in her mind, even in a dream.

 Jealousy envelops him like a dark fog, he feels possessed. He sees XiXi squirming on the bed the covers being tossed aside, exposing half of her creamy white body. Feng Tian envisions her with Yun Tai and his mood darkens.

At the moment his rage is about to explode and destroy the contents of the house, a small hand squeezes his slender fingers that are clenched into a fist. XiXi's eyes partially open, soft green eyes look up at him as she smiles making his heart melt.

Then in a trembling voice says, ""Feng Tian...Feng Tian you are here." She squeezes his hand tightly, "I'm scared Feng Tian,.. hold me"

His anger dissipates as she murmurs those words to him. He reaches down, carefully holding her to his chest. Feng Tian's heart is pounding wildly but he restrains the urge to press so hard he molds her body into his chest.

He wraps his arms around her, she is shaking, and her body seems to be on fire. Her delicate arms are curled into his chest like a little kitten snuggled close to his heart. His worry intensifies as he feels her heated body next to his , hurry old man!

All he can do is wave his palm with some cool air to help soothe the heat in her body.

He lets her stay in his arms not placing her back on the bed. After a few moments, she falls back to sleep. Why does this little beauty have such a hold on my heart. 

Feng Tian leans down and places a feathery kiss on her head and anxiously stares at the door.

He has been so caught up in his worry he has no idea how long the beast has been gone. If I lay her back down I could go get cool water to wipe her body down with but I don't want to leave her even for an instant.

Right as he is deciding his course of action, the door bangs open. Yun Pei Shan comes bursting into the room with his white hair windblown and robes in disarray. He looks at Feng Tian with a sigh of relief, when that beast came to fetch him he thought it was Feng Tian who was hurt.

He rushes over to Feng Tian then sees the petite girl who is barely visible wrapped in Feng Tian's arms.

"What happened to the girl?"

 Feng Tian gently lays her down to allow Yun Pei Shan to examine her then relates the events from earlier.

When Feng Tian finishes Yun Pei Shan's only remark is, "She is a Sorceress and doesn't know how to control her brainpower?"

Feng Tian nods looking at the unconscious XiXi on the bed.

Yun Pei Shan lifts up his sleeves to reveal gnarled fingers underneath, he begins to use his palms to wave over XiXi's body. "After what you told me I expected her to have multiple internal injuries but I am not detecting any." Does the girl have the ability to heal herself?"

Feng Tian replies. "I have no idea, according to her father until they arrived here she had no idea of her ancestry. She just started studying sorcery today."

Yun Pei Shan thoughtfully considers Feng Tian's words with a concerned look on his face. "She is the person Yun Tai wants to help teach cultivation?" He remembers Yun Tai telling him of Feng Tian's infatuation with a girl. Hmm.. this must be her the way Feng Tian is holding her tightly in his arms like a precious treasure.

At the mention of Yun Tai's name so soon after hearing it on XiXi'x lips, Feng Tian bristles, "Yes"

" Is he aware her meridians are sealed?"


"Give me a moment" and he pulls out a blue pill and opens XiXi's mouth. Using his palm to move it through her throat. "This pill will take away her fever to make her more comfortable, but I believe the heat is produced by the internal energy her body is using to heal her internal injuries."

Feng Tian has a puzzled expression. "Her meridians are sealed but she can heal herself, that doesn't make any sense."

" Some sorcerer's, very powerful... have the power to heal both themselves and others", Yun Pei Shan intently gazes at the frail girl on the bed. Who is she, her essence feels familiar.

"The seal that is placed on her is very formidable, I would need to consider how to remove it without destroying her dantain in the process."

They both stare at the delicate girl who seems to have entered a deep calm sleep..

"I don't think you should move her right now, those were some powerful blows she must have taken in the water you described. It could take a couple days for her body to recover.

"XiXi's father is in the bamboo house and will get worried if we don't return soon" Feng Tian asks "Do you think you could wait here and watch her until I go tell him the situation then come back. I don't think she was supposed to test her magic so I'm going to leave that part out. I will think of something to say on the way to the bamboo house.

"Her father?" He feigns ignorance. He wants to hear how Feng Tian will describe the situation.

"Yes, that's how she came to arrive on this island, didn't Yun Tai explain to you their situation here?"

"Yes, but he didn't go into great detail." Mainly that you are blinded by this little beauty and he worries for you. I can see he was right to be concerned. You look very smitten.

"Go..go...I will sit with her. You can tell me the details later." He sees the sense of urgency written on Feng Tian's face, that he wants to swiftly return to the girl's side..

Knowing the little beauty is probably safer if she has any complications with the old man than even him, Feng Tian rushes out the door. He almost trips over the Panthera who appears to be keeping a vigilant watch on the door.

He bends over and ruffles its bushy red mane and gratefully says "Thank you!" Then uses his qinggong to fly into the night.

Siyu watches him leave then continues staring at the two people inside through a large crack Feng Tian had made when he busted into the hut earlier.

"It took me several days to make that door, you brat." Siyu mutters at Feng Tian's departing figure. Only Yun Pei Shan and Yun Tai know Siyu is a shapeshifter.

He sees the old man stroking his long white beard, sitting by the bed staring intensely at the sleeping beauty... she looks very familiar...