
The Time Travelling Girl and The War God

Thrown by a strange force through a mysterious portal Zhang XiXi and her father are catapulted into another space and time. Cast into a strange fantastical land full of handsome Immortals, Spirit Beasts, Dragons and danger XiXi meets the cold and fierce War God Yun Tai. She discovers she is a descendant of a powerful Sorceress and embarks on a journey to return to her world. During the adventure to save an ancient Dragon that holds the secret of the link between the two worlds she melts the cold and arrogant War God's frozen heart.

Daoist668476 · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Feng Tian arrives at he bamboo house as LingLing returns from Myriad Cloud City. He rushes by her as she attempts to say hello. "Feng Tian...where..", she doesn't get to finish the sentence, only feels the brush of his robes as he hurries past ignoring her presence.

Curious as to why he is distracted and appears to be looking for someone she silently follows thinking he is in a hurry to find the little fox girl.

He sees Zhang Yu in the kitchen getting the teapot off a shelf and. a tin of tea leaves

"Zhang Yu." Feng Tian stands in front of him considering what to say.

 He looks around, and doesn't see his daughter. "Where is XiXi? Didn't you go to find herbs with her by the lake?"

LingLing eavesdrops from a short distance away in the courtyard. Her eyebrows twitch, he took the little pest to Luminous Pearl Lake ? Steam starts to form around her, where is she then? Pfft...I would think she would be hanging on Feng Tian's sleeve. I can't wait to rid myself of that nuisance tomorrow.

"Zhang Yu, we had a problem but... but...I don't want you to be concerned. "

Zhang Yu drops the tin of tea leaves in his hand and his eyes fill with worry as he grabs Feng Tian's arm. His voice is tinged with anger, "I trusted you! What happened? Where is my daughter?!?"

"Calm down shew wouldn't want you to worry. She twisted her back when she slipped on some wet leaves, I was afraid that it would worsen her injury by using my qinggong to bring her back to the bamboo house. There is a cottage by the lake, hut actually.

"She is resting comfortably, my Old Master is with her and he is a medical genius. She is safe and being cared for by him."

In a demanding tone, Zhang Yu raises his voice, "I want to go to see XiXi! Take me, now!"

"I would... but by horse it would take two days to arrive there. I think it would be wiser for you to stay here, we need to go get supplies in Myriad Cloud City tomorrow."

I don't want him to see the shape she is in, how would I explain what happened. "I will keep watch over her and bring her back as soon as Yun Pei Shan says carrying her won't aggravate her back injury.

He can stay with her while we go to the city tomorrow also. Zhang Yu, seriously, she couldn't be in better hands. Yun Pei Shan gave her a pill to help her sleep, he said with rest in two days she would improve. I will go back with a few supplies to make her food and tea when she awakens, then return in the morning so we can go to Myriad Cloud City."

Zhang Yu sizes up Feng Tian and reluctantly responds, "I suppose I have no choice but to follow your plan." It is imperative we start the journey as soon as possible. The boy's expression looks worried, I think he is telling the truth. I don't sense any bad intentions from him. " Well, XiXi can be careless, I don't blame you for her injury. I blame myself for this debacle.

While you gather the food, I will get a few things for her for when she wakes up." He goes to get her toothbrush, soap and a few other toiletries.

LingLing doesn't make her presence known. She tries to digest what she just heard and it is giving her stomach cramps. He is going to the littl hut to take care of the annoying fox girl? My plans are ruined for disposing of that thorn tomorrow. I need to go to that hut and see for myself if she is truly injured or if it is a ploy to spend the night with Tian.

 Is the Old Master really taking care of her? He never leaves the mountain unless it is for Yun Tai, Feng Tian or me. I couldn't be more irritated right now! fuming at this latest development, she twists the sleeve of her snowsilk dress into a knot. Contorted in anger, her beautiful face is virtually unrecognizable while glaring towards the kitchen.

 Unable to restrain her rage, thinking Feng Tian might spend the night with XiXi, she decides not to delay and investigate.

LingLing's flowing white robes flutter in the wind as she swiftly flies to the lakeside. I will never let that insufferable vixen seduce my Tian! Injured? I don't believe it!

Meanwhile, Feng Tian heads towards LingLing's room to ask if he could take a dress to XiXi. He knocks and there is no answer. I thought I saw her coming this direction when I arrived, well I don't think she will mind she is a generous person.

He picks a pink dress with white lilies embroidered on the skirt. LingLing certainly likes mountain lilies.

Maybe I should borrow a hairpin also I think she lost hers in the water. He chooses a white jade hairpin with lilies carved on it. More lilies haha..

Once ready to leave, he reassures Zhang Yu that XiXi will be fine in a few days. He then tells him he will be back in the morning to travel to the city with him.

Ling Ling arrives at the hut to see Siyu laying outside the door. She has only seen the mighty looking Panthera from a distance before. The beast really is quite magnificent, I wouldn't mind asking Tai for him when I become Sect leader.

She pictures herself and the Panthera as an intimidating duo standing on the mountaintop of Cloud Mountain. A peerless beauty with a fearsome beast at her side. But, for now she rather not come into contact with him so she sits on a branch where she can see in the window down below.

She cringes when she looks into the window, the Old Master is very gently wiping XiXi's forehead with a cloth.

 The fox girl seems to be sound asleep, but Master is lifting her head to pour some thing from a bowl into her mouth. That pest seems worse off than Feng Tian described. Good... very good.. maybe she will just die and save me the trouble of soiling my hands.

 No, she won't die if Master is taking care of her, she might even come out of it in better shape. LingLing remembers when Yun Pei Shan saved her life. She was a child being transported to Purple Dragon Kingdom as a slave.

Her tribe lived in the wilderness beyond the Great Divide, that's why her looks are considered exotic. She has deep almost black eyes with specks of silver. Streaks of the azure blue color are woven through her hair, serving as a striking contrast to her jade like skin.

Her tribe is called The Azure Sky People. Now, very few of her tribe remain there because traders raid their villages for slaves. The women were taken to be trained as dancers because of their unique beauty, to be put in brothels. The men were used as slaves in the mines.

She contracted an illness as they passed through the Snow Plains and would cough incessantly. Afraid she would infect the other slaves, one day they simply tossed her from the caravan.

Yun Pei Shan was traveling through Purple Dragon Kingdom after being at a meeting of The Twelve Great Masters when he found LingLing.

She was curled up in a ball under a tree crying, trying to stay warm. He bent down and wiped her face, he recognized her as one of the Azure Sky People. It didn't take him long to figure out her situation, he fed her some medicine to help her stop coughing.

He then picked her up and used qinggong to take her to his home in Cloud Mountain. Where he nurtured and raised her alongside his other adopted child Yun Tai.

The Old Master was never gentle though, as he appears to be while wiping the fox girl's forehead. He has a pampering look he has never given me. Is he bewitched too?!! Unbelievable! I must kill this Zhang XiXi!

LingLing is further incensed when she sees Feng Tian arrive then rush in the door straight to XiXi's bedside.

The leaves of the tree blow into the wind from her body trembling in anger. Why? There is absolutely nothing remarkable about that little bitch!

Feng Tian enters the room taking two long strides directly to XiXi's bedside. He worriedly asks Yun Pei Shan how she is doing. He looks at her pale face but notices her breathing is more steady.

Yun Pei stands up, stretches and replies, "The girl is resting comfortably, she hasn't awakened but that is natural. The pill I gave her will allow her body to remain calm while she regenerates and her internal injuries heal. I'm returning to the mountain."

"Wait...Master could you come back here in the morning? I need to travel with her father tomorrow to Myriad Cloud City to get supplies, we are leaving in five days. I want to ensure we have all the necessary supplies early. In case I need to order a few rare items and make another trip to Myriad City before we leave The basic supplies will be secured and ready to transport with us."

"She will remain asleep all day, you don't need me to watch over her. I have business to attend to tomorrow. If there is a problem while you are gone, Siyu will lay by the bed, this beast is sentient, he can fetch me quickly.

In addition, I will leave some herbs for you to make a healing tea to give her during the night."

His wrinkled hand presses a couple red pills into Feng Tian's outstretched palm. " Here are a couple pills, don't give one to her unless she seems in distress with nightmares."

 Walking towards the door the old man doesn't leave room for discussion."I will take my leave."

Feng Tian watches out the window as Yun Pei Shan glides into the night in a flash. As he gazes out the window he thinks he senses movement in the large Bending Birch tree outside. He swiftly appears there, only to see a branch swaying in the wind towards the top.

Maybe it was a White Winged Bubo, he glances around the area, then goes back inside. Feng Tian stares at his hand with the red pills and herbs, then at the sleeping girl.

Outside a blast of wind takes out several trees beyond the Bending Birch. Ling Ling is consumed with jealousy. Feng Tian wants The Old Master to babysit her? That little fox won't live past tomorrow, she swears in her heart.

 My only problem will be luring the beast away, She contemplates what poison to use that will be undetectable. Hmmph! I am the number one poison expert in all the Seven Kingdoms!

Inside the hut, Feng Tian picks up the cloth and dips it in the water bowl. He then gently pats XiXi's forehead and then pushes up her sleeves to gently wipe her arms. He sighs, such a weak girl...her arms are delicate and have no strength whatsoever.

 My little beauty, I thought that was going to be a little water trick or I would have remained at your side. One minute we were laughing, you were stomping your feet, it was so hilarious. Then unexpectedly disaster struck when I was sitting on that branch looking down.

How did that happen he is pondering. Why did you get sucked into the wall of water you created? Even though the wall of water itself could have been a problem, I could have used my internal energy to shrink it. I couldn't though with you being sucked into it, I might have killed you with the force.

 Is it because you had the wine and your mind was blurry unable to control the water's action. I must make sure you don't practice unless you are clear minded and focused.

He tenderly squeezes her small hand, I can never lose you now that you have come into my life.