
Chapter 5: Fates and Love

Joltsyn: Forgive me for the inconvenience.

Eytukan: Don't be. Lutsey has always been a pretty expressive person.

At the tone of voice, Joltsyn felt the shock of the show between her and her older sister. And it wasn't going to get any better with what she was about to announce.

Joltsyn: I came to get our leader and to prove that our clan still exists. Mutilated, yes, but alive.

Silwanin: Who?

Eytukan: Lutsey?

Joltsyn smiles at this question

Joltsyn: Yes. Lutsey was chosen by Eywa. The woman concerned recovered and couldn't hide her surprise as well as that of her entourage. She had nothing to be a leader. Why her?

Lutsey :Why me?

Joltsyn: You are my reflection. And our goddess pointed to my other side of the mirror.

Lutsey: You're not answering my question.

Joltsyn: I don't know yet, big sister. But the answer will come from her. Lutsey was confused. She didn't know what to choose. The young huntress wanted to stay with her family, but Eywa had obviously planned something else for her.

Silwanin: I won't let you take my sister! She is an omatikaya and will always remain so in my eyes.

Joltsyn: She is an omatikaya but her blood is menariyä tunti. You can't deny that. The color of her eyes and her physical resemblance to me and our deep bond is enough to prove it.

Silwanin: We don't care!

Joltsyn:.No. For me, it matters. She turned to Lutsey, her eyes still impassive and calm, expecting that she would still be in shock. Although she was, she managed to sustain her gaze with a gleam of determination.

Joltsyn: My Lutsey.... Whatever you choose, I will accept your decision. Finally, she turned to Eytukan and Mo'atMo

Joltsyn: Thank you Olo'eyktan and Tsahik for saving and looking after my sister. You have gained more than our friendship and I hope we will be worthy of it. May Eywa want on your clan! With these words, I must leave you .

Mo'at: I hope you find peace again, Joltsyn Koltyan, Silwynä iteJoltsyn bowed respectfully and went back to the highest branch of the Kélutral, leaving a hesitant Lutsey.

Joltsyn was on his way to his Ikran when a voice interrupted him. The one who had been able to capsize his heart.

Twilo: So that was it?

Despite the drums inside her heart, Joltsyn remained calm, mistress of herself except for her tail whose agitation could betray her feelings.

Joltsyn: Yes, you're looking at Lutsey's little twin sister.

Twilo as she gets closer to her: Why did you hide it from me?

Joltsyn: It's not simple, Twilo.

Twilo: You didn't trust me enough?

She could feel the deep frustration of her love but, despite this, she remained calm. Her grandmother had often criticized her for hiding her emotions too much, but she was always like that. Nevertheless, her low ears betrayed her concern.

Joltsyn: I will entrust my life to you, my love. Unfortunately, I have responsibilities to my clan.

Twilo: What do you mean?

She kept a moment of silence, searching for her words. It was at this moment that she felt two energies approaching and a voice came to confirm her thought.

Mother: Ah!! So she was the woman who conquered my son's heart!

Her voice was incredibly soft. Joltsyn already felt her heart grow quiet at this sound and it was weird for her.

Twilo: We were talking, mom!

Father: Come on...Don't we have the right to know your soul mate?

The father was one of the night-time widowers. His piercing eyes showed his important role. He had long black hair, reaching to his shoulders and hands, invaded by old age and dark circles in his eyes, showing his past as a fighter and protector of the night. His loincloth was dark red in color and had a wooden shoulder pad on his right shoulder. On the right side, a dagger was stored in his scabbard.

Joltsyn with a smile: He has a point, my yawnetu.

Twilo sighed long and hard but knew he had lost the battle.

Joltsyn bowing respectfully while making the gesture of greeting na'vi: I see you. I am Joltsyn, daughter of Silwyn Koltyan but you probably know that, don't you?

Father: Indeed, we saw your presentation to the clan. I am Ulyey and this is my wife, Palya, one of the wonderful voices of the clan. If that's not the one.

Palya blushes: Oh...Ma yawnetu...There are singers just as good as me. Even more.

Ulyey : Not for me

Palya: You are so cute.

They made a small kiss, in front of the couple. Joltsyn smiled, delighted to see such a proof of love in front of her and hoped to be able to experience this with Twilo. Despite her future all traced to the clan.

As for Twilo, he was a little embarrassed that his parents would do this in front of his girlfriend, but he calmed down immediately when he saw Joltsyn's smile.

Palya: When do you plan to make us grandchildren?

Twilo: Mom!

Ulyey: Honey! You don't ask questions like that! Forgive my wife's indelicacy. She is also known for her rather...unsettling honesty.

Contrary to Twilo who was red, Joltsyn smiled amused at the question.

Joltsyn: Don't be. I can understand that question. All I can say is that Mother will decide when it comes.

Palya : You have the art of responding through the mists...

Joltsyn smiled but remained silent for a moment, before bowing respectfully.

Joltsyn: Unfortunately, I will have to go. My duty with my clan is obvious.

Ulyey: Your assignment?

The twin had a sad smile

Joltsyn: Yes. The duty of my lineage. Twilo, you will meet me at our usual place.

Twilo: I will be my yawnetu there.

Joltsyn of a carnivorous smile: You'd better.

Twilo quivers, in front of her gaze, under the smile of her parents.

Palya : I already love her

Ulyey : Me too

He breathed, in front of the ease with which the meeting took place.

Two months later,

Joltsyn's visit changed Lutsey greatly. Neytiri saw her younger sister perched on the branch of a tree in the vicinity of their Kelutral. Seeing her pensive position, she realized that she was thinking.

Neytiri: Hey, little sister! Hearing her voice, she woke up from her torpor and stared at the elder sister with a smile.

Lutsey : Neytiri! With these words, she came down from her branch and landed in front of her big sister.

Neytiri : What were you thinking about?

Lutsey : About the coming of Joltsyn.

Neytiri : Why?

Lutsey : I don't know which path to take for my future.

Neytiri : What does your heart tell you?

Lutsey : I don't know. This answer only made the young omatikaya smile. But a sad smile because she knew the weight of the words she was going to say to her little sister. Unfortunately, it was necessary.

Neytiri : Deep down, I think you know what decision to make.

Her little sister looked at her with a confused look, not seeming to understand the meaning of these words.

Lutsey: Meaning?

Neytiri : What does your heart say, little sister? At this word, Lutsey closed his eyes for a moment. The elder sister looked at her, preparing herself for the expected answer, knowing Ludsey's very religious side. At last she opened her eyes before lowering her eyes and ears, understanding what she had to do. And even if she held back, she couldn't help shedding tears that flowed down her cheeks.

Lutsey : To join mine. But...

Neytiri : But what?

Lutsey: I'm not ready yet. If my destiny is to guide them, I have to be up to the task. And to do that, I have to grow. Even if she was expecting this, it was still painful for Neytiri. She was still thinking about this young girl who was certainly a fighter, but a child. An apect to which she became attached and which was in danger of disappearing.

Neytiri : I was afraid you would say that.

Lutsey: Life doesn't always follow the path one wishes. And I've made up my mind. Thank you big sister. She left, first in a sad way, before regaining her determination towards Kelutral. She left a Neytiri watching her before turning her gaze to the river, lost in her dark thoughts.