
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantasie
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35 Chs

CH 19: Given Up....

When Igor threw some strange black flames at me, I could sense a great danger from those flames but just before they could touch me I sensed something responding within my body with these flames.

Thus, I didn't took any action against It and let the flames fully cover me. But strangely instead of burning feeling that I was expecting, I felt only slightly warm feeling from these flames.

It was like these flames were greeting me. At first I didn't know why this was happening with me but after thinking for a second I remembered.

After coming to this world, I had used Diablo's power to build this body and I had also sensed a type of energy familiar to Diablo's inside Igor.

And when Igor had thrown these flames at me, I had sensed some changes happening with that energy inside him. It is highly likely that energy was a blessing from Diablo.

Meaning these flames actually belonged to Diablo and maybe because I had made my body with Diablo's energy, these flames are thinking of me as their master, Diablo.

A smile formed on my lips when I understood the situation around me.

'It had only been few minutes when I was summoned here but the things have already began to become so interesting. Now then lets see If I can control these flames.'

After thinking so, I raised my right hand with which the flames that where covering my body separated from and began to revolving around me, taking a dome shape around me.

It was quiet a scene to see black color flames surrounding around you like they were protecting you from any danger or threat.

And when I lifted my right hand palm towards the flames, they began to flow towards the top of my stretched palm and began to gather there.

These flames were kind of different. Instead of me controlling them, It was like these flames were alive and were coming to me like they were reading my intentions and obeying them.

As the flames were gathering on my palm, I began to slowly able to see outside the dome and after a minute later, all the flames had gathered at my palm and had taken the from of a single flame.

and when I closed my palm, they went inside my hand. I could feel inside my body a burning flame, meaning that now I can also use these flames without having the blessing from Diablo.

After thinking this, I looked towards the place where Igor was standing before. But now Sebastian and Diablo were also there. Both Igor and Sebastian showing a surprised expression.

As for Diablo, I couldn't see his expression due to his appearance. And when I turned to see twin maid sisters, there were standing in same position as before but with same expression as Igor and Sebastian.

'Well, If think carefully I did something which is same as stealing a God's blessing from his or her champion. And that is definitely not a small matter.'

In a normal case, If something like this happens that God would definitely tries to kill that thief who stole his or her blessing. As It would be a disgrace for them If other Gods found about this.

'....Now I'm starting to worry. They won't going to send me back.....right?'

As I was getting nervous after thinking this, It was Diablo who spoke first, erasing the cold silence that had now spread here.

[Kai, can you now listen to our request now?]

After saying this Diablo went straight towards the chair on which he sitting on before, like nothing happened. But this now caused even more confusion in my mind.

'Isn't he angry or something? Even If Diablo is kind, this is not a small matter for a God.'

Even when I was thinking this, I also moved towards my chair. And Sebastian along with Igor after waking up from there surprise also went behind Diablo like before.

After everyone had returned, Diablo again was the first one who spoke and bowed.

[I'm sorry for what my Knight had done before. Please forgive him.]

Now even me along with everyone was startled. From every God I knew until now, no matter how kind they are always quite prideful and there is no way they would bow towards someone they didn't, knew especially to a being from Abyss.

""Your Majesty!""

Even Sebastian and Igor were so surprised that they both had to stop Diablo from bowing. But Diablo didn't listened to them so this time I responded.

"You don't have to bow to me at all. It should be me apologizing for what I did...."

'Now that I think about It, If me from before suppressing my memories had seen me right now apologizing he would had definitely killed me horribly.'

While I was thinking this with a wary smile, Diablo raised his head and spoke.

[If you are talking about the before than you don't had to worry since I was going to give my blessing to you before you fight with the Hero.]

'Now...I don't know what to say...I really can't able to understand him at all. He is completely different from what I know about Gods.'

Now I had completely given up to understand him, I sighed and pressed my back completely to my chair and saw Sebastian and Igor giving me wary smile, they likely understood my confusion.

But Diablo didn't understood the situation and just tilt his head.

"Let's just forget about It and tell me about this Hero that you mentioned, I pretty sure your trouble has something to do with this Hero, right?"

As Diablo heard this, he looked towards Sebastian. Maybe understanding what Diablo wants to say to him. Sebastian raised his right hand into the air and took out a blue orb about the head size of a person from his [Space Inventory].

[It might...be better to saw It rather than hearing about It from us.]

While Diablo told me this, Sebastian put the orb in center of the table. Soon the blue orb began to glow.