

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasie
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79 Chs

Punishment on Astray Knights

Chapter 23 Punishment on Astray Knights

"Bravo! My Daredevil Rezvan!"

Amdarais claps and laughs satisfyingly while looking at the dead Halflings.

The blue Diamonds that were sourced from the halflings drained fast by Amdarais.

I took a breath for a while because my heart still beating fast.

The battle with the halflings is nerve-wracking since it's my first time fighting a magician monster.

I understand magicians have a deadly attack in the long range.

Still, at the same time, their defense is not that strong, even if I rely on the magical barrier.

It could be helpful if I raise agility to help me evade the enemy's attack rather than defend all of it.

I also consider improving my melee attack to tackle any monster enemy who can move fast to shorten its range toward me.

That's why I spend some of my collected Diamonds on 41 intelligence, 37 vitality, 35 cleverness, 15 strength, and 15 agility.

The moment my strength and agility increase, I feel lighter than before.

Even all my muscles become tough.

"Wohoho…. You use the Diamonds for strengthening yourself, eh? Someone getting impatient for fighting the new enemies, I see…."

Amdarais chuckled.

"The enemies become more complicated than I thought. Better prepared for it."

"Good… good…! That's the spirit of Magician! Always thinking ahead!"

Amdarais pat my back.

He shows me a brown leather glove with pentagram symbol stitches on the back.

"It is the right time to use this, Rezvan…."

Amdarais whispered while holding his grin.

"What is it?"

"It's a Magician's glove. The halflings use it to strengthen their magic capability. It's their invention."

"Wait, where do you get this?"

"From the halflings you just defeated, of course. Why do we leave the precious item to the dead, right?"

I paused for a while, then took the gloves.

Its surprisingly fit with my hand.

I can feel the Soul's Spirit inside my body linked with the magician gloves I wore, expanding my Intelligence into 41+10 and cleverness into 37+10.

Man, the increasing power is real.

I even learned a new fire spell because of these gloves.

"Such convenient stuff. The halflings are surely smart for creating this."

"Yeah, it takes a long process of weaponizing and ritual to make the gloves work for Magician. This temple is a sacred place for them since all creative processes and magical improvements are conducted here."

Amdarais explained.

Since this temple is the 'Dungeon' for the Knights, it proves that the Halflings are the ones that created the Dungeon Gate in my world.

The Knights can close the Dungeon Gate if they defeat the last boss in the Temple Dungeon, a sacred place or their base of the Monster who invaded us first.

Based on my experience, I know many monsters had different 'main bases' based on their races.

I still question why each Monster races to invade earth, including Halfling.

Throwing away my curiosity, I stare at my enemy.

"So, this Halfling is the temple's leader, huh…."

I look at the dead Halfling.

"No, he is just… let's say… the 'potential leader' for the temple. The skeleton of dead halflings in the holly coffin is the real leader. For the halflings, they must 'prove' something to become the new leader of the temple."

Now I understand Halfling's reason for invading my world.

He needs 'achievement' to make him a leader.

Man, if your achievement is to destroy my city and threaten my family, you deserve to die.

"The temple must secure the leader's body before the new leader is chosen."

Amdarais continues his explanation.

"So that's why The Halflings get angry when the evil knights ruin the holly coffin."

"The holly coffin and the corpse of the temple leader are essential for the Halfling as a Magician, or I could say, as a 'Magic item User."

I paused for a second after hearing Amdarais' last sentence.

"'Magic Item User? What's that?"

I asked.

Amdarais pointed out the blue crystal initially placed in the Ice Wolf's head before the Halfling was defeated.

"We are Magicians, but we're different from those Halflings. Most of them rely on magical gemstones like that to cast strong magic."

I took the blue crystal while slowly trying to grasp Amdaraiss explanation.

"These gemstones are useful for the magic item user to cast a magical spell easier than an old magician who must learn and practice in years like us. Halflings and Dark Elves are two Monsters that frequently utilize it so they can be casting magic spells."

When I try to clench the blue crystal, the Soul's Spirit inside of me resonates stronger.

It is clearly proven, as Amdarais said.

The question is, who the one that can create these beneficial gemstones? What is their reason?

I put aside these questions later because I had other important things to do.

I hurriedly look at Fenris and my sisters.

They all still lie down unconsciously.

After I checked there was no critical injury on them, I took Fenris to lie near my sisters.

The Soul's Spirit generates the blue light shining on my body, making my sense sharper.

When I point my palm at the temple's entrance gate, the shooting star flies rapidly to destroy the debris that initially closed the gate completely.

I cast a magic formation circling Fenris and my sister, creating a firewall around them.

The Fire Wall is not making them suffocate and can protect them from the Monster in any direction.

As I focus the Soul's Spirit in my feet to increase my speed, Amdarais stares at me deeply.

"Still have a business, eh? I thought you wanted to get back home early with your sister. I can summon a magic gate for your quick way."

"No, just let the reinforcement team from Knight Association help us. It would be too suspicious if we're gone in this Dungeon because Fenris already knows I'm here first."

"Then kill the girl, Rezvan. Everyone will think it is because of the halflings or any Monsters here."

"She helped me, Amdarais. Don't you have some dignity?"

"She is interrupting you, stupid. I know you had your plan to save your sisters, but she came out of nowhere and ruined your plan."

I hold back my anger for a second.

This Joker's ego really making my head hurts.

At some point, my mind tells me it's reasonable for the monsters betrayed him.

"Shut up. I have my own way of solving this."

"Just don't be too soft over anything to anyone…."

"I know that well. There're some people I haven't done with anyway…."

Amdarais frowned while looking at me.

A few minutes passed; he grinned as he realized the persons I wanted to chase.

"Ah… I see. It's your call, my Daredevil… Heheheheh…. "

It is not surprising that Amdarais is supportive of this decision.

After checking my sister's and Fenris's safety, I dashed through the entrance gate.

It just took a few minutes of speed running until I arrived at the temple courtyard.

I continued running even though the rain dropped the stone floors of the temple courtyard.

On the south edge, I see familiar persons.

Six Knights circling while having conversations with each other.

One of them took my bag of money.

I do not hear enough of what they are saying, but it doesn't stop me from doing what I haven't done to them.

About 1 mile behind them, I cast the firewall.

The firewall spread in a circling way to lock everyone way out.

"W-what?! What the hell is this flame?!"

"I-is it the Halfling's magic?! Are the Boss Dungeon in here?!"

"Damn it! Even the rain is not making it dampen?! This is flame magic!"

I walk closer calmly in the middle of their panic.

"Hey! It's the Weakest Knight!"

Everyone's attention faced toward me after one of the C-rank Knight Invaders pointed me.

I stopped my step.

My range is approximately half of the miles with them.

"You….! It's your magic, right! I know it!"

The B-rank Knight tanker yelling in anger.

Never thought this muscular man shaking when he saw my body was covered by magical fire.


I replied, almost toneless.

From my red eyes perspective, I can see that each Knight already prepared their sword and shield.

Among those Knights, my focus is solely on the two C-rank Invader Knights preparing their bow and arrow.

Even without sound, I can see the Knight leader order the archer to shoot my head.

But they are slow.

My shooting star already flew like a bee that penetrated both archers' necks before they pulled the bow.


Those two archers fall while choked because the blood floods from their necks.

Three knights who saw the fall of their partner screamed in fear.

They ran but immediately stopped because of the firewall that spread the heat even though it was still far away.

"Form a defense position, you morons! We cannot escape this flame prison without killing this wizard!"

The B-rank Knight Tanker is the most reasonable compared to other Knights.

Because of that, the Knight detached their attention to escape.

They now form the defense position to face me.

"You want the money bag back, right? Then take it! We don't need it!"

At a glance, I see the money bag dropped near the dead archer.

However, that is not my main objective now.

"Why so rushed?"

I asked calmly.

All Knight becomes silent with cold sweat.

Nobody dares to challenge and mock me like before.

"I thought you were the Knight with honor, but you sold yourself to the monster to become a nasty magician!"

One of the B-rank Knight tankers shouting at me in anger.

"Yeah, you sell yourself to the demon to kill the Knight!"

Now the C-rank Knight invader yells.

Geez, I sell myself to a demon like Amdarais?

He is the Joker, and I'm not becoming his dumb slave because he gives my second life chance.

"What's the difference? Aren't you guys who start all of this?"

I replied.

"You guys are manipulating all the Knights just for stealing their Diamonds. You also play the victim and throw all the responsibility to the Dungeon Monster. I wonder who is nasty here…."

The Knights gritted their teeth with annoyed faces.

"You arrogant bastard! We'll-"

"Okay, enough! Stop it already!"

The B-rank Knight tanker interrupted before the three knights spewing their swearing.

"I know it's our mistake. You are right about everything. W-we will surrender ourselves to the Knight Association."

The three knights have gone speechless, but the B-rank Knight Tanker insists on following his solution.

Probably the B-rank Knight tanker already knows my magic power is far stronger and faster than he can imagine.

Especially after he realizes his two archers' death in almost a second.

A few minutes passed because those Knights were debating each other.

I can't hear their conversation, but I somehow grasp what they are discussing.

They want to surrender for their lives even though they must throw away their pride to the 'Weakest Knight.'

It finally finished when the Knights kneeled and asked me for forgiveness.

"Oh, Great Magician… W-we admit our mistake and unfairness toward other Knights. We want to repent our sins by giving ourselves to the Knight Association. P-please…forgive us."

"Y-yes…o-of course you can get your money bag returned. W-we also has our Diamonds if you want them."

The Knights kneel and bow to me.

I can feel their insincere, but who cares about that.

I pointed at the money bag with my right palm, then the fire arrows flew.

The money bag burnt into pieces only in a second because of the flame.

Everyone is shocked and pale because of it, like getting thunderstruck in the middle of the rain.

To me, it's not about money or forgiveness.

It's vengeance.