
the supreme demon lord on a watery vacation

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16 Chs

chapter 3

chapter 3

the creation of the emperors of the seas

A/N: Before we start this chapter I would like to go over and answer a question which someone asked me the person's name being neis_marko they asked if there will be a harem? And the answer to this is yes there will 100 percent be a harem and they also put many names of one piece girls i guess that they are supposed to be for who they wanted to be in there but i will say that while not all of them will be in there there will at least be one of them

<Masters so hot!> Ciel speaking.

"I am the leader of the Jura tempest federation." speech.

'I'm the great demon lord slime super scary right? Right…' thoughts

"Water manipulation water blade!" attacks

"Ahhhh" the screams of the two teenagers was heard as this was a week after the death of the pirate king, on a deserted island we see the two boys shanks and buggy the clown they were currently running away from their respective trainers as you see Rimuru not having much of a place to go and seeing as rayleigh and the rest had offered him a place he had decided to stay along with diablo however he started to feel like he was being a bit more of baggage to them more then a help and so when he heard rayleigh tell the kids that he could not train them yet due to him being busy setting some things up rimuru had offered to help them witch the kids seemed to be happy to settle for and rayleigh had no reason why it couldn't happen and so the training started with them at first doing some basic exercises stretching and such to Rimuru asking about and figuring out the stuff that they wanted to learn and what would fit them best in witch witch he ended up giving shanks a sword this sword was a very powerful sword he had been given it by roger who told him to give it to one of the two childs as it was a supreme grade sword one of 12 in the world it was however taken back to tempest and imporved by the 3 dwarf brothers Kaijin, Garm and Myrd who were top notch crafters and as such while it was no god slaying weapon of destiny it was still top notch but nothing to brag about in tempest this sword however could do verious things such as one of it's basic abilities being able to produce, absorb and control powerful flames to a level this relied on how much haki or magicule was put into the weapon and that was not the only thing that it could do meanwhile buggy had recieved a pair of gloves witch at first confused him and made shanks laugh at him hoewever Rimuru had shown them that those were not regular glove instead they had near limitly potential as they could do just about anything that the wilder wanted with some limitations to it with obvious things like changing reality or anything extreme being a obvious no but it could do simple things such as being used as a storage and in there was already some guns from simple pistols to futuristic ones mini guns rocket launchers grenades bombs it could also become dagger like weapons they could also do simple things like absorb and repel some attacks and many more things.

And so currently we had diablo currently chasing after buggy who had been running and throwing things such as grenades and such at him witch granted he was simply shrugging them off it was a bit annoying for him to have to push this all aside and so to make for this he had his demonic claws out and if and when he caught buggy he chopped him up into tiny little pieces witch had already happened 5 times.

As this was happening shanks was getting slammed around by Rimuru they had started simple with simply how to swing a sword but then shanks got too cocky and asked to spar with him and so Rimuru accepted and only using strength was pushing him back the reason being he wanted shanks to strengthen his grip on his weapon and when this was done he changed to the more tactical side of things where he would use a very straightforward and near robotic pattern until shanks figured it out and just managed to counter it and when that happen he would switch a small part of it to sometime even the whole thing causing shanks to slowly get better at adapting and such over time.

As this and many other types of training happened for a year and a half and so currently the two 16 year old boys were currently sitting next to one another as they waited for their friend and teacher and former crew mate silvers rayleigh to come to the island as he had finally finished and had some free time to come and help them train.

"Rayleigh!" The two boys screamed as they ran towards him, happy to see him and excited for what they will gain from this in the end.

"Shanks, buggy, how have you two been?"

"We've been well, Rimuru sensei and diablo sensei have taught us a lot of stuff!"

"oh yeah, what'd he teach you guys?"

"a lot of super cool things we could probably beat even you now"

"hahaha you two seem in high spirits, shanks where did you get that sword?"

"ooh Rimuru sensei gave me it"

"Hey, what about me and my super cool gloves?"

"Oh what's so special about them buggy?" Rayleigh asked intrigued.

"they are awesome, they can do whatever i want haha no one will be able to stop me with them i'll be the greatest pirate with a lot of treasure!"

"Dahahahaha you'll be buggy the scary big red nose!" Shanks said as he started to run away from a furious buggy.

"how dare you shanks"

after a long while of the two boys running around they ended up being forced to stop when Diablo had came in and picked them up by the back of their collars and they were then put near a campfire where they were given fishes to eat and there was one extra witch they ended up fighting over with buggy using his devil fruit power to split his hands and get the fish witch shanks called him a cheater for not having a fruit himself.

as this was happening between the two rayleigh had decided to talk some to diablo realizing that he hadn't done so much and so he decided to change that and soon after he found out some interesting things specifically that he seems to love rimuru a lit rather it's talking about him how they are connected anything that is related with him in some way he seems to be especially happy to do where as the other things he does with little to no care and so he has tried to keep it related to rimuru witch lead to the current situation of witch he was saying how he rimuru could beat rayleigh witch caused rayleigh to laugh and say to spar as a joke thinking he'd back out witch however to his surprise he did not and said that Rimuru could beat him he would have thought he was crazy we're it anyone else but he knew Diablo was not just anyone and so he was thinking of a response it was to late as the man had told Rimuru and so on the end after a series of events they were standing on the opposite sides of each other.

"kids watch closely they is the kind of power you'll need to be a strong pirate"

"YES" the two responded, nodding.

And so with that the two mans pulled out their respective blades before Rayleigh did a simple dash forward trying to stab Rimuru only for him to be stopped when Rimuru using his feet to step on the blade and push it down while also jumping up above Rayleigh and slashing for his back however using the momentum Rayleigh had managed to twist himself facing up now and blocking the attack.

The two separated once again before Rayleigh smirked as his eyes pulsed and a wave of conquerors haki came off of him rushing towards Rimuru however Rimuru countered with a wave of demon lord haki witch could be used in a similar way to the conqueror haki but with a few key differences specifically that it was perfectly linked to the skill "merciless" witch would instantly kill and take the soul of someone who had given up the will to fight however as Rimuru had no intent of killing Rayleigh he had shut off that skill along with many of his other more world ending skills making him around a more leveled ground with the former pirate.

And so the waves simply countered each other before they both rushed at each other once again matching blow for blows.

As the battle seemed to be getting more and more on Rimurus favor Rayleigh completely changed it again as he started to use the more advance usage of haki such and so the battle was turned to Rayleigh attacking Rimuru and Rimuru being forced back and having to block and dodge witch was becoming increasingly difficult as Rayleigh started to use future sight to be able to intercept him more and more.

However this was stopped once Rayleigh hand used advance haki to the point of durability negation and Rimuru had taken that opportunity to go into a fighting stance which only he could use as you see this stance was one of his signature moves as it was also created by him and he was the only being in existence apart from ciel who could use it as you see over his long life he had faced many strong enemies and throughout that time he had defeated them all however it was mostly a combination of overwhelming power and guidance from ciel and so when he had realized this glaring fact he had decided to change that by gaining more skills and experience specifically in the sword and so he had put together this sword stands witch was a combination of all the sword stands and fighting styles in existence making it neat if not blatantly impossible to counter and as for why he was the only one who could use it was due to anyone else especially humans would not be able to due to the agility and flexibility needed and so if a human tried it their limps would simply bend in unatiral degrees and break themselves due to the infancyty as well and many more complicated variables such as some parts of the attack had space bending and such.

"let's finish this in one attack" Rimuru said as rayleigh nodded agreeing to his request

with that being said a massive wave of extremely dense advanced conqueror's haki shot out as both of rayleigh's harms become covered in a dense black layer of armament haki with many lines like energy each being a different color spreading all over it and used his observation haki to the point where instead of his pupil becoming red his entire eye became a glowing red making him be able to see the best he could boosting his abilities to the maximum amount possible…

Rimuru seeing rayleigh's impressive show of power decided to match him and so with a burst of Rimuru's demon lord haki and put his sword back in the seeth leaving only 2 inches of it out while still holding on to the hilt and as the two powers were colliding sending waves all over the island and in the ocean itself.

As we see both buggy and shanks holding on to a tree as they were being greatly blown back with diablo on the other hand simply standing there with the air simply blowing his cloth back however he was shaking out of his thoughts when he heard the kids screaming and remembering that his master Rimuru had told him to keep the kids safe he stared back at them before waving his hand activating a barrier around the two making it as if the waves of power was not hitting them making the kids be impressed before they focused back on the fight to see Rayleigh start to move at tremendous speed as to the kids it appeared as he vanished and reappeared in front of Rimuru before slashing down and then Rimuru took out his sword before then putting it back and Rayleigh simply fell down witch greatly confused the kids before they started to run towards him and when they did they saw something horrifying to them.

Rayleigh's entire lower body from the neck down was completely covered to the brim with giant cuts and gashes which instantly made the kids think he would die.

However in diablos eyes he had seen what truly happened as you see as Rayleigh started to move towards Rimuru he had arrived and as he made the slash down he saw Rimuru smirk as his eyes opened seemingly as if he made his mind up and pulling out his sword and hitting the side of Rayleigh's sword making it hit the ground right next to Rimuru and causing a giant straight gash all the way to the ocean and as this happened Rayleigh's eyes widened when he saw Rimuru blur as he started to move way to fast for him to see appearing all around him hitting him hundreds of times however none of them truly hit anything deadly but all his muscles were severed making it so he could not control his limbs and simply fall.

After the battle ended Rimuru had come over and healed Rayleigh which greatly surprised him and the kids before Raylei complimented Rimuru to his strength which Rimuru simply laughed and thanked him saying he was really strong himself.

And so after this had happened the training started again with Raylei now helping to even teach the two powerful enough haki that they could cancel a devil fruit's powers with their haki.

Time skip 3 years later

The two boys were now 19 and a half years old and had just finished their training

the two had grown well and very strong with roger being more of a swordsman and powerful haki user and buggy being more of a trickster mixed with his now awakened devil fruit and lastly his good use of haki making the two be very powerful in their own rights in their respective fields.

As such the two boys had decided to start to make their way to seas and start their journeys with Rayleigh deciding to go with buggy due to buggy saying that he wanted to form more of a organization and get into contact with some people to make money and that kind of stuff and so they had made their way to sabaody where buggy separated with Raley and he had gone around making contacts getting assets before he would go to look for a island for himself and make himself a crew.

Meanwhile Rimuru and Diablo had let went with shanks to the next island where he met Benn Backmen and told him about what he wants to do and he had agreed to join and so Rimuru and Diablo traveled with shanks for a while coming and leaving time to time but coming back this was done for most of the half year with them also meeting some big players but in the end of the 6 months they had done something that caught the attention of the marins and made them mad and do something drastic.

Meanwhile marine headquarters

Sengoku was mad, he was furious as he was glaring at 4 specific wanted posters as he slammed his hand on the table saying "dammit why couldn't you 3 just stay on the low like the other legends now you guys are causing so much trouble."

On the desk were the 4 wanted posters of 4 powerful people.

With a 4.3 billion bounty the first wanted poster was that of a woman charlotte Linlin otherwise known as big mom a former warlord for many years after the separation of the rox pirates and during her time as a warlord she had used her power and influence to kidnap 43 various powerful man and made many kids with a total of 86 being 46 sons and 39 daughters witch he made a crew with them known as the big mom pirates and afterwards she had left the warlords and claimed a massive territory in the new world known as Totto land which consisted of many islands and also had claimed some other territories in or outside of the new world.

With a bounty of 4.6 billion was that of kaido king of the beast, the strongest creature after the death of his former captain rox he had been captured a total of 19 times by the marines and by former rivals he had then formed his crew after finding a man and started to form a crew known as the beast pirates and went on many many rampages all over the new world until she eventually claimed Wanokuni as his territory while having his all stars king queen and jack as his main people and connections to the underworld especially with the new leader of the underworld joker.

With a 5 billion bounty Whitebeard edward newgate rogers former rival the strongest man alive after rogers death he had been on a bit of a rampage not killing but claiming territories and gaining new sons and allies in his crew this lead to him claiming islands such as fish man island, sphinx and many more islands but he had recently started to go on a more relaxed state and simply taking people under his wing.

And lastly with a bounty of 4 billion bounty Red Haired Shanks the killer of observation haki this man was a new upstart he had been previously on the ship of Gol D.Roger but had all but vanished after his death just like the other members of the now disassembled crew but he had resurfaced about 4 year and 6 months later going on a rampage challenging many strong people such as the warlord and strongest swordsman Mihawk and he had also formed a crew witch was considered to be the strongest crew in the world not counting the former rox crew and the man had recently done somethings that had forced the world government to make his bounty very high as you see he and his crew had not only stolen a powerful legendary devil fruit from them they had also fought and defeated Shiki the golden lion and went on to claim his territories for themselves.

And so this was the birth of a new group the Yonko arguably the strongest of the 3 powers in the world but they were divided and so it was kept balanced however where those 4 to team up there was no force that would stand against them and the world itself would crumble under their might as they were not emperors for nothing after all they were the strongest of the strongest with great influence on the world.

End of chapter 3

1. What will the new powerful group the yonkos do?

2. What will shanks do now that he has such influence as a yonko?

3. What will Rimuru do?

4. What will happen to the world with those new powerful figures?

5. What will the world do when monkey D luffy, the next king of the pirates, is born or is he?

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z