
the supreme demon lord on a watery vacation

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16 Chs

chapter 11

Chapter 11

Potential crew mate?

Luffy Zoro and Rimuru had been on a small boat sailing before Luffy decided to use his devil fruit powers to reach up and grab a bird inly for him to fail and become the birds pray as it pulled him out of the ship getting ready to take him to a island so that it can drop him on a stone so that he break him open like a coconut and so the captain of the strawhat was taken from the crew to be taken to the next island.

As this happened Zoro was furiously rowing the boat as hard as he could, surprisingly Rimuru had slept through all of this but unknown to Zoro he had known everything but did not interfere due to being told not to do so by Ciel and so he simply slept without having anything eles to do.

A group of pirates who had gotten their ships stolen by a girl named Nami had splitted into 2 one group had gone after Nami and the other group stayed in the ocean to find another ship but unknowingly to them they would run into trouble this being in the ship of a small boat going at great speed straight towards them.


<master it appears we will crash into this boat of pirates and we will sink.>

"Sigh, give me a break will yah."

<you are are in a relaxing vacation right now so why are you complaining like a little kid huh?>

"I mean I wanna sleep, you know Ciel..."

<you can sleep while there is no danger.>

"Is it really dangerous though..."

<calculating out comin if master does not intervene the man known as Zoro will most likely lose his swords in the crash sight swim to land then get into a fight before realizing he lost his swords then come back to get it in the ocean however walk in circles on land and never see the ocean again instead dying of exhaustion and hunger.>



<yes master>

"Was that really an accurate description?"

<yes master...>


"You didn't add any part in this story for whatever reason it might be?"


"I thought so this guys sense of direction cannot be that bad he looks capable and has been the temporary navigator so far considering i was sleeping and Luffy is not that smart sadly"

"Let's not risk it tho..." Rimuru said to himself knowing that doubting Ciel is not a good idea.

Rimuru knelt down and whispered "enhanced" and with that his manic spread across the ship reinforcing and keeping everything together and also enhancing the speed it was going at making the rowing more effective as the boat then slammed into the other small ship that the pirates were using smashing it into pieces this had confused Zoro who did not realize that the other ship was there and so was confused to see the pieces of woods and cursing pirates but simply continued.


"Get back here stupid bitch!" said a group of 3 pirates as they ran after Nami this was before something stopped the whole group dead in their tracks.

"WHAAAAAAA Shishishishi" there was a scream mixed in with a laugh coming from the sky as the group looked up they saw a man with a straw hat falling from the sky and soon landed harshly breaking the ground but he seemed completely fine and didn't even fall but instead just stood there staring at Nami.

"What the heck, it's that guy that I saw earlier with that little kid coming from that pirate ship. Her name was Alvida right? Whatever, I'll just use him to escape." Nami thought to herself as she came closer to Luffy.

"Hey boss, perfect timing, those guys were chasing me, I'll leave the rest to you!" Nami said as she quickly left.

"Hey she's getting away!"

"Don't worry about it man, we've got her boss." one of the 3 pirates said.

The 3 pirates all went to jump Luffy only for him to kick one in the face and grab the other 2 faces with the palm of his hands and slammed them into the ground before he smiled and started to run after the girl which he managed to catch up to them.


Luffy watched as he saw Nami put scratches of maps in a box.

"So are you a navigator then?" Luffy asked Nami out of the blue.

"Yeah the best one around." she responded proudly.

"Ohh then can you be my navigator then?"

"Oh yeah sure."

"Great then your part of my crew then!"

"Wait, you're a pirate?"

"Of course."

"Urg never mind then."


"I hate pirates, I'm not joining." she said, sounding annoyed.

"But I need a navigator so you have to join."





And so the two argued with each other.


"Gyahahaha" a loud laugh was heard throughout the place as many pirates members of the Buggy pirates all surrounded their leader Buggy.

"Are you all ready?!"

"Yes boss!"

"Fix your eyes on this!" Buggy said as he took out a small ball.

"This is the Buggy ball and I will show you the power of the great captain Buggy!" The pirates cheer while admiring the pirate.

With that he kicked, put the ball in a small cannon that was in his shoes and set it off and as this happened the ball set off before... "BOOOOOMMMM!"

The ball hit a boat completely destroying it which made Buggy laugh passing it off as if it was part of his plan but unknowingly to him this would be a bad thing as this boat was the one Rimuru and the others were using.


Soon Buggy received a visit.

"Buggy sir."

"Yes, what is it?"

"You have a visitor."

"Okay who is it?"

"It is the girl known as Rimuru she has returned saying she still had business with you from last time but we are stopping her from coming in as we are not sure if that is true sir."

"What sensei! What the heck are you waiting for? Let them in!" Buggy shouted angrily as he broke into multiple chopped pieces as he panicked and floated around; this was a side effect of his Bara Bara No Mi.

"Buggy watched as he saw Rimuru walk into the room. As he did he saw something very odd about him gaping like a fish out of water..."

End of chapter 11

Ik those chapters have been pretty boring but soon things will start to get fired up after the next arc when we get to Baratie.

1. Will Luffy successfully get Nami to join his crew?

2. Why does Nami hate pirates?

3. What did Buggy see to surprise him so much?

4. How strong is Buggy?

5. Would Zoro ever really get lost?