
Gravity training {1}

The food was ready, and ...I think Naruko and Hinata, underestimated exactly how...Saiyans eat....Gine and Goku both dug into the food like they were animals. Shiro was calmly eating at a normal pace ignoring them, Naruko and Hinata both looked at them in shock and...a bit of disgust.

For the record, when Shiro was here the last time, he was slowly teaching them how to eat politely, it was hard because they were stubborn, but they were slowly learning. Goku a lot faster than Gine because...well....Goku is only 2 and a half years old. He was only allowed to learn at this age because of the regeneration ability Shiro gave him, because of this, it doesn't matter how early he starts training, whatever causes him to stunt his growth, would heal instantly. The only reason why Goku progressed as fast as he did, was because of that, and the Saiyan's Zenkai boost ability.

"I don't understand why you're so shocked Naru-chan, " Shiro said to her, "I told you about all about the Saiyan's and there eating habits..."

"I know...." Naruko muttered, "But..it's still a different story actually seeing it in person."

Gohan and Shiro chuckled, "You'll get used to it, trust me, now eat up..."

"I think my apetite is gone now..."

"That's cool, " Shiro shrugged, "I just won't have sex with you for a month if you do not eat."

Naruko smirked, "You can't do that, you love me and my body way too much."

"Shiro swallowed.

Shit, she caught my bluff'

"Please Naru-chan..." Shiro pleaded, "You need the energy for what I am about to do to you...and before you even speak, I am not talking about sex, I am talking about training...more specifically gravity training."

Gine's and Naruko's eyes widened, while Goku smiled excitedly, Shiro smiled, Yes, he kind of abused the hell out of the atomic regeneration thing, don't blame him, he already threw off cannon, by giving him the ability to save his life, and since they bonded, and he now calls Goku his own son. So, he had to take responsibility.

Then, he was training him, there is no way he would have progressed this fast without the Regeneration ability.

"You are talking about the training that you gave me when we were traveling in space?" Gine asked just to clarify. Shiro nodded his head, Hinata looked confused, "I'm confused," she said, "What are you talking about?"

"It's a gravity chamber that's inside Shiro-kun's space ship," Naruko explained, "and apparently, it can reach infinite levels..."

"Yeah...and it is really awesome!" Goku jumped up with a grin, "Hey dad, are we really going to train in there again, I think I was close to mastering 2x normal gravity...."

Yep, abusing the hell out of atomic regeneration indeed, Gine tried to talk him out of it, but it wasn't until he told her of his worries for the future, that she reluctantly agreed. She was less worried because of this ability but still, it was her son, she had a right to be concerned, but it faded away in time, Shiro-kun knew what he was doing.

Shiro nodded, "Yes we are. and that's exactly what I'm talking about."

By the time Raditz comes along, my Son Goku, will be able to oneshot him with ease.

Hey, How was it? tell me what gravity level they all should struggle at If you like it? Comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, have a nice day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts