
The Strongest Supporting and Main Character in the Multiverse

Reading fan fiction has always been Shiro's passion but who would have thought that he'd get a second chance. Rise to the ashes if he must. Shiro will love his life to the fullest Fem. Naruto. Omnipresent Energy System. Not afraid to kill mc. A/N:Please read the Auxiliary chapters, I made them so you know what to expect when you read this story, I hope you enjoy my book, it is my first one.

Ken_Uzumaki · Anime & Comics
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234 Chs

Gravity Training {2}

A/N: correct me on my mistakes, in this chapter alright I am really confused at the gravity level they should be training in.


After the six of them had finished breakfast, 5 of them Goku, Gine, Shiro, Naruko, and Hinata, had both went outside.... it was then Shiro took out his Space ship from his inventory, and put it on the ground.

:hinata was a little surprised at the appearance, before they walked inside. Shiro guided them to the Gravity chamber..."

"Alright..." Shiro said with a smile, "this is a gravity chamber, it increases it from earth's normal gravity and never stops, no matter how high it gets."

He looked to Naruko and Hinata with a smile, "Naru-chan, hina-chan, do not be jealous or intimidated, if Gine and I reach a level far higher than all of you, it is because Gine and I had trained with the Gods before coming here, so we can withstand a lot, while Goku had been training for a while, he still struggles, but he is able to move and train as he please, so do not feel disheartened when you see goku have a easier time than you.."

Gine nodded at what he said and smiled.

Naruko and Hinata both had looks of understanding on their faces and nodded as well.

Shiro went to the controls, and pressed the up button on the gravity.... "Let's start with one..." Shiro increased the gravity level by one.

"Gah, Ugh!" Both Naruko and Hinata were now sprawled onto the ground, and they were breathing heavily trying to get up." It is understandable, Goku's power level was alot higher due to the Zenkai boost, and thanks to the Zenkai boost, he was able to master 2xd gravity level a lot faster than his counterpart,

Shiro nodded his head.. everyone's eyes widened when Naruko suddenly started to glow, her eyes and hair turned a firery yellow, as her eyes turned gold, six orbs shimmered into existance, and were floating beside her, she slowly started to stand in a squated position, she was panting heavily, and the sweat was beginning to form on, she looked extremely sexy... Hinata a few long moments after Naruko, slowly was able to get up as well. Both of them looked really good.

"Shiro nodded at her, "Nice, though no Ashura mode during this, I am surprised you have this, but that is cheating,"

Naruko could not believe what she's heard, "Cheating?! But-"

"No Buts..." he gave her a strong slap to her ass making her scream from the force and fall back to her knees, she groaned as she reverted to normal, a blush still on her cheeks from the slap. But she was stuck to the ground again.

"Come on Naruko-chan, " Hinata smiled at her, "You can do it."

Naruko took a long time, but it was shorter than Hinata because of her Uzumaki bloodline, she slowly managed to stand, she panted heavily, as much more sweat formed on her face her clothes were starting to stick to her body, due to how much sweat she was forming from her skin.

"Nice, Naru-chan..." Shiro grinned lustfully... Naruko rolled her eyes, though you could see a blush on her cheeks. "You actually did much better before." Shiro's lustful smile turned into a regular one, "from now one, we will move at this level, when you get used to this level, I will increase the gravity to the next level."

They nodded, Shiro turned towards Gine and Goku, "after their done training, Your next Son, followed by your mother..."

Goku nodded and grinned excitedly, while Gine smiled at him

So, how was it? If you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I.LOVE.POWERSTONES! Have a good day.

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