
The Strongest Pocket-Monster.

Wishing to be Reincarnated as a Master of Pokemons but instead got reincarnated as one, follow the life of Alex turned into a blissful tragedy to 'read' how he Adapts and Overcomes the Challenges posed by Legends themselves in his path. — A newbie as a author and I don't really know much about Pokemon world in detail, so excuse me if I make some mistakes. My English should be readable. At least, I won't gender-bend my characters by each paragraph, that I can assure. To be honest, I am writing this because I have spare time and a idea to what I would be writing, so there might be some cases where I miss the regular updates, or even, drop this story if readers don't like it. I mean, what would be the purpose to continue when nobody wants to read this, right? Just write "Drop" in the comment section to let me know.

infinite_glory · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs


Two days had passed ever since Scarlet had left the Cerulean City to Route 24, and right now she was closing in to reach Vermillion City without any hurries.

In this span of two days, the most her Pokemons had done was do training under Lexy's guidance and the good news was, Oddish had finally evolved into a elegant sleepy looking drooling Gloom. And with this evolution, she had finally achieved a Grass-Type Special move, Solar Beam.

At this stage, her "Solar Beam" wasn't very strong to knock out her opponent in a single attack, but against opponents with her Type advantage, she really did display dominance over them.

Alex was also very happy with this evolution, since there was a proper Grass-Type in their team now.

Everyone was progressing just fine, except for the little Ralts. Even so, Alex hadn't given up on her and was training his own Psychic-Type moves with her. Though, the truly challenging problem was that, after using a move for example "Confusion" once, Ralts wasn't able to use that same move again for a period of about an hour.

This was the effect of her condition "Cursed Body". Ralts was dejected that she alone wasn't making any progress, but seeing that Alex hadn't given up on her yet, gave her some hope and a lots of inspiration keeping trying harder.

"If we cannot deal with your condition, then I'll be training you into a Physical type, Ralts." Alex stated with a determined nod and flames erupting in his eyes.

Alex had decided. He'll make the little Ralts so strong that she won't have to use the same moves twice in a Battle. So from now onwards, he was focusing on increasing her base stats to beyond her limits, like how he had done to himself.

Alex wasn't the strongest Charmander when he had first arrived to this world, rather, it was the opposite. He was the tiniest and weakest Charmander around, so powerless, that Trainers ignored to take him along in their Journey, even if they easily found him in the Viridian forest. Or more like, Alex was helplessly searching for his destined one.

And the little Ralts kind of reminded Alex of himself from the past.

"We'll take a rest here for now." Scarlet stated as all of her Pokemons were done training for today, including Alex, who was working on his "Telekinesis" for the whole day.

And much to everybody's surprise, he really was able to use Psychic-Type moves like he had claimed. Which, had increased the amount of respect he gained from Gloom, Primeape and Ralts on a next level.

As for Onix, he was mostly scared of Alex at this point, but the trust was eventually building up. The most Onix got along was with Gloom, and was opening up to her as the time passed by. Maybe, this was because the both of them were very polite and mature in personality, at least compared to the likes of Primeape.

Primeape was kindhearted, but his only problem was that he liked to yell around and stayed angry all the time. The only few times that he was astoundingly calm was during the training hours with Alex, where he utilised his anger in imagination of the moves he was learning and in what ways to use them.

Scarlet laid out a camp for herself with a sleeping bag inside, while she prepared her food on a campfire outside. The reason, she was able to carry so many things because of the subspace tools that most trainers could easily buy from the Mart. These tools are similar in function to the Pokeballs, where they can store certain things to a storage limit and save the necessity to carry them around all the time, like a burden.

Scarlet had distributed the food to her Pokemons, and was cooking a instant steak and curry rice pack for herself.

Gloom and Onix were discussing about their training experience today, and Primeape was hungrily munching on his food. Where else, Ralts was with Alex, who had just brought back his dinner for tonight from a lake in deep forest.

Ralts was not disgusted by the scene of Alex eating another Pokemon as his meal, since she was accustomed to the rule of jungle for a while now. Though, she was always nervous whenever she saw this.

"Do you eat any Pokemon you find?" Ralts questioned innocently in doubt.

"Never tried a Ralts before." Alex teased with a grin and patted the little Ralts head, when he saw her scared for a moment there, "I was joking, Ralts. I only eat Bad Pokemon."

"What did this bad Magikarp do then?" Ralts looked at the Magikarp and then back at Alex.

"Well, this Magikarp was trying to eat a little Horsea who was separated from his group." Alex answered, "So, I caught this stupid Magikarp and decided to eat him instead."

"Oh.." Ralts understood and nodded in response. She wasn't carnivorous like Alex, so she didn't know how things like this worked.

"Want these Berries? they are tasty." Ralts offered some Raspberries from her portion.

"Hm.. Might as well spice up this Magikarp a little." Alex gratefully took the berries and crushed it's juice over the finely cooked Magikarp, "Tender and Juicy, just the way I prefer my fish." Alex nodded in satisfaction after taking a mouthful of bite.

Ralts giggled at seeing Alex behave childish and started eating her food as well.

'Lexy sure knows how to steal my adorable Ralts from me, hmph.' Scarlet gave him a sour eye as she saw the two interacting happily.

"More Food!" Primeape shouted as he came to her with a empty plate.

"Damn, you finished so much so quickly?" Scarlet sighed with a shake of her head, "Drink some water as well, otherwise you'll choke on your food."

"Don't teach me how to eat, Human!" Primeape shouted back as he demanded for more food. Although, he sounded very rude, Scarlet had long ago understood Primeape's behaviour and knew that he didn't mean anything bad to her. It was in his very nature to be Angry all the time.

Scarlet fed him his second and last round of meal, so she could make him shut up and eat quietly by herself.

'Being a Trainer is a tough life..' Scarlet thought to herself as she took a bite of the Curry rice, 'Now I understand what Dad had meant when he told me that it wasn't anything like imagining of travelling around the dreamy world. Maybe, that's also the reason why he eventually stopped being a trainer and took his responsibilities as the Champion of Kanto and Unova region.'

After the dinner, Scarlet called back everyone, except for Alex, in their Pokeballs to rest. Alex has been sleeping outside the Camp on his own violation, since he didn't wanted any wild Pokemon to attack Scarlet in search of food during the night time.

"Good night, Lexy." Scarlet said as she got into the small camp and zipped her sleeping bag, before going to sleep.

Alex had also eventually fallen asleep outside the camp, but then he was wide awake in the middle of night as he felt a presence nearby. No wild Pokemon would dare to approach his area, only those would who were seeking death.

But much to his surprise, this presence was familiar to him. He looked around the camp and finally found him levitating in the sky, "Mewtwo."

The said Pokemon landed on the ground in front him with a stern expression, "Alex." He greeted back.

"I didn't expect you to find you here."

"That's because I was the one who found you." Mewtwo deadpanned, making Alex feel a bit sheepish.

"So, any reason?" Alex asked, "Or were you just checking up on me?"

"Both." Mewtwo responded with a nod and glanced at the Camp, "I can't believe that you're still with that Human. Leave her alone and come with me, Humans are cruel beings who trap us in Pokeballs and make us do thier own biddings. With a strong partner like you by my side, I am sure that I would be able to overthrow these human and show them thier real place."

"Too paranoid.." Alex sighed as he had expected this coming from Mewtwo, "Look, Humans have done a lot for both this world and the Pokemons. And the Pokeball thing, its just so they can take us with them on their journey easily."

"They cage us." Mewtwo argued back with a disgusted scowl.

"Do I look caged?" Alex questioned with a raised brow, which had successfully made Mewtwo speechless for a few seconds.

"That's because your human knows that you can easily end her life if you want." Mewtwo argued back again.

"What if she's a kind Human, not like the bad ones?" Alex explained the positive meaning of his thoughts, "Look, I care about human kind, but that doesn't mean I have not killed the bad ones. A single being cannot represent its whole race. Do tell me, haven't you noticed how some species of Pokemon behave worse than humans? Hint: imagine the lifestyle of Beedrills and Spearows."

"You have brought me into a new light and I don't have a answer to your question, I am impressed." Mewtwo said with a faint smile, "As expected of my friend, you're very wise."

"Ah, you can drop the pleasantries." Alex waved off with a cheeky grin, but then he also remembered something, "Instead, how about you teach me some Psychic Moves?"

"Forgive me, friend." Mewtwo solemnly shook his head, "I don't know how my own powers work, they are like a natural instinct to me. It's like, I feel the Power dwelling inside me and I can use it control the things around me."

"That.. Helps a lot." Alex wanted to scream in joy as he finally solved the mystery to progress further, but decided not to celebrate right now as it would disturb Scarlet's sleep.

"You care a lot about that human." Mewtwo stated as he noticed Alex's intentions.

"Well, what can I say?" Alex shrugged as he didn't exactly have a answer to that, though he didn't notice, it wasn't either a question on Mewtwo's part as well.

"I'll see you around." Mewtwo decided that it was time for him to leave, "But before I leave, I want to give you this Egg. I found it in the cave that I now live in."

Alex stared at the egg as he carefully took it from Mewtwo, "Well, guess I'll take care of this Egg then."

"I know you will." Mewtwo nodded confidently.

"This isn't yours, is it?" Alex questioned, making Mewtwo literally trip down on the ground.

"Wh-What the hell are you saying!" Mewtwo angrily stood up with a bashful expression, "I just found it idly laying in the Cave! The environment was cold inside for it to mature properly, that's why I brought this to you!"

"Fine, fine. I was just joking." Alex patted his back with a small laugh, "Take care, and don't harm Humans, okay?"

"Only if they don't give me a reason to." Mewtwo nodded in assurance and vanished from the place by using "Teleport".

"This isn't a Lucky egg.." Alex gave the Egg a bored look, "Whatever." He laid back on the ground beside the camp and carefully wrapped himself around the Egg, so he could provide it enough heat to hatch soon.

Where's my cookie?!

infinite_glorycreators' thoughts