
The Strongest Pocket-Monster.

Wishing to be Reincarnated as a Master of Pokemons but instead got reincarnated as one, follow the life of Alex turned into a blissful tragedy to 'read' how he Adapts and Overcomes the Challenges posed by Legends themselves in his path. — A newbie as a author and I don't really know much about Pokemon world in detail, so excuse me if I make some mistakes. My English should be readable. At least, I won't gender-bend my characters by each paragraph, that I can assure. To be honest, I am writing this because I have spare time and a idea to what I would be writing, so there might be some cases where I miss the regular updates, or even, drop this story if readers don't like it. I mean, what would be the purpose to continue when nobody wants to read this, right? Just write "Drop" in the comment section to let me know.

infinite_glory · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


The next day, Scarlet didn't know what was happening or where the egg on Alex had come from, but she was very astounded to see him "Meditate" with Ralts instead of doing workout in their training session.

"We'll focus on the energy that surrounds us, one that helps us control our powers and make many moves possible." Alex explained to Ralts with his eyes closed, while the both were sitting in a lotus posture besides one another.

"Ralts will try." Ralts nodded in understanding and closed her eyes to do the same. She knew what Energy is, so focusing on it wasn't a problem for her. But, it was also the first time she was doing this.

Alex had realised that using Psychic powers was very different than his Fire Elemental, he had confused both to be the same. But with Mewtwo's answer last night, he had come to realise that Psychic Powers rely on his instincts as well, it just depends on how sharp his instincts are on controlling the particular energy.

Alex knew that this should be a simple task for Ralts, who was a natural Psychic Type Pokemon. But for him who relied on his Fire Elemental all the time, shifting Energies in his body and using them together was a lot harder. He needed to Focus, and the meditation started showing him results by the second hour.

[You've gained a new skill: Focus Energy. The move increases your power depending on your state of mind, or how long you're focusing on that energy. Focus Energy can be used midst battle, but it will also leave you vulnerable for a certain period of time.

Rewards: 2x Energy potion.]

'Helps a lot.' Alex thought as went through the details of his new skill. He noticed that Ralts had learnt this move as well, when he saw her unknowingly using "Focus Energy" in her meditation.

Alex cracked his stiff shoulders and got up, taking everybody's attention around him, "Time for some actual workout." He left Ralts to continue because she seemed too engrossed in her medication.

From there, Alex gave Scarlet his egg and informed her that he was going into the forest. Once in the deeper part of the forest, he freely used his "Telekinesis" on the trees around him and simultaneously plucked them out of their roots.

Even if Alex had not Mastered his Psychic abilities yet, it didn't change the fact that his stats affect his moves on a greater degree. After all, it was the basic for every Pokemon, the more thier Stats are, the more powerful their Moves would be.

For example, if a Pokemon with level one stats was to know a powerful move like "Ancient Power", it would be totally be wasted on him. The same applies for moves like "Seismic Toss" and "Thunder Ball", which depend on the stats of Pokemon to deal damage.

Alex saw that he had overdone to what he was intending to do, he only wanted a few trees to use them for Primeape's practice dummy and campfire, but there now laid over a dozen of trees around him.

'Wait, let me try if this works..' Alex thought as he looked at the extra trees and again used "Telekinesis" on them, but with a extra twist this time. With his Psychic ability in control, Alex focused on his Fire, and almost immediately, the extra trees that were under his control started burning in fire.

Seeing this, a wild, excited and devious grin rose on Alex's face. He wanted to try this ability more, and now, he wanted to Master his "Telekinesis" to be able to manipulate a storm of fire on his own commands.

Don't misunderstand, he knew how to rage a "Firestorm", but this was different. The precise control and ability to conjure Fire without making any contact, was making Alex's heart pound faster in excitement.

Soon enough, he broke into a loud fiendish laughter with his roar echoing into the whole Forest. His surroundings were on fire, and for him, it was a beautiful sight to behold.


"Guess the spoilsport is here." Alex groaned and started retracting the fire from his surrounding. As much as the scene was beautiful, it wasn't worth to put the entire Forest on fire and risk the lives of Pokemons living here.

"What was that just now?" Scarlet demanded for a answer by squinting her eyes in suspicion.

Instead, she was casually ignored by Alex, who picked up the trunks of unburnt Trees and started going towards their camp. "Come on now, what are you waiting for?"

"A answer." Scarlet glared at him frustratingly, "You can't just ignore me all the time as if I don't matter!"

Alex noticed the tears welling up in the corner of her eyes and realised that he must've hurt her feelings earlier, "I wanted to surprise you."

"Oh, really?" She sniffed and glanced around, "This is your surprise, putting the forest in a great fire when I am not around?"

"I was working on a new move that I discovered a moment ago." Alex explained by fully turning at her, "Don't be so childish, I thought you're more mature than that!"

"I am mature!" Scarlet stomped her foot in frustration, "I just don't like you ignoring me like I don't matter to you! And I know that it's the truth, I really don't matter to you, Alex!"

"Probably, you're right.." Alex mumbled in agreement with a serious expression, "Do whatever you want-"

"I know the cliche, you're not leaving." Scarlet sighed by giving up on the act and called him back in his Pokeball, "Now who is going to lift these?" She looked at the trees that had fallen down when she recalled Alex in his Pokeball.

"Maybe I'll call Onix to get them later." She casually shrugged and went back to the camp.

"Bitch.." Alex groaned inside his Pokeball, "Drama Queen, annoying brat!" He could get out of the Pokeball if he wanted, but he knew that Scarlet was just acting earlier and had went on her toes when she saw him getting serious.

But as if he was going to get fooled by her acting! The girl was too smart for her own good, she was manipulative at times, greedy indeed, and very ambitious. She was so good at acting that she could fake tears with a straight face. Alex knew all about her, but still, he almost got fooled back there.


Once Alex was back in his Pokeball and resting, Scarlet was approached by a travelling Pokemon trainer near her campsite, he was heading back from the Vermillion City.

And after a few informative exchanges with him regarding the Vermillion City Gym, Scarlet was glad that Alex was in his Pokeball for once, because she got a chance to fairly battle him on her own.

The Battle was going to include two of their Pokemons, and they can only switch their Pokemon once in the fight.

While Scarlet really wanted to use Ralts in this battle, she could imagine what would happen if Alex comes to know about this. Not to mention, if Ralts got injured in the fight because of her recklessness. So, Scarlet went with the basics and decided send Gloom.

"This is our Terrain, Gloom, you can do this!" Scarlet cheered.


"Well, nice choice. Didn't expect you to have a evolved Pokemon, maybe you stand a chance against Surge, after all." Dan, her opponent stated with a haughty smirk, "Go, Machop!"

Scarlet gave a bored look to his choice, 'No wonder he lost in the Vermillion Gym.' she sighed, "Well, let's end this Battle, Go spam Mega Drain on him, Gloom!"

"Mega Drain?!" Dan was startled, "That's a very strong move!"

'Good thing Lexy is not here, the boy would've pissed his pants otherwise.' Scarlet maintained a casual smile as she thought disappointedly, 'Now that I think about it, isn't Lexy too strong?'

"You're doing great, Gloom! Beat the crap out of him!" Primeape cheered angrily as he saw the battle.

"She's strong." Onix sagely nodded his head.

"Machop, come back!" Dan hurriedly called the fainted Machop back in his Pokeball, and then glared at Scarlet, "Y-You, How were you able to collect so many strong Pokemons?! Even this Gloom of yours is a Monster, just how can a normal Gloom use 6 Mega Drains in a row?!"

"I give up!" Dan cried helplessly, "You're cheating!" He was about to run away, but Scarlet caught him on time and deviously grinned at him.

"Pay up, then leave wherever you want." Scarlet said with her Pokemons in the view behind her.

"Y-You're a thug.. I'll report you to officer Jenny!" Dan paid up for his defeat and ran away with his belongings.

"Hmph, what a sore loser." Scarlet scoffed in disgust and called out Alex from his Pokeball, "Time for dinner, guys. Primeape, help me set up the Camp fire please."

"You." Alex groaned and caught Scarlet from the back of her collar. He raised her up and brought her to his face level, "Send me again in my Pokeball against my own violation and you'll face severe consequences."

"Ralts!" Scarlet shouted to the little Pokemon, "Come here, Alex wants to talk with you!"

"Tch." Alex dropped her off and went to Ralts who was coming towards him, "How was your meditation today, Ralts?"

"Ralts feels very good after doing the Meditation thing!" Ralts answered happily and climbed up on his shoulder, "Ralts also took care of the Egg when you were away!"

"Ralts is kind." Alex nudged his finger against her face, "I'll teach a lot about Focusing energy tomorrow onwards, okay?"

"Ralts can only wait!" The little adorable thing cheered merrily.

"Lexy! Help me fire the woods!" Scarlet yelled from the campsite as she gave him a jealous glare.

'I forgot she's still here.' Alex gave her a bored look and proceeded to use his flames for a lame job.

For the next two days, the routine was simple, Work out, Meditate, Battle— Repeat. Though on the second day, they had stayed in a Pokemon researcher's light house near the shore.

Where else, Bill, the Pokemon researcher was more than glad to proceed his study with the help of Alex. He was the second Giant sized Pokemon he had come across in his lifetime, but this one was very up close and actually more responsive than the first one.

And after their stay at his Light house, Scarlet had finally reached the Vermillion City by the night time, where she was on a sorrow mood after seeing so many Pokemons injured in the Pokemon centre.

"Who did this?" Scarlet asked Nurse Joy, who was taking a badly hurt oddish to the treatment room.

"It's Surge, the Gym leader of Vermillion City." Nurse Joy replied seriously, "And please don't disturb, I have a lot of Pokemons to treat."

"Guess this might be a challenging Gym for us." Scarlet thought aloud to herself, since her partner currently was resting in his Pokeball.

"Whatever." Scarlet yawned lazily as she was tired from the trip, 'I can discuss our plans tomorrow. But First, I should get a Incubator from the Chansey and lodge myself a room to spend the night.'

"Scarlet... Is that you?"

Scarlet turned to the oddly familiar voice and saw the annoying pipsqueak from her Town, "Ash." She greeted by giving him a bored look, "Does this means that you're still in the Vermillion City when you had left more than month earlier before me?"

Ash and her were just acquaintance because of them being in the same age group, and studying in the same Pokemon trainers school a few years in the past. Scarlet could see that Ash had companions with him, just like she had Alex for herself.

"Hm.. So it was true, you did get a Pikachu as your Starter." Scarlet said as she saw the Pikachu staring at her from Ash's shoulder, "And who are they?"

"Meet Brock and Misty, they're traveling with me through the Kanto region." Ash replied as he introduced his friends to her, "Though, beware of Misty, she's a bit annoying at times."

"What did you say, you brat?!" Misty yelled angrily and slapped on the back of Ash's head. She then looked at Scarlet and greeted her with a polite smile, "Hello, I am Misty from Cerulean City."

"Actually, I know you both, I guess." Scarlet said as she gave them a awkward look, "I met your sisters and got the Cascade Badge a week ago, as for him, I defeated the old man Flint and got the Boulder Badge."

"You defeated that sick fool dad of mine?!" Brock was astounded at the news, "Wait a second, this means that the council assigned him as the new Gym leader!"

"Yeah, whatever." Scarlet shrugged casually as this wasn't any of her business, "I'll take my leave."

"Beware of Surge, don't take him lightly." Ash warned seriously, making Scarlet halt in her steps.

She looked back at him with a mocking smirk, "I see that someone has lost pretty badly." She snorted at his pitiful and miserable look, "Thanks for the warning, even if I don't need it anyways. I'll get my third Badge by tomorrow."

"I am challenging Surge tomorrow as well." Ash glared at her with a challenging stare, "So we'll see who gets the crap beaten out of themselves."

Scarlet glared at him for the last time, until she decided that Ash wasn't worth her attention and left the vicinity to the lodging area in the Pokemon centre.

I missed the update yesterday, happens.. I guess.

And yeah, Ash was very slow in his journey and there are many unexplained things in the anime, so expect a few changes here and there.

I am not the most knowledgeable about the Pokemon world, but I am trying to know as much through the fandom page.

infinite_glorycreators' thoughts